Greetings, RMCC!

Rev. Elder Troy has asked me to use this week’s Mobilizer to introduce myself. I joined the RMCC staff on April 1 as the Director of Operations. Accepting this position is proving to be a real honor and enhancer to my career.

My professional background has been focused on Information Technology and Project Management. I also have experience in the areas of Worship Arts, having sung in, or led, a few praise teams, and I have been a member of a church Advisory Board. Additionally, I have been a part-time barber for 20+ years. All of these roles have enabled me to work with teams and people of varying backgrounds and skill sets.

The responsibilities of the DOO position center on campus operations, including event rentals and leases, managing maintenance projects, and handling the accounting, banking, insurance, and permitting needs of the church. My office hours and contact information are:

Monday – Thursday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sunday: Noon – 1:00 pm

I would also like to introduce you to Monique Hall, who joined our team as a part-time Administrative Assistant on August 1. Besides performing general administrative tasks, Monique will be the point of contact for event rental contracts and will be a liaison with our Campus Care team. Please join me in welcoming Monique to her new role. Monique says, “I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve in ministry with you. Love does win.”

Monique’s office hours are,

Wednesday - Friday: 10:00 am -2:00 pm
Saturday: Noon – 4:00 pm
Sun: 9:00 am -11:00 am and 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

“How can I say that I love the Lord,
Whom I’ve never ever seen before
And forget to say that I love the one,
Whom I walk beside each and every day
How can I look upon your face
And ignore God’s love
You I must embrace
You’re my brother you’re my sister
And I love you with the love of the Lord”

- by V. Michael McKay


Terry Zenn
Director of Operations
Wednesday Night Fellowship Group
Weekly discussions regarding the current tensions in the United States surrounding Social Justice issues. We all stand at a crossroad at this moment in time, we have three choices: 1) 'quit a road that is going somewhere we don't want to go, 2) surrender to the forces of resistance that obstruct our every step toward wholeness, and 3) go steadfastly on, even if we are not sure what we will find at the end of it. Courage is a brave choice; life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.

The prophets had a choice, and so do we. 

Join Rev. Vicki Sheil-Hopper on
Wednesday Evenings 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm on Zoom

Campus Care Day
Campus Care Day is every 3rd Saturday of the month from 7 am - 10 am (Summer hours). 
Meet up will be in the Gathering Place.

When you arrive you'll have an opportunity to choose from a variety of indoor and outdoor tasks that vary each month. Projects like landscaping, gardening, painting, and maintaining are frequently offered.

Owls Virtual Meeting August 26th (4th Friday),
7:30 - 9:30 pm

Friday Night Out 45 South

Join us for delicious food, fellowship, and fun with the 45-South FNO Group!
September 9, 2022, at Demassis
19443 Gulf Freeway, Webster. 7-9 pm

Gala picture information
If you had photographer photos taken at the 50th Anniversary Gala, please see or email Georgette Monaghan at She has them!
You'll never know what you're missing until you do it! We have a place for you in our volunteer ministries. What are you good at? What makes you happy? Do you have a skill or talent that will benefit others? Visit our Connect page on the website and learn more about our volunteer opportunities and how to join us!

Brunch Buddies follows the Sunday Service at 12:30 PM at Pho Ben located at
935 North Shepherd Drive. Check the Menu HERE.
Virtual Brunch Buddies will continue to gather on Zoom each Sunday at 12:30 pm! Prepare a snack, meal, or just grab a drink, and connect online with your family of faith! Join us on Zoom at Questions? Email
Daily Devotional
Deep and Wide Daily Devotionals is by Resurrection MCC family member and author, Dr. Larry Ponder, who provides us with a year's worth of inspiring messages of God's inclusive love. Each daily meditation explores how we can live our personal goals of love in action - meant to be shared. Want to know more? Watch Dr. Larry's YouTube video HERE. There are books available in the Resurrection book store.

Join our Facebook Group to receive these daily devotional feeds.
Joining a choir is like getting a caged bird to sing! You know you love to sing, but worry if you are good enough to sing in a church choir. God thinks so, and so do we! Our choirs and musical groups are more than singing songs. We build deep friendships and a network of others that love doing what you love doing. Join us!

Sanctuary Choir - Traditional church music, more secular and familiar.

Gospel Ensemble - Woven with Gospel music and traditional African themes

Resurrection Choir - Combines modern and traditional music, and sacred genres, combining membership from both Sanctuary Choir and Gospel Ensemble

Tuesday evenings 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm for Sanctuary Choir and Gospel Ensemble,
and 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm for Resurrection Choir.

Choirs alternate weekend service performances.

For Dance, Theater, and other performance-based ministries, reach out directly to Cassandra White via email.

Contact Cassandra White, Worship Arts Coordinator HERE for more information.
Cold Drinks, a Snack, Books, and More!

