November 1, 2023
The Bray House staff is so thankful for all our many blessings and would like to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!! We pray that you are surrounded by people who fill your life and home with love, joy, happiness and much laughter. The Bray House offices will be closed on Thursday, November 23rd and Friday, November 24th.

From the Office of the Bishop
Reflection: A Pastor’s Response to the Violence in the Holy Land
Christians as Peacemakers
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
(Matthew 5:9)

[Excerpt] Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount provides a series of beatitudes that summon the Christian response in the circumstances of life. One of these responses is to acknowledge our call to be ‘peacemakers’. With peacemaking comes peacekeeping. I wish to reiterate the profound responsibility that comes from being a part of the worldwide Anglican/Episcopal Church acknowledging our communion’s role in collaboration with ecumenical partners to give leadership as peacemakers with the divine mandate to pursue avenues of peace. Read Bishop San's full Reflection here.

FORMA 2024 - Annual Formation Leaders Conference
Whether you lead an adult bible study or teach Sunday School, the FORMA Conference offers a place for reflection, refreshment, networking, and education. Province III and the Diocese of Easton are partnering with FORMA to provide significant discounts to those in our Diocese. Online or In-Person. Register here. Read more here.
The Children's Home Foundation The mission of the Children’s Home Foundation is to offer tuition support to youth and adults of the Eastern Shore of Maryland while they pursue vocational training and education. In addition, the CHF has enabled young people to attend summer camps that they otherwise would not be able to afford and offers support for high school students attending driver’s training classes through their high school. Children's Home Foundation Letter & Report here.
Baptized for Life Initiative will be the November Deep Dive for Province 3. Join us at noon on Monday, November 13th using this zoom link. Guest Presenter will be Lisa Kimball, Ph.D., Vice President for Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary Learn more here.
A Celebration of Life for The Reverend Douglas Ridley (husband of Kathleen Wise) will be held on Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 1pm at Zion United Methodist Church, 612 Locust Street, Cambridge, MD 21613. Clergy are invited to vest - Red Stoles for procession. Family will receive friends on Friday, November 10, 2023 from 2pm -4pm and from 6pm -8pm at the church.
Episcopal Relief & Development offers "Gifts for Life" which provide opportunities for individuals and parishes to give gifts, ranging from $15. to $5,000, to support communities by providing necessities such as farm animals, education, health care. and water. Catalogs. brochures, and gift cards are available in the Diocesan office or at For more information contact Roberta Gribbon  
Talbot Hospice Community Remembrance Services - Many are grieving in our community and this is the vision behind the Community Remembrance Service happening at 6pm on November 14th. Talbot Hospice staff, volunteers, and spiritual leaders will be present at 6 different sites around our county to show support for all who are grieving.  Click here for more information and locations.
Bishop San Celebrates 42nd Anniversary to the Priesthood
Bishop San will celebrated 42 years as a priest on Wednesday, November 8th. The Right Rev. Santosh Marray was ordained to the Holy Order of Priest on November 8th, 1981, at All Saints’ Church, New Amsterdam, Guyana. Congratulations Bishop San! Read more from Bishop San’s biography here.
Diocesan Quilt - We are looking for information about the provenance or history of this quilt. It's most recent home was at the Retreat House in Hillsboro and has made it's way back to Brayhouse. Each square is a current or past parish within our diocese and it is dated 1987. If anyone has any information or you know of anyone who helped make this quilt, please email Beth Devenny. Click Here for more photos.
Don't forget to turn your clocks back one hour before going to bed on Saturday, November 4th or you will be an hour early for church!
In honor of Veterans Day and all who have served, the Brayhouse offices will be closed on Friday, November 10th. 
Be on the Lookout for Scammers: With the holidays approaching we wanted to remind our members to keep an eye out for potential scammers who may be looking for gift cards, money, or other items. They may try and solicit these items via phone call, text or email. Be sure to check the source of where a message has originated and always call the office (410-822-1919) if you are ever in doubt. Please reference this article for more information.
Alcohol Policy of the Diocese of Easton
As a quick holiday reminder, the Diocese of Easton has an alcohol policy. The policy on Alcohol was passed at General Convention and ratified by this diocese’s convention in 2015/2016. See the Policy.
Retirements, Ordinations & New Ministries
Congratulations to The Very Rev. Mark Delcuze and The Rev. Dr. Bill Ortt! Both will be celebrating their last day of services this Sunday, November 5th. We are extremely grateful for their service to the Diocese and to their respective church communities, Father Mark at Christ Church, Kent Island and Father Bill at Christ Church, Easton. Warm wishes and prayers to Mark & Mimi and to Bill & Susan as they set out on their next adventure! Please give thanks for their ministries as they enter into retirement.

