Our Social Studies Capstone Fair was a huge success! Our talented students did a wonderful job creating and presenting their projects. | |
Upcoming Events at St. Peter Lutheran | |
March 1: 5:00pm Worship Service
March 2: 9:30am Worship Service
March 2: 10:45am Special Voters' Meeting
March 3-6: Book Fair at School
March 3: Spirit Day - Hat Day
March 5: 8:05am Chapel - Pastor Morris
March 5: 6:30pm Ash Wednesday Worship Service (Lent Begins) - Seraphim Choir Sings (grades 5-8)
March 6: 4:30pm 2nd-4th Grade Basketball Games (girls play first)
March 7: 3rd Grade Spirit Day - Black Out Day
March 7: 5:00pm Worship Service
March 8: Daylight Savings Time (set clocks ahead 1 hour!)
March 8: 9:30am Worship Service
March 12: 6:30pm Lenten Worship
March 13: Half Day of School (11:03am dismissal - no bussing at dismissal)
March 13: Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 14: No School - Child Care Available
March 14: 3:30-7:00pm St. Peter Men's Club Annual Fish Fry (more info below)
March 24-28: Spring Break - Child Care Available
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Redeemed: We will be entering into the season of Lent this Wednesday as it will be Ash Wednesday. During the holy Lenten season, we remember all that our Lord has done for us and especially consider His humanity-His real body, with real body parts that perform all the real functions of a human body. He lived in the same sinful world that we live in with flesh just like ours, though unspoiled by sin. He paid the penalty of our sins so that we can have the forgiveness of sins and life eternal with Him forever. We confess this Lent that Jesus, with His body, "has redeemed me, a lost and condemned person, purchased and won me from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil; not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death" (Luther's explanation of the Second Article of the Apostle's Creed). May God bless our Lenten journey as we focus on our crucified, resurrected and returning Savior, Jesus Christ, the One who has redeemed us.
Call Received: Mrs. Kelley Fehn received a call from Peace Lutheran Church & School in Saginaw, MI. Please keep Mrs. Fehn in your prayers as she deliberates this call and her current call to St. Peter. May the Holy Spirit guide her in her decision.
Ash Wednesday Worship: Our Lenten season will begin this Wednesday, March 5, with our Ash Wednesday service starting at 6:30pm.
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Serving in Worship: The Seraphim choir (grades 5-8) will be singing in church on Wednesday, March 5 for the Ash Wednesday Worship Service. Please have your child(ren) in the music room, ready to warm up at 6:10pm.
Special Voters' Meeting: There will be a special Voters' Meeting this Sunday, March 2 following the 9:30am worship service. At this meeting, the congregation will decide upon extending a call to a teacher for our 5th grade teaching position for next school year.
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St. Peter Chapel Offerings | |
Third Quarter Chapel Offerings: In 2024, MOST mission teams served in 9 countries where they have distributed over 6,300 eyeglasses, 85 water filters - and impacted the lives of over 6,600 people by sharing the Gospel! Thank you for your continued chapel offerings that are going to support MOST Ministries.
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Lunch Menu for the Week of March 3:
Monday, March 3: Homemade Macaroni & Cheese, Broccoli and Diced Peaches.
Tuesday, March 4: Hot Dog on a Bun, Baked Beans and Applesauce.
Wednesday, March 5: Cheese Quesadilla, Refried Beans and Diced Pears.
Thursday, March 6: Bosco Sticks w/Pizza Sauce, Green Beans and Mandarin Oranges.
Friday, March 7: Walking Tacos, Fresh Cucumbers and Mixed Fruit.
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Spectacular Students & Teachers | |
Social Studies Capstone Fair: Thank you to our students for doing a terrific job on their Capstone Fair projects. They did a great job presenting these on Wednesday. Thank you to all of our teachers for organizing this event for our students. Thank you to all who attended! | |
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus: The kindergarteners and 1st graders were able to go to the Temple Theatre today to see Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! The Musical! They had a great time. | |
March is Reading Month! The month of March will be filled with lots of reading, fun activities and spirit days for all grades. Our reading month theme is "Dr. Seuss". During the month, here are our spirit days:
- March 3: Hat Day - Wear your favorite hat
- March 7: 3rd Grade Spirit Day: Black Out Day (wear black)
- March 13: Animal Print Day: Wear Clothing with Animal Prints
- March 17: Green Day!
- March 18: Crazy Sock Day: Wear Crazy Socks
- March 20: Theme Shirt Thursday
- March 21: Wear as Many Colors as You Can
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Book Fair Details: We will be having a live book fair to celebrate our March Reading Month! Parents will be able to browse the selection and purchase books during these times:
Monday, March 3 from 2:40-3:10pm.
