The Florida Lions Eye Bank Board of Directors held its Annual Retreat on June 18, 2022, in Sunrise, Florida. The Retreat, held every year after the installation of a new Board President, functions as a strategic meeting of the Board, a dedicated group of men and women committed to Florida Lions Eye Bank’s mission to Restore the Beauty of Sight.
In attendance were the 2022-2023 Officers & Past Presidents, as well as Executive Director Elizabeth Fout and Medical Director Sander R. Dubovy, MD. The group discussed opportunities to expand service to the community, strategized the future direction of Florida Lions Eye Bank, approved the 2022-2023 budget, and outlined goals for the coming year.
The 2022 Retreat was PCC Helene Thompson’s first meeting as Board President. Ms. Thompson, a long-time supporter of Florida Lions Eye Bank, assumed the role at the 2022 Installation, held the week prior.