May 2024 - Update and Praise
We just wrapped up the video recordings for the 1 John email series. 1 John has focused on developing fellowship with Christ. As we have been wrapping up this series, we have been looking forward to the next series we are going to record and came across this quote regarding the book of 1st John from author Duane Anderson. "Many new Christians have never grown, because they never had a spiritual parent to provide love, provide an example to follow, and help them learn to understand what parts of the Bible are like milk so they can learn to understand and apply the Word of God to their lives. I encourage new Christians to read the book of 1 John every day for a month."
This is such a good challenge - whether you are working with a new Christian or just need to be reminded of Christ's love and the fellowship we can have as children of God. If you know a new Christian, Duane goes on to encourage us to "meet with them regularly to help them understand what they are reading."
Who might you begin to work with - even just reading God's Word together?
How Can YOU be Praying With US?
  • Pray for the weekly email topics on "Helping Our Children Develop Fellowship with Christ" ; Praise the Lord for the completion of the 1 John recordings; Pray for the process of editing the remainder of the 1 John recordings
  • Praise for the ability to help various missionaries with their technical needs; pray that the Lord would give them strength and wisdom in their various ministries
  • Praise the Lord that S&E will be celebrating 10 years as a Washington non-profit corporation this month. Pray for wisdom and discernment for the S&E board as we continue to seek God's will and refine our goals as we look to the future
  • Pray for wisdom as we deal with changes happening to our accounting systems - pray that we can continue with minimal changes 
  • Pray that God will continue to provide through volunteers and individuals wanting to partner in ministry through service and finances
Did you know that we have a weekly devotional email that you can subscribe to?

You can subscribe to BOTH the S&E Update emails AND the weekly Bible devotional series of "Growing in Christ" at: . Printed copies of the condensed monthly updates are mailed on a quarterly basis if requested.

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· S&E Email Prayer Updates
· the “Growing in Christ” weekly devotional series 
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