Tuesday, March 4 from 7:30-8:30am and 2:40-3:10pm
Wednesday, March 5 from 7:30-8:30am and 2:40-3:10pm
Thursday, March 6 from 7:30-8:30am and 2:40-3:10pm
Students will also be able to view and purchase books throughout the school day. To look online and/or place an order, click the button below.
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St. Peter PTL: Parent Tip Line | |
PTL Tips of the Week: We will continue to use tips from the book Simple Habits for Effective Parenting by Randall Schroeder which is a great resource. One section of the book emphasized how giving children responsibilities encourages confidence. "When you give your child responsibilities, he or she certainly sees that as an indication you believe he or she is capable in handling tasks that you ask him or her to fulfill. Completing responsibilities will be one factor in leading your child to an autonomous, competent life."
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St. Peter Men's Club Annual Fish Fry: The St. Peter Men's Club will be hosting their annual fish fry in the school gym on Friday, March 14 from 3:30 - 7:00pm for dine in and 3:30-6:00pm for take out. The sit down meal will be all you can eat. Adult meals are $17, Kids ages 6-12 are $8 and 5 years and under are free.
Spring Break Child Care: The sign-up for child care during our Spring Break is open. Spring Break will be March 24-28. You MUST sign up before March 15 in order to secure care. If you sign up and need to cancel, this must also be done before March 15. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Fehn.
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3rd Grade Spirit Day: For their Spirit Day on Friday, March 7, the 3rd grade class has chosen Black Out Day. Wear all black from head to toe! The lunch for the day will be Walking Tacos, Fresh Cucumbers, Mixed Fruit and an Ice Cream Sandwich for dessert.
No School: There will not be school on March 14. Child care will be available to those who contact Mrs. Fehn by Monday, March 10. Thank you for helping us to staff appropriately.
Thank You: Thank you to Mrs. Pamela Hales, Mrs. Rachel Van Strydonk, Mrs. Jenn Starke and Mrs. Jennifer Garza for making popcorn for our Theme Shirt Thursday this week. It was a hit as usual!
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Parent/Teacher Conferences | |
Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conferences will take place on Thursday, March 13, in the afternoon and early evening for all parents with Preschool-8th grade students. Students in grades 5-8 are encouraged to attend these conferences with their parents, and younger students are discouraged from attending. Children cannot be left unsupervised in the hallways during conferences. Thank you for your help. In order to sign up for a PS-4th grade conference, follow the same procedures that we had in the fall:
1. Log into your FACTS Family Portal.
2. Go to the calendar tab on the left.
3. Click on the My Classrooms tab on the top.
4. Go to March 13, 2025 in the calendar.
5. Your child's conference sign up is there. If you have multiple children in different grades, there will be multiple sign ups. You will need to sign up for each child. Please note: If you select a 2:00pm appointment for one child, that time slot will not be blocked out on the other sign up. Additionally, if you have 2 children in one class, please contact the school office to block out a time for the second child's conference.
6. All conference time slots are 15 minutes. Thank you for helping us stay on schedule for the day by limiting your conference to 15 minutes.
7. The last time slot is scheduled for 6:15pm-6:30pm.
8. We will have a half-day of school on March 13 (child care is available in the afternoon). There is no school on March 14, but there will also be child care on this day for those who have scheduled in advance with Mrs. Fehn.
5th-8th Grade Parents: In order for parents to meet with their child's teachers (homeroom and non-homeroom teachers) Mrs. Hagenow, Mr. Neumeyer, and Mr. Hagenow will be available from 2:00-6:15pm. These conferences will be unscheduled as drop-in appointments. This will enable parents to meet with multiple teachers.
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Congratulations Lawson: Congratulations to Lawson Harry for winning the 17 & Under Free Throw Competition at the Gus Macker in Mount Pleasant. He went 16 for 16 to win, and also received $250! Great job, Lawson!
2nd-4th Grade Basketball: Our 2nd-4th graders had their first games on Thursday night, and they were a lot of fun to watch. Their next game is this Thursday with the girls starting at 4:30pm followed by the boys. Go Panthers!
Track Practice: Practices for this track season will begin the week of Monday, March 31. See the full practice schedule below.
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2024-2025 St. Peter Lutheran Theme Bible Verse | |
Contact Information & Worship Times for St. Peter Lutheran | |
St. Peter Lutheran School
(989) 642-5659
2440 N. Raucholz Rd.
Hemlock, MI 48626
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Sunday Morning at 9:30am and
Saturday Evenings at 5:00pm
Sunday Morning Bible Study for All Ages on Sundays at 11:00am
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