Plan to attend our PTO Meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, October 18th, at 6:30pm in the gym to learn all about safety at Aspen Ridge,

with special guest speakers:

Officer Cara Thoen of the Erie Police Department,

Head of School Charla Salmeron, and Principal Rachel Miller.

Can't attend in person? Join by Zoom here!

Need childcare during the meeting? Sign up here!




Safe Students

Safe Community

Safety Is OUR Priority

At Aspen Ridge, we take safety to heart. By design, from the moment you enter our parking lot until the moment you leave our campus, our safety standards and expectations are set high for all.

Safe School

Our focus on physical safety goes beyond what you would expect.

  • Aspen Ridge is equipped with over 20 cameras both inside and out, allowing us to monitor hallways, entrances, the playgrounds, and surrounding parking lots.
  • Security film has been installed on all lower level windows and glass entrances, thus allowing time for those inside to reach safety should a breach from the outside take place.
  • All entry doors and egresses remain locked throughout the day. The only entry into the building for visitors is through the main entrance, where all visitors and volunteers are signed in through the Raptor Management System.
  • Aspen Ridge is also teaming up with Safe Communities, Safe Schools from CU Boulder. On a monthly basis (starting in April 2023), our team comes together to discuss school safety strengths and areas for improvement. As part of this team, a parent climate survey is available for you to complete over the next few days. Your input helps us to see all aspects of safety and how we can improve. Scroll down to get to the survey link.

Safe Students

Student well being is key!

  • Students and staff practice safety drills throughout the year. By using standard response protocols through, evacuations, lock-downs, and holds are the norm as we build the automaticity needed to operate while under stress.
  • Character development and modeling is important for all. Through the 7 Mindsets curriculum, we work on self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, decision making, resilience, growth mindset, empathy, cultural competence, and hope.
  • Buddy classes are paired every year to shine a spotlight on mentorship, cross-school support, and modeling of behavior.
  • A focus on positive behavior, while implementing consequences for negative behaviors, keeps our focus on looking for the good. "What you feed will grow" we feed the positive with Kickboard points, a school store, monthly character awards, and positive referrals.
  • Outdoor education keeps our students grounded. Whether it's a walking field trip around Erie, an overnight trip to Calwood (5th grade), or team-building through CU's ropes course, (6th-8th), our students learn to appreciate working together and with each other through unique, outdoor opportunities.
  • Both internal and external reporting options are available for students to make reports in regards to safety.
  • Internally, students are encouraged to go to their classroom teacher or a trusted adult if they have a problem that needs to be addressed. At the middle school level, students also have the option to fill out a daily check-in form if they have concerns or need to speak with the counselor.
  • Externally, Safe2Tell is a state platform designed as a way for students, parents, school staff, and community members to report concerns regarding their safety and the safety of others. Once a report is made through Safe2Tell, all members of the school's administrative team, members from the Erie Police Department, and safety personnel from SVVSD are notified immediately. (Note that if a report is made outside of school hours, on the weekend, or during vacations/school holidays, the Erie Police Department will begin the investigation.)
  • Mandatory Reporting is a requirement for all educators throughout the state of Colorado. As mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect, teachers and school staff are required by law to report their concerns. More information about reporting can be found on the Colorado4Kids website.

Safe Community

As we focus on creating a safe environment and help provide tools to our students to keep themselves safe, it takes a village/community to model implementation. That's where YOU come in.

  • Driveline is the first place you can help! See below to learn more about what is expected each day as you enter and leave the parking lots.
  • Owl Watch is a new opportunity for adults to be a part of a "watchful" community. By signing up for an Owl Watch shift, you become an extra set of eyes in our building to help support daily operations, be a present, positive role-model, share feedback on ways to make our space safer, and show our students that YOU are on the school safety team.
  • Reporting concerns and asking questions helps make US better. We rely on your eyes to help us make improvements. Do you see something that doesn't seem quite right? Do you have an idea to make us safer? Do you have resources that you think may be helpful? Let us know! It is impossible for us to "see" everything; we need you to be a part of the solution.

The ARPS Parent Climate Survey is Open

Our school is participating in a school climate survey conducted by the Center for the Study and

Prevention of Violence (CSPV) at the University of Colorado. The purpose of this survey is to identify the strengths and needs of our school regarding school safety and violence prevention. The results will help us identify areas needing improvement and develop strategies to address those needs. In addition to surveying the students, we want to gain the perspective of all families who have children at our school.

The survey is anonymous and is taken through a secure online server. Your participation is completely voluntary. The survey can be completed in approximately 15 minutes. Only one survey per family needs to be completed. Our goal is that at least 80% of households complete the survey. Response rates below 80% cannot be considered representative of the total population of families. It is very important that once you log in to the survey that you complete it in one sitting. Logging out of the survey will end the session, and you will not be able to log back in to the same survey in order to complete it.

To participate in the survey, visit

If you do not have access to a computer to complete the survey, please let us know and we will make arrangements to give you access to one of the school’s computers. If you need to take the survey in Spanish, you will see links in the upper right hand corner of the survey page for both English and Spanish.

You will have approximately two weeks to complete the survey. After all the data has been

collected, researchers at CSPV will analyze the data and issue a summary report.

Thank you for your participation in this important survey!


Click on the links below to learn more about each of the following resources.


✓  7 Mindsets

✓  ARPS Parent Climate Survey

  Owl Watch

✓  Raptor Visitor Management

✓ CO4Kids

  Security Film

✓  Safe2Tell

✓ Center for Study and Prevention of Violence


Sign up to be a part of our new Owl Watch program! By committing just a few hours a year, you can help make Aspen Ridge a safer place for all. More information and calendars will be shared with you after you sign up.


Thank you for helping us keep our Aspen Ridge community safe!

Join us for our PTO Meeting on Wednesday, October 18th, at 6:30pm to learn more about our safety practices and how you can be part of our safety team!