"We give thanks for the ministry of the Rev. Dr. William Ortt, his wife, Susan, and the Very Rev. Mark Delcuze, and his wife, Mimi, as they conclude their Pastoral Ministry to enter retirement. Well done, good and faithful servants."
All Hallows, Snow Hill - Celebration of new ministry for Reverend Andrew Cropper. Reverend Cropper will be installed as Rector. The celebration will be held on Saturday, November 4th at 11:00am. Installation will be by Bishop San. All are welcome.

St. Phillip's, Quantico - The Rev. Elizabeth Phillips was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests in Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church on Saturday, October 21st. She will serve as their part-time Priest in Charge. Congratulations Rev. Elizabeth!
Ordination of Charlotte Meyer to the Sacred Order of Deacons in Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Saturday, December 9th at 11:00 am at St. Paul's, Trappe, MD. All are welcome.
Safe Church Safe Communities (SCSC) is a way of life! The SCSC program was established by the Episcopal Church as a way to provide guidelines and instructions for clergy and lay leaders in ways to create and maintain safe spaces in our various church settings. Check out our Safe Church Quick Checklist

Get with the Program! Be Cool! Be Safe!
Empower Me! Basic Safety Rules for Children. Teach children to find a trusted adult if someone asks them to break a safety rule!
Applications open for General Convention Official Youth Presence 2024 Episcopal teens ages 16 to 19 are invited to apply to become part of the 81st General Convention’s Official Youth Presence, a group whose members have seat and voice in the House of Deputies and can testify at hearings before and during the summer 2024 convention. The deadline to apply is Nov. 17th. Read more here.
For Clergy-Specific Save the Dates, click here.
156th Diocesan Convention March 7, 8 & 9, 2024
Imaginative Leadership & Congregational Vitality in Re-emergence and Resurrection: A Mission and Ministry Imperative for the 21st Century Church. The 156th Annual Diocesan Convention will be a hybrid format. We will convene via Zoom on the evening of Thursday, March 7th for opening business sessions, voting and presentations. We will gather together in-person, with those who can join us, for a Friday evening, March 8th Eucharist at Emmanuel Church, Chestertown followed by a reception. On Saturday, March 9th, our in-person portion of convention will convene at Washington College, Chestertown. Read more.

Convocation Meetings

December Meeting on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 7:00pm.
Via Zoom. Meeting ID: 841 7895 6425 Link to Zoom

February Meeting on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 7:00pm.
Via Zoom. Meeting ID: 841 7895 6425 Link to Zoom

Thank you for your continued support
of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
Bishop's Institute Training Licensed Worship Leader Training Via Zoom beginning on November 1st. Join the network of those serving across the Diocese! Learn more here.

Camp Wright SUMMER 2024 DATES are HERE!! Registration for Camp Wright's Summer 2024 Season will open on November 15th at 10am. Registration moves quickly, so please mark your calendar. We can't wait to see you this summer! Have a question? Contact Julia, Executive Director or Alesia, Camp Wright Registrar.
Latino & Hispanic Ministry: Latino Leadership training to be led by Padre Thom Sinnott and Pastor Mark Hansen on November 11th, 10 am to 2:00 pm; the venue is slated to be the new English Learning Center at St. Clement’s. For more information, contact Mark Hansen.

Is your parish hosting Latino & Hispanic Ministry events? If so, please remember to send information to Mark Hansen our Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries for the Diocese of Easton.
Retreat House Happenings: To receive the Retreat House newsletter and other email offerings, sign up here. View their calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069 or contact Francie Thayer.
The holiday season is upon us and we are so excited to see our parish's celebrating with fun activities!! If you have a holiday event you would like to share with the Diocese, please send a brief article to Beth Devenny for inclusion in our December Enews.
St. Phillip's, Quanitico has begun an evening Compline for Peace service via Zoom every evening at 8:00pm to raise our prayers to God for peace in the war-torn areas of our world, especially Israel and Gaza, in Sudan and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Ukraine, Armenia and Haiti; for healing from the suffering in our own country especially the victims and their families in Maine, for healing and peace in our own communities and in our hearts. More information can be found at

