From Everywhere to Everywhere

The monthly newsletter of Global Lutheran Outreach

July/August 2023 | No. 5

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Dear James,

        My wife and I are unwilling nomads. As many of you know, my wife Liisa and I lost three of our four parents between October and January of this past year. Thanks to those who have prayed for us and for our families! I was named executor of my parent's estate, which has generated quite a bit of work. Due to that, although we officially relocated from Santiago, Chile to the USA at the beginning of this year, we have not actually moved in to anywhere. We are nomads. As I write this, we are in Dearborn, Michigan at my parents' old house, trying to get the place cleaned out and ready to sell. How we long to be able to be in just one place! The nomadic life is not for us.

     At the same time, isn't it true that we are all nomads? We are pilgrims on this earth; as the old hymn reminds us: "I am but a stranger here, heaven is my home". 

     One of the important lessons that missionaries learn is to hold lightly to the things of this life. On the mission field, things like houses, cars, and stuff are harder to come by, more difficult to maintain, and often stolen. We learn to get what we need, use what we have, and forgo the rest.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Mt. 6:19-21)

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Director's Corner

Rev. Dr. James Tino

In 1972, Bill Withers song "Lean on Me" reminded us: "You just call on me, brother, when you need a hand. We all need somebody to lean on."  It was true then, and it's true today - maybe even more than ever! In these times of animosity, suspicion, and polarization, it seems that more and more people are choosing the path of isolation, deciding that the best approach to life is to avoid people, avoid 'joining', and above all, avoid getting involved.

     That's not good news for the church in general, or for missionaries especially! Missionaries depend on their networks for prayer, support, and finances. As a missionary, if no one is on your "team", then it's time to go home.

     This issue highlights two of our missionary families who are in need of more teammates. Although their situations are very different, the need is the same: people who will come alongside them with prayer and support so that the Good News of Jesus can be proclaimed in every land! I encourage you to read their stories and share them in your circles. After all, we follow a living Lord who chose not to avoid us, but to seek us out, even in the midst of our messes.

This newsletter focuses on God's work through the missionaries of Global Lutheran Outreach in order to build a supportive community of prayer and praise.Together, we rise up. Rise with us!


Meet missionaries Heather and Nathan Pittman!

    Heather and Nathan Pittman and infant son Jay are preparing for deployment as missionaries to Rift Valley Academy in Kenya.  Heather grew up as a "missionary kid" in Nigeria where her parents - Ivan and Jennifer Rasch - were missionaries at Hillcrest School in Jos (1999-2012). Heather attended Hillcrest School, so it was especially rewarding for her to return to her alma mater as a missionary teacher! Heather graduated from Concordia University (Nebraska) with a degree in music education, and taught music at Zion Lutheran School in Belleville, Illinois before starting her missionary career.

      Nathan studied computer science at the University of Nebraska and at Southwestern Illinois College. After marrying Heather in 2018, he worked for Panera LLC as a Help Desk Analyst, providing technical support for Panera locations nationwide. As a missionary in Nigeria, Nathan assisted Hillcrest School and Global Lutheran Outreach with technical support.

      The Pittmans returned to the USA in May 2022 for what was to be a brief visit, to attend Heather's brothers' wedding. However, while in the States, Nathan got a sudden, debilitating migraine. Unlike a 'normal' migraine, the pain has not stopped in over 15 months and is accompanied by extreme light sensitivity, nausea, and vertigo. Needless to say, it has been quite debilitating for Nathan. He was completely unable to even go outdoors for many months.

Due to this illness, the Pittmans were not able to return to Nigeria. He has seen quite a few medical professionals and specialists to try to find a solution.

    During this time, the Pittmans were invited to serve at Rift Valley Academy in Kenya. They have accepted that invitation and are seeking to deploy by the end of 2023. For that to happen, however, two major hurdles need to be overcome: 1) finding a solution/cure for Nathan's migraines; and 2) generating sufficient financial support for their new callings. 

     The Pittmans recently made contact with a Migraine Research Center in Dallas that specializes in a procedure which implants a device under the skin to send signals to the brain to get rid of the pain from the migraine. The trial procedure is scheduled for August 21. It is temporary but accurately determines the impact of the full procedure. If that is successful, he can get the more permanent procedure done.

     To build their base of mission partners, the Pittmans welcome any leads for groups of people who would like to hear about their new mission opportunity. These groups could be Sunday school groups, bible study groups, LWML groups, school chapels, or even personal social groups. They are open to any types of groups that they have not thought of already.

  Please pray for Heather and Nathan:

  • that the trial procedure on August 21 will prove itself to be a solution for Nathan.
  • that the process of obtaining baby Jay's passport would go smoothly and in a timely fashion.
  • that their financial needs will be met so they can go to Kenya in early December, in time to join the mission school for the second trimester of the year.