The bookstore is open before and after each Sunday church service. Our books are carefully curated to fuel your spirit.
Come on in and say hello. We are happy to have you.
Amazing things happen when we pray for one another in times of grief and celebrate together in times of joy. Send Requests online here: COMPLETE ONLINE FORM or by texting the word RMCCPRAY to 97000. We hope this electronic method will make it quick and easy to communicate the struggles and triumphs you are experiencing in a way that can provide our Pastoral Care Ministers with the information they need to support and encourage you along your journey. The form allows you to provide your name, contact information, the information about your prayer request or celebration, as well as an easy way to request a contact from a Pastoral Care Minister (only if you indicate you'd like a contact). Based on your preferences we can communicate by text, phone, video chat, or even in-person visits when necessary. We want to hear from you!
Weekday Devotional and Prayer is held every weekday at Noon on Zoom. During these virtual gatherings, we participate in a daily devotional, scripture readings, prayer, and a time to check-in with our church family. Click HERE to launch Zoom at Noon on weekdays.
If you haven't downloaded the church app, it's important that you do! Each time you attend a service in person or virtually, please CHECK IN so we know you were here. Using the church app is easy! You can find detailed instructions here. We hope you will download it and stay connected!
Pride Charities, our partner agency which operates the food pantry at Resurrection MCC, relies on donations and financial support for the food needed to help the 175 families we assist each month. Please consider picking up a few extra extra bags of rice, beans, cereal, Vienna sausages, canned chicken, canned spam/lunch loaf, canned corn, canned green beans, canned peas, or any of the items found on this list. We are now accepting clothes at this time. To keep you, our volunteers, and our community safe, please place your donations in your trunk or back seat, pull up outside the pantry, stay in your vehicle, and our volunteers will remove the items from your vehicle. Volunteers will also be working inside the Clothes Closet this Saturday from 9 - Noon If you'd like to help sort, hang, and organize clothes, please be sure to wear a face mask. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided to you.
Text Giving is a great way to give electronically. The first time you'd like to give in this way, just text the word GIVE to 281-346-9444. You'll receive a text back asking for the amount of your donation. After you've entered that, you'll receive a link to provide your name, email address, as well as your debit/credit card or bank account information. That's it! And the next time you'd like to give, all you need to do is text a dollar amount to that same phone number, hit send, and you're done! If you'd like to contribute to a special fund, send a text with the words GIVE LIST to 281-346-9444 and you'll receive a reply asking how much you'd like to give, and then another text asking to which of our special funds you'd like your donation applied (i.e. General Gifts & Tithes, Foundation First Activities Building Fund, Texas Winter Storm Relief, Pride Charities Food Pantry, La Casa de Todos).
Narcotics Anonymous is every Tuesday at 7:00 pm on our campus as well as on Zoom. This Twelve Step recovery program offers hope and freedom from active addiction in a safe space for the LGBTQ community. This support group meets regularly in order to help one another learn a new way of life through sharing experiences, strength, and hope. All are welcome to come and learn more. For more information, please contact Patrick at 281-908-9729.

Narcóticos Anónimos (en español) es todos los miércoles a partir de las 8:00 pm en la Capilla Resurrection MCC. Asegúrese de usar una máscara cuando esté en el campus de la iglesia. Es un grupo de recuperación de 12 pasos que ofrece esperanza y libertad de la adicción activa en un lugar seguro para las personas LGBT. Estos grupos se unen para ayudarse mutuamente a aprender una nueva forma de vida, compartiendo su experiencia de fortaleza y esperanza.

re:MIND Depression & Bipolar Support Groups in-person meetings are now on Fridays at 12:00 pm in the Chapel. Online meetings are available at Click ‘Not Yet a Member’ and set up a free user account. Find a meeting and click ‘Register’ to sign up. Please note: If all spots are filled, click ‘Join the Waitlist’. You will receive an email reminder the day before and 15 minutes before your scheduled meeting. Please confirm or cancel. Meeting dates will be updated monthly. If you need assistance signing up please call (888) 799-0907 ext. 2 or email Spaces are limited so sign up today! Spanish Support Groups are available here.

Overeater’s Anonymous meets Saturdays at 9:30 am in the Chapel and will still offer the zoom meeting on Saturdays at 9:30 am on Zoom. Meeting ID: 402 391 084, Password: 176233. Phone in option (use same Meeting ID as above): +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston).
Toastmasters is every Monday, from 6:30 - 8 pm online on Zoom. Impress your clients, your boss, or even a potential employer during your next job interview. Speak with confidence in one-on-one situations and in presentations for groups of 20 to over 200. Surprise yourself by becoming a member of Toastmasters and see how your personal goals will come true. With Toastmasters you will learn by doing as you improve your public speaking skills in a super supportive environment. Join us for our very own Toastmaster Club right here at Resurrection MCC. Contact Horacio Rodriguez at 954-662-4926 or for details.