St. Alban's, Salisbury Fall Auction is back!! St. Alban’s will host its 11th Fall Auction on Saturday, November 4, at 6 pm. Click on St. Alban's Fall Auction Catalog, to find out all you need to know!! Please come and bid generously! Learn more here.
St. Peter’s, Salisbury - “Protecting our future by remembering our past,” in the words of the Doughboy Foundation (DF), Parsons Cemetery joins others across the country in its annual Bells of Peace Ceremony this Veteran’s Day. Initiated in 2018 to commemorate the World War I Armistice's 100th anniversary, this ceremony at 11 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month honors all Americans who have served their nation and the cherished peace we enjoy because of their dedication and sacrifice, the DF said. 
At 11 a.m. that Saturday, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, which owns Parsons Cemetery, will ring its tower bell 21 times.The church's 8:30 a.m. morning prayer service will also include honoring the service and sacrifice of veterans. It usually lasts about half an hour. Read more here.
St. Peter's, Salisbury - Save the Date! Fall Bazaar “As the chill of winter settles in, St. Peter's Episcopal Church warmly invites you to our Holiday Bazaar and Marketplace, filled with delightful treats, unique gifts, and festive cheer,” said Hope Morgan, Bazaar Committee co-chair. Friday-Saturday, November 17 - 18, during Salisbury's Third Friday celebration, “For more info visit the bazaar website at or call 410-742-5118.
Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford - Crèches from Around the World! On display at the Oxford Museum from November 24 to December 17 will be a selection from the Crèche Collection of Oxford resident Barbara Cross, who has over 100 crèches from around the world. Barbara and her husband, Reverend Kevin Cross, would often host an open house at the rectory for church members to see her collection. Read more here.

Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford - Annual Christmas Bazaar on Saturday December 2 from 9-12. Come join us for our beautiful wreaths, hand decorated fascinators and hats, ornaments, delicious baked goods and soups, cards, jewelry, and more! There’s an art activity for the kids and complimentary refreshments. Stop by while enjoying “Christmas on the Creek” in Oxford. All proceeds go to help fund local mission projects. 
St. Peter’s, Salisbury - The annual “Messiah All-Sing” at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church downtown traditionally features professional soloists and orchestra, but the choral sections are sung by the community audience. This year, the St. Cecilia Guild, which sponsors the popular event, invites those planning to attend to participate in two evening rehearsals to polish up the choruses in advance of the concert. Read more here.
Christ Church St. Michaels - Save the Date! Christmas Bazaar Saturday, December 9th
9 am – 1 pm
St. Mark's, Perryville - At a recently held card party, Barbara Weaver, ECW President, announced to the attendees that they would be sending the proceeds of the event to Holy Innocents Church and School in Maui.  There was a loud round of applause! "We are so thankful to send $725 to Holy Innocents" - Mother Sue 
ENEWS Events & Article Submission Deadlines
If you have something to submit for our upcoming Enews please send them to Beth Devenny before these dates:

December Enews - Deadline November 27th
January Enews - Deadline December 18th
February Enews - Deadline January 24th
ALL articles and photos received after the deadline will not be published, but will be reserved for upcoming issues.
Pastoral Concerns

We pray for the repose of the soul of Doug Ridley. A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 1pm at Zion United Methodist Church, 612 Locust Street, Cambridge, MD 21613.
Family will receive friends on Friday, November 10, 2023 from 2pm -4pm and from 6pm -8pm at the church.

We continue to pray for a full and speedy recovery for Presiding Bishop Michael Curry - and for Curry’s medical team.

We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for Lynn Anstatt. Jim Brack. Walt Burgess. Carolyn Lee Crouse. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. Janice Flood. John Friel. Doug Girardeau. Jamie Goodman. Babs Glancey. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi & Weasie Kamihachi. The Rev. Ron Knapp. The Rev. Pat Kuhns. The Rev. Jack Mason. Tom Mendenhall. Myron Richaradson. The Rev. Peggy Samuels. Goldey Vansant.

We continue to pray for the people of Maui, their families first responders, relief workers and all those lost in the wake of the wildfires.

