I grew up with Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope.  Now there is no Jobs, no Cash and no Hope.  Please don't let anything happen to Kevin Bacon.

Congratulations to the following for progressing up the ACBL ladder:

Junior Master
Tamara S Stine

Club Masters
John W Erno
Catherine E Macfarlane

Sectional Masters
Marilyn M Gillespie
Frank Kempf
Ann P Leonard

Regional Masters
Pamela J Meyer
Thomas R Neiper
Donna L Turpack
Jacqueline P Wissler

NABC Master
Charlene B Priar  

Advanced NABC Master
Nancy J Hershey

Bronze Life Masters 
Michael P Mendelson
John E Nimitz

Gold Life Master
Mr Jack Hund   
South Central PA continues to host virtual games; see the website bridgeboardroom.com for a complete virtual schedule. Special NAP games are scheduled for August 1-14. Just a quick reminder, August is the last month to qualify for NAP advancement.

White Rose bridge club is running workshops all about playing online. Tuesday 8/2 and 8/9. 9:30-11:30am. Learn all aspects of online play. Go to whiterosebridgeclub.com for more info.

Points to ponder:
  • Playing RKC you have the following auction: 1S  - 2NT - 3S - 4NT  -5H - 5NT.  How does partner respond if they have the king of clubs and the king of hearts?  Do they bid their cheapest king or do they show their number of kings?  Make sure you and your partner are in agreement. While you are at it, make sure you discuss whether the queen ask is in effect.
  • I came. I saw. I forgot what I was doing. Retraced my steps. Got lost on the way back. Now I have no idea what's going on.