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8.00 a.m. Said Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Lady Chapel)

10.00 a.m. Sung Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Main Sanctuary)

In-Person and Live Streamed on YouTube | Leaflet

Vestry on-Call: Ms. Heather Ward

Coffee Hour this Sunday has been co-sponsored by Ms. Vyres Thompson, Ms. Tessie Prakas, and Canon Lurelean Gaines.

Children and Youth Chapel will be available at the 10.00 am service. We welcome the children and youth to the CYF Room after the opening acclamation and return during the peace.

A very happy birthday to the members of our congregation who are celebrating their birthday this week including Ms. Brianna D. Lawson.

Interim Dean and Priest-in-Charge's Note

Dear Siblings In Christ,

I wish to extend heartfelt gratitude for a successful Annual Meeting on the 26 January, and for the lovely service on the Centennial Anniversary of the consecration of our beautiful sanctuary last Sunday on the 2 February 2025. We have officially entered our second century!

I am pleased to announce the election of several new Vestry Members and Officers: Ms. Linda Brown, Ms. Heather Kelly, Mr. David Oakes, Ms. Ruby Sylvestre, and Mr. Nazario Palma. Elected to office are Mr. Nazario Palma to Junior Warden, Ms. Ruby Sylvestre to Assistant Treasurer, and Ms. Rosalind Vernon to Secretary. In addition, we welcome Luciralia Ibarra to Clerk.

Canon Gaines and I are grateful with the broad representation of this Vestry: 67% women, 33% men; 67% are people of color, and 33% are white; and 67% joined in the past decade, 33% are long-standing members. A mentoring program is being launched by the Vestry to encourage and support younger members of the congregation in this call of ministry. Anyone wishing to know more about leadership opportunities at St. John’s, please talk with Canon Gaines about your interests.

Lastly, we sing praise for the service and contributions of former Vestry Members: Dr. Charlotte Borst, Mr. Rick Nordin, and Mr. Arnie Ree. We give thanks for their wonderful leadership during this time of transition, and we are excited as they explore new areas of ministry.

St. John’s Cathedral is blessed with strong lay leadership as we begin another year. Thank you for your presence among us and many gifts.

With love and blessings,


Black History Month at

St. John's Cathedral 2025

Written by Canon Earl Mounger

We've come this far by faith trusting in the Lord.

As we begin our new century here at St. John’s let us not forget how far we have come from the days of the dedication of this building 100 years ago. Some of us, myself included, would not have been invited into the pews of this church perhaps because of our race or sexual orientation. This month as we began to celebrate Black History Month here at St. John’s let us not forget that Blacks who wanted to worship in this is magnificent church were encouraged to attend Saint Philip’s the first historically Black Episcopal church in the dioceses a few blocks away. It was also the largest Black Episcopal Church West of the Mississippi River....

Read the full article on our website

The Weekly Update

Feast of Absalom Jones Eucharist

Sunday, February 16

The Very Rev. Paul Daniels, dean of Bloy House, the Episcopal Theological School at Los Angeles, will be guest preacher at both services honoring Absalom Jones, The Episcopal Church’s first African American priest. Parishioners of West L.A.’s St. Mary in Palms Episcopal Church, where Daniels is rector, also will attend the service, planned as part of the cathedral’s observance of February as Black History Month.

Pledge Update

As of Friday, January 31

To date, we have received 92 pledges ranging from $5 to 75k, and have achieved 92% of our pledging goal this year! The mode and median pledge are $1,200, and the average pledge is $2,800. Many thanks to all of you who have pledged your financial support to St. John's Cathedral. We are grateful for your active membership in our church community. Pledge statements and thank you notes were distributed last week during our annual meeting. If you have not picked up your folder, please do so on Sunday after services. Thank you!

The Night is Long but Light Comes in the Morning

by Catherine Meeks, foreword by Michael B. Curry

Be sure to place this book on your reading list for Black History Month 2025. Dr. Catherine Meeks challenges readers to look inward—and to each other—to have the honest conversations that are essential to healing the racial divide. In this new paperback edition, a discussion guide is provided to help start and guide these crucial conversations. Place your order with Church Publishing today!

Nominations for Transitional Committee Are Still Open

From the Senior Warden, Canon Lurelean Gaines

Here is an opportunity to serve and be a part of a decision making body. There is a need for at least nine to fifteen persons to work together to determine where we are leading the congregation and by whom.

The ideal situation is to have representation which encompasses committed, caring, thoughtful individuals from different age groups and ethnic backgrounds who are willing to put in the time and energy to make informed decisions that allows the group to invite the full-time Dean for St. John's Cathedral.

If you are interested in this opportunity to serve please speak with the Committee Chairperson Mr. Luis Gonzalez or me.

Thank you in advance for considering this task.

Being a Sanctuary Diocese

From The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor

As reports come in about ICE raids around the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, I write to remind my siblings in Christ that, by act of diocesan convention in December 2016, we are a sanctuary diocese.


“Sanctuary” is generally but not exclusively understood as sheltering immigrant workers and their families in churches. I’m not aware of any of our 133 missions and parishes which currently do so. This doesn’t rule it out if circumstances warrant. We look forward to joining with colleagues in the ecumenical and interfaith community in mounting legal challenges if the current administration follows through on its stated intention to violate the sanctity of churches and other places of worship when they shelter those fleeing unjust power.

Read more

Don't forget to sign up!

If your birthday is in February, please use the sign-up sheets on the bulletin board in the fountain courtyard or contact the Rev. Mel Soriano. Whether it’s cookies, fruit, or something homemade or heartier, your contribution will help make our time of fellowship even more joyful.

Thank you for sharing your special month with the community—we can’t wait to celebrate together!

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