A Prayer from Archbishop Hosam for Israel O God of all justice and peace we cry out to you in the midst of the pain and trauma of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land. Be with those who need you in these days of suffering; we pray for people of all faiths - Jews, Muslims and Christians and for all people of the land.
While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to violence and the establishment of peace, we also call for you to bring justice and equity to the peoples. Guide us into your kingdom where all people are treated with dignity and honour as your children for, to all of us, you are our Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer from Archbishop Justin Welby & Archbishop Stephen Cottrell for Ukraine God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at-risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Submit prayer requests to: Names are listed for four weeks unless otherwise specified. 
Diocesan Prayer Calendar

Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
November 5th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Trinity Cathedral, Easton, and for their Dean, the Very Rev. Gregory Powell, and his spouse, Noelle, and for their Assisting Clergy, the Rev. Sandra Casey Martus. 

We give thanks for the ministry of the Rt. Rev. Santosh K. Marray, as he celebrates his 42nd anniversary of his ordination. (November 8th)

We give thanks for the ministry of the Rev. Dr. William Ortt, his wife, Susan, and the Very Rev. Mark Delcuze, and his wife, Mimi, as they conclude their Pastoral Ministry to enter retirement. Well done, good and faithful servants.

Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost
November 12th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Alban’s, Salisbury, and for their Rector, the Rev. Margaret Brack, and her spouse, James.

Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost
November 19th
On this Children’s Home Foundation Sunday; we give thanks for the Ministry of the Children’s Home Foundation, and their leadership in providing funds for those seeking higher education.

Last Sunday after Pentecost - Christ the King
November 26th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Andrew’s, Princess Anne, and their Deacon Vicar, the Rev. Chris Sabas.

First Sunday of Advent
December 3rd
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Christ Church, Cambridge,
and for their Rector, the Rev. Susan Leight, and her spouse, A.K.

For additional weeks, please visit our website or contact Lynn Anstatt.

The 81st General Convention will take place June 23 - 28, 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky. Check the 81st General Convention website for new information as it becomes available.

Episcopal teens ages 16 to 19 are invited to apply to become part of the 81st General Convention’s Official Youth Presence, a group whose members have seat and voice in the House of Deputies and can testify at hearings before and during the summer 2024 convention. The deadline to apply is Nov. 17. Read more here.
Find Free Advent and Christmas resources from The Episcopal Church here.
"Festival Thursdays" on Zoom The good conversations that began during summer's "It's All About Love" festival in Baltimore continue with monthly workshops featuring festival presenters and Q&A. Workshops are the second Thursday of each month at 3 p.m. ET. Register for 'Creating Prayer Stations and Curating Worship Experiences'
Interested in giving input on the 2025-2027 Episcopal Church budget? 
The Joint Budget Committee of the Executive Council will hold open hearings via Zoom to receive feedback from the wider church on the 2025-2027 working budget. Read more here and to register.
Grant applications open for Episcopal Church Constable and Roanridge grants Applications are open for two grant opportunities offered annually by The Episcopal Church—Constable Fund grants, which focus on religious education, and Roanridge Trust grants, which support leadership development in small towns and rural communities. The application deadline for both is Jan. 2. Read more here.
Episcopal Church 2022 Parochial Report data now available Data from the Parochial Report—the oldest, most continuous gathering of data by The Episcopal Church—is published on the General Convention website, along with a summary and analysis.. Read more here.
Episcopal Church Young Adult and Campus Ministry grants now available Episcopalians are invited to consider how their community might serve young adults—on and off college campuses—and apply for an Episcopal Church Young Adult and Campus Ministry grant for the 2024-25 academic year. The deadline to apply is Nov. 13 Read more here.
Episcopal Service Corps If you're a young adult, we invite you to consider an ESC Year, a time apart to discover new communities, make new friends, and consider how you can use your unique gifts and experiences to create real, meaningful transformation in yourself and the community around you. Learn more here.
Have you checked out The Way of Love podcasts with Bishop Michael Curry? This podcast offers ways to engage with the Way of Love, The Episcopal Church’s intentional commitment to practicing faith by following Jesus. Check them out!
Difference Blog -  Read here.
The Episcopal Church - Facebook Page
Episcopal News Service - Subscribe to receive the ENS newsletter.
View latest news here

Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs - Subscribe to the Public Affairs Office’s e-mail lists to receive the latest information about The Episcopal Church. Read the latest news and subscribe here

The Episcopal Church Press Release Digest and Episcopal Evangelism Newsletter a roundup of press releases, announcements, and other updates from the Office of Public Affairs.  Keep up with the Episcopal Church Latest News

United Thank Offering 2023 Newsletters

United Thank Offering invites 2024 annual grant applicants
Application deadlines are Dec. 1 for Anglican Communion partners and Jan. 19 for dioceses of The Episcopal Church.