Happy All Saints' Day!
This is one of my favorite days of the year, because it brings the reminder that we all are called to holiness--and have the opportunity (and challenge) of being Christ to all those with whom we interact each day. Yep, that colleague who monopolizes your weekly team meeting with stories that were funny the first time, but not the 100th. Yep, that friend who is never on time for anything. Yep, that family member who always forgets your birthday. We can offer grace to each of them--and recognize Christ in them.
I have a lot of go-to saints--Maria Goretti and Josephine Bakhita when I need to forgive people, Faustina when I struggle with obedience, for example. Right now, I'm turning to Hildegard of Bingen, who lived to be eighty-one and who was a renaissance woman way before the Renaissance (she died in 1179). She was an abbess, a composer, a playwright, philosopher, and botanical expert. I love listening to her chants, and will be revisiting a collection of her writings this month in preparation for my post-retirement journey.