Crews will be on-site Monday, August 22, through Friday, August 26, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Crews will begin utility work on Sears Lane between Kaigle’s Service Center and 40 Sears Lane. Over the next several weeks, crews will excavate and install sewer and water pipes, power and communications conduit, and utility sleeves. Crews will then install the roadway subbase in preparation for paving. This work will require lane closures with one-way alternating traffic between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Crews will continue work on the stormwater detention pond including installing the inlet structure and associated stormwater infrastructure leading from the detention pond towards Flynn Avenue. Crews will begin construction of the embankment for the Englesby Brook box culvert. Ground improvements will continue through the area creating noticeable vibrations.
Crews will continue excavating the roadway alignment for the Champlain Parkway east of Briggs Street within the City’s Right of Way starting at Flynn Avenue and working towards the south. No roadway alignment work will be completed at the intersecting side streets (Ferguson Avenue, Lyman Avenue, and Morse Place) next week.