Volume 4 | June 2022

NEK Council on Aging Quarterly Newsletter

Welcome Summer!

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We are emerging from a long winter and watching the beauty of Vermont unfold around us. I hope that you can enjoy all the wonders of Vermont during the summer as we grow vegetables, enjoy the outdoors, and gather in person for many events! It has been a long journey as we continue to live through a pandemic unlike many of us have ever imagined. For the Council, it has raised a keen awareness of those who are isolated, and at times abused.

From our friends at the National Center for Elder Abuse who sponsor June as World Elder Abuse Month, we share some common challenges faced in our work as to why elder abuse remains such an “invisible” problem. Like other forms of interpersonal violence, elder abuse usually occurs behind closed doors. Many people who experience elder abuse are reluctant to report abuse because they may:

• Feel ashamed and embarrassed, particularly if a family member is the


• Be afraid that the perpetrator will get in trouble

• Worry that they will be forced to live in a nursing home—and this sometimes


• Feel guilty or somehow to blame

• Be in denial that the abuse is occurring, or unaware that what they are

   experiencing is abuse or neglect

• Be afraid that if they report, the abuse will get worse

Some people who experience elder abuse may also be unable to speak out due to dementia or other impairments, or may not be believed when they do. There are also indications that a culture of ageism (biases against aging), and a fear of growing old, may keep older people marginalized and undervalued in our society, therefore many problems as we age remain invisible or are viewed as unimportant.

I’ll end with the old adage…if you see something, say something. Our helpline (800) 642-5119 and staff are here to help.

Very sincerely,

Meg Burmeister

Executive Director

June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month

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Team NEKCOA Wears Purple for World  Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Our Legacy Project

How are you embracing your legacy?

A legacy is anything about someone that continues to have an impact on the lives of others in the future. We have started a new project here at the Council to celebrate the amazing legacies of our NEK elder friends and neighbors.

We would also welcome feedback on the project and recommendations for others to interview. Please reach out to Mel Reis at (802) 751-2608 or email to start a conversation. Thank you.

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Read About Lucy and Alice's Legacies

Staff News

Welcome Brooke and Felicity

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Brooke Brown is our new Volunteer Wellness Coordinator.

This grant-based, part time position will assist the outreach and effectiveness of the Council’s wellness programs. Brooke will help to recruit volunteers to offer wellness classes directly into the homes of our clients to further enhance personal wellness goals and their ability to age well independently, their way. She will be working closely with Karen B (Wellness Programs) and Mel (Marketing/Recruitment).

 Brooke is pursuing a degree in Human Services at NVU with the plan to graduate in December. She has a strong work ethic and previously worked with the NEKCOA a few years ago for one of her college classes calling folks for surveys. She loves the outdoors and hiking and has two dogs. 

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Felicity Norko, is our new Senior Companion Program Coordinator taking over for Patty Beckwith who is retiring. Senior Companions are volunteers 55 and over who provide assistance and friendship to seniors who have difficulty with daily living tasks, such as shopping, organizing paperwork or getting to medical appointments. The program aims to keep seniors independent longer, and provide assistance to family caregivers.

Felicity recently graduated from Northern Vermont University with a B.S. degree in Applied Psychology and Human Services. She lives in St. Johnsbury and while in college, made the President's List for academic achievement, and served as an intern and volunteer at Umbrella, St. J Health and Rehab, CollegesSteps Mentor, and a forest technician for the U.S. Forest Service. She was awarded the Good Character Award from St. Johnsbury Academy in 2018. 

NEKCOA Joins 10th Annual Veterans Summit

We were pleased to host an information table at the 10th annual Veterans Summit held June 3rd at Northern Vermont University. Pictured (left) is Karen Budde, veteran and NEKCOA AmeriCorps Volunteer Coordinator. 

