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February TCNA Meetup

Last Thursday's TCNA Meetup was a huge success. It was great fun to meet new neighbors and re-connect with old ones. Many thanks to Josh Cohen for organizing the event and the Ambassador Restaurant for providing the venue.

We hope that these get-togethers will become regular events. If you have ideas about future Meetups or other social activities, please let us know. Also, as everyone knows, it "takes a village," so we encourage TCNA residents to volunteer to help organize future events. Please let us know if you can volunteer.

Suggestions for future Meetups or other social activitieis

Josh is collecting your suggestions that will be discussed at the TCNA March Board meeting. We'd like to hear from you. Thanks.

Volunteer to help with Meetups or other tCNA events

Your help is needed and it's a great way to meet great neighbors in Tuscany-Canterbury

Missing Coat at the Meetup

A coat (LandsEnd black puffer coat with a hood, women's size small) and a pair of red leather gloves (also size small) were mistakenly taken from the coat rack at the Ambassador on Thursday. Please check your coat closets and if you find the coat and gloves, please contact Pat Hawthorne at 443-799-6009.

Hopkins Market, 110 W 39th Street

Pizza Day Special

February 11

All pizzas 30% off

NEW Hopkins Market Website
Tuscany-Canterbury Website Page About Our Neighborhood Restaurants

TCNA Officers and Board Members 2024-2025

  • President: Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford, Stony Run Lane), Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup, Chair Membership Committee, Member, Greens Committee
  • Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road), Public Safety Committee, Chair
  • Past President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road), Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
  • Secretary: Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road), Member Greens Committee

Board Members:

  • Jack Boyson (Tuscany/Lombardy)
  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road), Events
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road), Newsletter Coordinator
  • Brandon Eilertson (Cloverhill Road), Chair, Streets Committee
  • Eric Elton (Cloverhill Road), Greens Committee, Co-chair, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Nancy Lee LaMotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Ridgemede Rd), Residential Permit Parking Coordinator, Membership Committee, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Maureen LaPorta (Ridgemede Road), Neighborhood Restaurant Liaison
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street), Membership Committee
  • Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road), Calvert Liaison Committee Chair, Calvert Covenant Renewal Workgroup
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee