GCBO Bird of the Month

Yellow-headed Blackbird

by Mike Williams


The Yellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) was first described by Charles Lucien Bonaparte in 1825. It is the only member of the genus Xanthocephalus and is monotyp-ic, (no subspecies). In summer it can be found over most of central and western US and Canada, wintering in the extreme SW US and central and Western Mexico.

In breeding season found in or near wetlands with prairies close by. They especially like areas with Quaking Aspen. In migration and on wintering grounds farmlands and other rural areas are preferred but they are always close to marshland and other water where they roost in large flocks. 

Breeding season is short and runs from May to June with only one brood being laid. The nest is a deep woven basket in reeds or other wetland vegetation in which 3 to 5 gray-green eggs are laid. Incubation is 11-13 days and carried out solely by the female. The chicks fledge 2 weeks later. 

Yellow-headed Blackbirds eat both plant and animal material. Plant material is usually found by foraging on or near the ground but insects, (notably dragon and damsel flies), are often caught midair. During the breeding season, they consume mostly aquatic insects. Post breeding, they often forage in large flocks sometimes with other Icterid, (blackbird), species.



Yellow-headed Blackbirds are blackbirds with a dark body and a distinctive yellow head and upper breast. The area around the eye is black and it has a gray down curved bill. The rest of the body is black but there is a white area on the wings in the primary coverts. Females are more subdued with brownish body and muted yellow/brown face and upper breast.

Yellow-headed Blackbird song is a mix of raspy notes and buzzes, its call being a crow-like croak.


Interesting Facts:

·      Male Yellow-headed Blackbirds often breed with multiple females and have been known to have up to eight partners each breeding season.

·      In Winter they form “rolling” flocks with the birds at the back continually moving to the front as the flock moves forward

·      A group of blackbirds is known as a Merl, a Cloud or a Cluster.

To download Mike Williams's photo of this cool bird, click HERE

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