Hello Team!
Week 1 is in the books…. It won’t be long before we are saying we only have a few weeks left! So.. here’s your reminder to enjoy every day, every practice, every step through this journey.
Quick reminder, running is tough…. But so rewarding! For the newbie runners: don’t let sore legs, or killer hill, or dog park, or the thought of running 20 min without stopping bring you down. Running is a one step at a time sport, so keep at it, come excited to practice, and come with an attitude ready to work harder each day! I guarantee, if you come with that mindset you will amaze yourself with what you will accomplish this season.
So don’t give up!!!! This is the start of week 2 and remember I said it takes 3 weeks before you feel strong and comfortable…
I’m in Lubbock Texas right now dropping my youngest off at her freshman year of college at Texas Tech!! Yikes, that went fast! Ella ran in the Junior Olympics in San Antonio when she was a gremlin! I can’t do the math, but that was a lonnnnggggg time ago. Parents, coming from the one walking into the next chapter of life with my wife, ENJOY EACH STEP OF THE WAY!! I’ll be gone this week again, but you are in great hands with our AWESOME team of COACHES! Thank you everyone!
So what should you expect this week?
Let’s start with the heat as it will be hot!! Parents help your kids by reminding them to prepare during the day for practice. Bring a water bottle to school so they can drink it throughout the day, and fill it up. Eat a healthy breakfast like yogurt and granola, my favorite which is oatmeal with a little brown sugar and butter, and orange juice or some other fruit. Then bring a granola bar and maybe an apple for a snack. And then guess what, a healthy lunch like a turkey sandwich on some wheat bread, maybe a pb&j, some more fruit like an apple, maybe some apple sauce, have some chips because it can’t all be perfectly healthy, carrots, celery with some peanut butter, some healthy juice box, fruit roll ups, and anything else you can think that your kids like. Try to stay away from the school lunches if you can or maybe just keep them to a minimum. When they get home from school, make sure they have a granola bar around 4:30 with a glass of water. Then around 5:30 drink a small glass of an electrolyte like a Gatorade type drink.
Ok, that should give you a good template to keep the nutrition up that is required for a runner!
This week we’ll be working to run farther, and maybe a little faster, but definitely less walking.
We’ll also introduce the newbies to “killer hills evil twin”. If you enjoyed COC and Killer Hill last week, you’ll love his evil twin!! Remember two keys with running hills: short steps going uphill, driving your arms, and longer strides going downhill, staying in control. Of course the rest of the important items are to always look UP the hill and use your arms to help get up the hill. And going down keep your arms out from your side’s to balance and control the speed going down.
We’ll be working on pacing at Central Park.
All in all this part of the season is about building strength. We build strength so we can then transition to building speed as we get into the racing season. XC is all about having a strong base!
So keep at it! Keep looking forward! And keep working hard!
I’ll see you a week from today at practice on the 21st!
Have fun!
Coach Jeremy