Aspen Ridge

Mid-Month Update

February 16, 2023

Informed Parents Make Great Partners

Fostering a Love of Learning

We're having a busy February here at Aspen Ridge! In addition to Valentine festivities and our focus on having an Attitude of Gratitude, we've had some extra special learning moments this month, including our 2nd annual Science Expo. The colorful collage above gives a glimpse of our middle school students learning from local scientists in a variety of fields, including engineering, astronomy, computer science, agriculture, ecology, robotics, meteorology, forensic science, life science, and more. Thank you to the volunteers from NCAR, Sphero, NOAA, Fiske Planetarium, Ocean First Education, Dryland Agroecology Research, Mountain View Fire Department, Children's Hospital, and Lockheed Martin Space Systems for opening our students' eyes to the many ways that they can engage with science in the real world.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this mid-month update to stay in the loop on all that's happening at ARPS!

Upcoming Dates: Mark Your Calendars

Check Out Our Events Online!

Click subscribe on our Events page to stay up to date on ARPS happenings!

  • 02/16-02/20 | No School - Enjoy your long weekend!
  • 02/17 | Last day to sign up for Spring Clubs!
  • 02/21 | Spring Gala Planning Meeting, 2:00pm
  • 02/21 | Chipotle Lafayette Fundraiser Night, 4:00pm - 8:00pm
  • 02/22 | ARPS Board Meeting, 4:30pm
  • 02/23 | Breakfast with Dad, Middle School, RSVP Required
  • 02/28 | Last day of Kids' Heart Challenge! Sign up here.
  • 03/01 | Character Awards Assembly, 8:45am
  • 03/01 | Early Release, 12:15pm
  • 03/07-03/10 | March Madness Spring Book Fair!
  • 03/07 | Spring Gala Planning Meeting, 2:00pm
  • 03/10 | Children's Hospital Blood Drive, Sign up today!
  • 03/10 | March Madness Family Movie & Legos Night, 6:00pm
  • 03/10 | Hope & Gratitude Event, Old Town Erie, 6:00pm
  • 03/20-03/24 | Spring Break!

Last Call for Spring Club Sign Ups!

Spring Clubs are starting soon, and sign ups are open now! Take a look at some of our passions for this spring and sign your Owl up today!

Please note that the deadline to sign up is TOMORROW, Friday, February 17th.

Hop online and sign up today to secure your Owl's spot in their favorite Spring Club!

Coming Up Next Week:

Children's Hospital Blood Drive at ARPS!

It's time to sign up for the Children's Hospital Blood Drive, hosted right here in the parking lot of Aspen Ridge! We want to make it as convenient as possible for our ARPS community to make a difference in the lives of children who need our support. Our own amazing Owl, Davis Goeking, is pictured to the right having one of over 40 blood transfusions that he received during his brave battle with cancer. He's also pictured below looking strong, healthy, and all around awesome at our Go Gold day this year with his big sister and little brother! Kids like Davis depend on us to give a few minutes of our day to give them a better chance for a healthy life. Thank you for signing up today!

Light Up the Night with Hope & Gratitude!

We're so excited to participate in this year's Hope & Gratitude event, taking place on Friday, March 10th, on Briggs Street. Click the flyer to the right for further details on this inspiring town event!

Our ARPS PTO is coordinating this project for our school, and we need quite a few volunteers to make it happen! (One of the tasks - filling bags to weigh down luminaries - can easily be done from home, whenever it's convenient.)

Sign up here to help make luminary weights.

Sign up here for day-of event set up / clean up.

Thank you for helping us light up the night with Hope & Gratitude on March 10th!

Save the Date for our 10th Annual Spring Gala!

Did You Receive Your Save the Date?

Join us for an evening of first-class adventures and jet-setting fun at our 10th Annual Spring Gala at the Omni Interlocken! We’ll have your passport ready upon your arrival, so you can travel the world and enjoy complimentary champagne, a 3-course dinner, a wine pull, photo booth, silent and live auctions, and more. This is our school's biggest fundraiser of the year. You can help make a difference for our students and teachers!

If you want to spend the night, we have a special room rate if you book here by March 16th. Save the Dates came home last week and invitations will follow shortly!

Now Seeking Sponsorships & Donations!

Do you own or work for a business that would be interested in sponsoring or donating to our Spring Gala? We would LOVE to hear from you! This is a great opportunity to support our school while promoting your business to our ARPS community. We are a 501c3 nonprofit and will provide a tax receipt for your donation.

Check out our sponsor options and sponsor/donor form and contact to learn more!

Last Chance to Nominate a Teacher of the Year!

Hop online today to nominate an Aspen Ridge teacher who exemplifies excellence for a Teacher of the Year Award!

Click HERE to submit your nomination!

The deadline for nominations is Wednesday, February 22, 2023.

We Love Our ARPS Sponsors!

We have the best sponsors around, and we hope you'll show them some love when you're in need of a local service. Thank you, ARPS Sponsors!



Phone: (720) 242-6225