Connecting the UCSF cancer community with education, mentoring, and career development across all trainee levels.

Featured Career Development Opportunities

Who, What, When, Where: UCSF Trainee Career Development Resources

Sept. 11, 4pm-5pm

This seminar will introduce trainee career development resources available at several locations on campus. Open to all trainees. More info/register.

F Grant Writing Workshop

October 2023 - March 2024

Open to graduate students and postdocs, this workshop meets once a month to review the "score-driving" sections of the F grant application, create drafts and receive feedback. For more info, eligibility requirements, and to apply, click here.

Upcoming Career Development Opportunities

Postdoc Travel Grants

Applications due Oct. 5

Four grants will be awarded (up to $1500 each) for HDFCCC postdocs who do not otherwise have the means to attend a cancer research meeting. For eligibility requirements and to apply, click here. Open to all HDFCCC Postdocs.

LEAP Early Career Faculty Mentoring Program

Applications Due Sept. 15

LEAP provides career mentoring to early career HDFCCC faculty who do not receive it elsewhere. Must be an assistant or associate professor and be a full or associate HDFCCC member (membership information). Applicants will be matched with mentors in late September or early October. For more information and to apply, click here.

Greenberg Fellowship for Med Student Research

HDFCCC can fund 5 med students for the 2024, 8-week Summer Explore Internship. If you have an appropriate project and want to be listed as a potential mentor, email Gia Monachino by Aug. 21 with your name and 1-2 sentence description of your research. Open to all faculty.

Med Student Research Interest Groups

Small group meetings with med students who are interested in meeting faculty for research opportunities. Meetings take place in early January 2024. If you'd like to be part of the cancer small group, email Gia Monachino by Aug. 21. Open to all faculty.

Cancer Research Showcase

Sept. 26, 4pm-6pm (Parnassus)

Sept. 27, 4pm-7pm (Mission Bay)

Designed to introduce the vibrant cancer research community at UCSF to students across the PhD and MD/PhD programs who wish to pursue a degree in cancer biology. Followed by a reception with pizza and beverages. Open to all members of the UCSF community. More info/registration

Concept to Completion, Strategies for Successful Clinical Trials

Thursdays 2pm-4pm

Aug. 24 - Protocol Structure and Review

Aug. 31 - Fostering Diversity in Clinical Research

Nov. 9 - Informed Consent and Clinical Trial Ethics

Nov. 16 - Types of Trials and Sponsors and General Activation Process

Open to clinical fellows/residents and early career faculty

Cancer Epidemiology Training Day

Sept. 22, 9:30am - 2pm

Designed to build a community of trainees interested in cancer epidemiology research and share research opportunities in cancer epidemiology at UCSF. The workshop will include research presentations and training opportunities within the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Open to all trainees.

More info/registration

Mission Bay Hub

A Unique High School Training Program at Mission Bay!

The Mission Bay Linked Learning Hub is an intensive 1-year advanced bridge to health, biotechnology and other STEM-aligned fields. With a focus this year on neuroscience, they are seeking neuroscience faculty, trainees or staff mentors. More info here. Contact Angel-Max Guerrero with questions.

Click here for more career development resources and training
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center - Office of Education and Training | Website