Building Communities Stronger Mini Grants

Congratulations to our Grant Recipients

The Vermont Association of Area Agencies on Aging (V4A) announced that Vermont’s five area agencies on aging, covering all areas of the state, will be awarding grants for aging services community organizations. Funding for these community projects is being provided under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ARPA”). To be eligible for funding, the proposed projects and activities had to meet Older American Act requirements to support:

·    Low-income older individuals,

·    Low-income minority older individuals,

·    Older individuals with limited English proficiency,

·    Older individuals residing in rural areas, 

·    Focused development of resources to help build greater capacity, and

advance the development/implementation of a comprehensive and

coordinated system of service to older adults,

·    Operational capacity and proven track records,

·    Ability to provide data, quality results/outcomes related to the investment

to your area agency on aging.

We are pleased to announce that the following organizations were awarded Building Communities Stronger grants for 2022:  

Barton Area Senior Services (BASSI)/Glover Senior Meals

Burke Senior Meal Site

Craftsbury Community Center

Danville Senior Action Center

Davies Memorial Library

Gilman/Lunenburg/Concord Meal Site

Greenboro Nursing Home

Hardwick Food Pantry

Island Pond Meal Site

Quahog Dance Theatre

St. Johnsbury Nutrition Center

If you are experiencing concerns with food insecurity, please call our helpline
(800) 642-5119.

Check out The Scoop!
The Scoop is our monthly nutrition and wellness newsletter that is delivered to recipients of our home-delivered and take-out meals. It is a great blend of information, recipes, helpful hints, and usually a little humor! Past issues of The Scoop are available on our website in the Nutrition section.
Read the June 2022 Issue of The Scoop

We Love Our Volunteeers!

We continue to be amazed at the generosity of our volunteers. Our case manager Joann needed help to move a couple who could not afford a moving company. Pictured below are our friends from St. Johnsbury Academy who helped us move an elderly couple across St. Johnbury to their new apartment in the pouring rain! Thank you John, Rodney, Quinn, and Brodie for your time, muscles, and truck! 

Check Out Our Full List of Volunteer Opportunities
Find A Wellness Class Near You!
If you have an interest in participating in a wellness class or volunteering, please give Karen Budde a call at (800) 751-0431.
GetSetUp! A New FREE Virtual Learning Community for Seniors

We have received terrific response from participants for the GetSetUp free online classes. Use the links below to discover a class that interests you!

Of particular interest - classes that provide training in technology!

Visit the GetSetUp Website
Here is a "How To" Guide to GetSetUp
24/7 Online E-learning Portal for Caregivers
Visit the Trualta Portal
Learn More About Services for Caregivers at the NEKCOA

Our monthly Medicare Bootcamp classes are held online (via Zoom). Our next three classes are Tuesday, June 14th, Tuesday, July 12th, and Tuesday, August 9th from 9 - 11 a.m. Call Andrea Labor to register at (802) 748-5182.

Thank you Patty!

Thank you Patty Beckwith (right) who served as our Senior Companion Program Coordinator for eight years. She is retiring and we wish her the very best in the future! Thank you Lucy for snapping the picture!

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Support Our Important Work!

The increased costs of food, fuel, and other important needs have significantly affected those on a fixed income. We are also managing increased costs for mileage reimbursements for home-delivered meals drivers and visits to clients' homes. We remain grateful for the generosity of those who support our mission. Please help us to provide the tools our communities need to age well. 

Make a Secure Donation Online Today
Used Vehicle Donation Program
We have already received four used vehicle donations!
This is a great way to support the NEKCOA. Donate your old vehicle! Just call (844)-411-5768 and we do the rest!

Click here to learn more.
Need a helping hand? Call our Helpline
(800) 642-5119
Sign Up Here for Our Newsletter
Our trained staff will listen and provide the options you need to support living well. We help you remain in your home or transition to a new one!

If you have a family member or a friend who would like to receive our newsletter, please contact us at
(802) 748-5182 or email us at to sign up for future issues.

Click here to visit our newsletter archive.