Click here to learn more about "Mission Circles" and how you can start one and adopt a GLO missionary!

You can find the Pittmans web page here.

Meet Adrian and Cruz Maria Ventura!

   Adrían and Cruz María met in the youth group at Cristo Rey Lutheran Church in Maturín, Venezuela. When Liisa and I arrived there as missionaries in 1989, they were already key members of the youth, if not leaders (they weren't dating yet, though!). I remember Cruz as a vocal 'spark-plug' among the youth, always willing to participate. Adrián was more serious-minded, and quickly became a leader in the church.

      Time passed. We moved on to plant churches in other cities in Venezuela. Adrián and Cruz María finally noticed each other, fell in love, got married, and had children - Adrianny, Josue, and Raquel. Adrián became a Lutheran pastor at the same Cristo Rey church, and eventually served as president of the Lutheran Church of Venezuela. But along the way, oldest daughter Adrianny came down with dermosclerosis, which is a debilitating tightening of the skin that can lead to necrosis (tissue death). 

     When Venezuela collapsed under the weight of socialism, the Venturas decided that they had to leave the country in order to find adequate medical care for Adrianny. In 2017, they emigrated to Chile - and found us already there! Liisa and I had arrived in Chile in 2014 to plant new churches in Santiago. With our support, Adrián was received as a pastor in the Confessional Lutheran Church of Chile and sent as a GLO missionary to the city of Constitución, Chile, where they served for five years.

     Upon our departure from Chile at the end of 2022, the Venturas accepted the call to serve in the congregation we planted in Santiago, named "Divina Providencia".  While the congregation is growing, they face numerous challenges - mostly financial challenges as they attempt to become self-supporting in what is the second-most expensive city in Latin America. The Venturas are in need of mission partners - especially, Spanish-speaking groups or congregations - who would be willing to come alongside them.

Click here to learn more about "Mission Circles" and how you can start one and adopt a GLO missionary! You can find the Ventura's web page here.

How do I become a missionary?

Global Lutheran Outreach works in partnership with cooperating churches and institutions. This means that sending a missionary is a cooperative effort! The church that receives a missionary puts some "skin in the game", lowering the cost for the missionary. In most cases mentioned, the church will provide housing for the missionary.

Under the coaching of GLO, the missionary then develops a network of "mission partners" who provide support: emotional, spiritual, prayer, and finances.

GLO missionaries typically make a minimum 2-year commitment to serve in-country.

How do I get started?

Email GLO director Dr. James Tino at:!

Together before the Throne

*We pray for the ministry of Adrian and Cruz Maria Ventura (from Venezuela to Chile) We are thankful that God is continuing to grow the 6-year-old church in Santiago, Chile through their ministry. Pray that individuals would commit to supporting them in prayer and donations.

* Join Jim and Liisa Tino (GLO director) as we praise God for the birth of our sixth grandchild! Brooklyn Lane Howey was born on July 27th to daughter Sonrisa and Tyler Howey. Jim had the honor to welcome her to God's family though the waters of Holy Baptism on August 12!

* We hold up Nathan & Heather Pittman as they prepare for a new calling to a Christian school in Kenya. We implore God’s healing for Nathan as he deals with unexplained, debilitating migraines. Direct their support discovery process so that they may begin this new chapter of mission work.

* Thank you, God of the Nations, for missionaries who work among muslims – specifically, for “Alex & Diana” (pseudonyms), Kazakh brethren serving in Mongolia, Tim & Beth Heiney serving in Guinea. Give them insight and endurance as they shine the Light of Jesus into the darkness of Satan’s lies.

* Holy Spirit, Comforter and Protector, pour your strength on missionaries Victor and Belen Rivas (from Guatemala to Guyana) as they learn to live and serve in British Guyana. Thank you that they were not harmed in a recent car accident. Help them continue to trust You to provide for every need. 

* We join Rev. Samuel and Grace Udofia in giving thanks for a new granddaughter. Raise up Christians in their home country of Nigeria to pray for and support their mission to Tanzania. Give them supporters from around the world as they take God’s Word to the ends of the earth.

* Thank you, Almighty God, for the good news of Scarlett Tino’s acceptance of a US visa! We pray that the final steps will be processed rapidly for acquiring her necessary travel documents. We pray for Scarlett and Ben as they prepare to be parents and serve you in Zacapa, Guatemala.

* Lord, we pray for Christians who are willing to serve cross-culturally as teachers throughout the world. Move their hearts to say yes to the calling to go wherever you send them! Specifically, we pray for Hillcrest School in Jos, Nigeria, Concordia School in Chile, Divine Savior School in Guatemala, and Theological Educators for South Sudan.

Rise above!

Through your prayers and your gifts, you are a key part of the Global Lutheran Outreach family! Your gift to the General Fund supports all GLO missionaries. Or, designate your gift to the missionary of your choice. Click here.