Zero Waste Sonoma is hosting a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection event in Sea Ranch on Saturday, October 28, 2023 between 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Sonoma County residents may bring their unused and unwanted HHW items such as paint, fertilizers, batteries, fluorescent lamps, sharps, or antifreeze to name a few. This event is FREE for residents; qualifying small businesses may also participate for a fee.
HHW Collection Event—Sea Ranch
When: October 28, 2023; 9A-1P
Where: 39250 CA-1, Sea Ranch, CA 95497
State transportation laws limit each vehicle to a maximum of 15 gallons of liquid (with a maximum of 5 gallons per container) or 125 pounds of solid material. Never mix chemicals. Place in sealed containers in the trunk, packed to prevent spills. Syringes/needles must be in a sealed and labeled approved container.
See examples of common types of HHW or for information about other disposal opportunities.
More info for residents and more info for businesses.