This electronic communication is a resource providing businesses and interested parties with relevant information about funding sources, events, resources, and other local municipal information.

Santa Claus Parade

Register Your Float

The Merry & Bright Festival is coming to Petawawa on December 2nd and 3rd. Join us in holiday celebrations. Part of the festivities include the Santa Claus Parade at 7 pm on December 2nd. If you wish to enter a float, please register it with Colin Coyle.

Also part of these festivities is our Outdoor Tailgate Market. Vendors are welcome to tailgate and sell their products. To find out more please visit Outdoor Christmas (Tailgate) Market - Register to Participate - The Town of Petawawa

Funding Opportunities

Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program 

For 2024, CSJ is maintaining its regular parameters and will offer quality jobs during the summer season to fund over 70,000 jobs for youth.


Not-for-profit employers can receive a wage subsidy up to 100% of the current provincial or territorial minimum hourly wage. Public and private sector employers are eligible to receive a wage subsidy of up to 50% of the current provincial or territorial minimum hourly wage.

Applications can be made starting November 20th and will be open until January 10th. They encourage you to apply early by creating a GCOS account, a one-time process, that allows you to apply for CSJ and more funding opportunities with Employment and Social Development Canada in a secure web environment. 

For more information or assistance with your GCOS account:



Call: 1-800-367-5693 (7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET, Monday to Friday)


Visit a Service Canada Centre near you

Francophone Wage Subsidy Program

If you are an employer in Renfrew County who has hired, or is planning on hiring, a Francophone/Bilingual employee before March 31, 2024? You may be eligible to receive a 50% wage subsidy for your new hire.

Contact Kelley Lemenchick, Community Development Officer with Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation, for more information at

FED DEV Funding for Southern Ontario

FedDev Ontario is making it easier to apply for funding if you are a southern Ontario business or organization. Renfrew County is in the Southern Ontario catchment. They now have a new timed intake model, making the process simpler and more responsive to economic opportunities.

Applications will now be accepted three times each year, fall, winter, and spring.

Learn more about this new intake process and what grant programs are available Funding for southern Ontario (

Canada Digital Adoption Program

Get up to $15,000 to boost your business technology. Looking to increase productivity? Need to consolidate your back office software? Need better cybersecurity tools? With a plan tailored to your business, CDAP programs can help with your digital transformation.

To qualify your business needs to meet the following: Canadian-owned, for-profit, 1 to 499 employees and has had at least $500,000 in annual revenue in 1 of the last 3 years.

For more information: Boost Your Business Technology Grant | Get up to $15,000 (

Sponsorship Opportunity

Local Immigration Partnership (LIP)

The 3rd annual Culture Connect will happen in June. It is an opportunity for the communal celebration of beauty in diversity and the importance of culture. Culture Connect brings together community groups and organizations from across the Ottawa Valley and creates space for learning, social connection, and fun. If you would like to sponsor one of the Culture Connect Events please reach out to Jodi Bucholtz at the Local Immigration Partnership Group for more information: 613-735-4700, ext. 2712 or

Enterprise Renfrew County - Workshops

Enterprise Renfrew County hosts Carey McMaster of TRAICON who will share how to use the 4P's of Marketing model and apply it to your business!

November 2 and 9, 2023 - virtual sessions - 10:30 am - 12 pm

Enterprise Renfrew County hosts Bernard Charlebois of BOUM Strategies who will expand on how to use social media and search engine optimization tools.

November 16 and 23, 2023 - virtual sessions - 10:30 am - 12 pm Register for one or all. November Marketing Series (

December 5, 2023 - virtual webinar - 10 am - 11:30 am $10 + HST fee

Register to hear how Chat GPT can support your Business. The webinar will be delivered by Ryan Schmidt of ALT koda.

Chat GPT Your Businesses Secret Weapon - County of Renfrew

Labour Market Group Consultation

Join the Renfrew-Lanark Labour Market Working Group for community consultations as we tackle the tough questions of how rural areas can address their workforce needs now and into the future.

Join in person on Tuesday, November 28th at the Best Western Pembroke Inn 8:30 am. Registration required Community Labour Market Consultation - Pembroke Tickets, Tue, 28 Nov 2023 at 8:30 AM | Eventbrite

Join virtually on Tuesday December 5th from 9 am - 11am. Registration required Community Labour Market Consultation - Virtual Tickets, Tue, 5 Dec 2023 at 9:30 AM | Eventbrite

Take the Employer Pulse Survey - Open until December 1st. Employer Pulse Survey 2023 (

Renfrew County ECD Strategic Plan Survey

The County of Renfrew’s Economic Development Division and the Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation (RCCFDC) are partnering for a joint outreach and stakeholder engagement and input into their Strategic Plans.


They are asking you to complete a short survey. All responses will be kept confidential. The deadline to participate has been extended to November 17th.

Strategic Planning Exercise for Renfrew County CFDC and County of Renfrew Economic Development Division Survey (

OHTO Tourism Survey

Ontario Highlands Tourism Organization (OHTO) is looking for industry feedback. This survey seeks to assess business performance and responsible tourism practices in our region, to understand the challenges and opportunities presented by the ongoing COVID-19 recovery, sustainability initiatives, labour considerations, and future prospects. At the end of the survey if you wish to leave your contact information you will be entered into a draw to win a $50 gift certificate from a tourism business.

OHTO Tourism Stakeholder Business Performance & Sustainability Survey 2023 (

Renfrew County Community Futures Event

Funders Forum

Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation will be hosting a Funders Forum. If you are a local business or non-profit organization seeking financial support for your projects then this an event you should attend.


Date: November 30, 2023

Time: 9 am-2 pm

Location: Horton Community Centre


Event Highlights:

  • Learn Expert Tips for Successful Application Writing
  • Navigate the Pathways to Grant Opportunities
  • Connect with Funding Representatives and Peers


Secure your spot now! Funders Forum Tickets, Thu, 30 Nov 2023 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite


Funded by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario).

Town of Petawawa
Petawawa Business Advisory Network
1111 Victoria St. Petawawa, Ontario
Phone 1-613-687-5536

Petawawa Businesses be sure to use Shop Petawawa to drive additional sales to your businesses' shopping and social platforms. Need help using this FREE resource? Want to advertise your business event or celebration? Contact Christine 

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