Middle School Updates

August 25, 2023

Stay Up to Date on Sign Ups & More!

Hello, Middle School Parents!

We hope the school year is off to a smooth start for your Middle Schoolers, and that they've enjoyed connecting and re-connecting with friends and teachers during this first full week back at Aspen Ridge. It's been fun to hear about their summer adventures and to get to know them as they continue to grow and evolve into awesome young humans.

We have some news and info to share specifically for our Middle School families, from staffing updates, to the Washington D.C. trip, to a Middle School Scavenger Hunt, and more. We're just one week into school and there's already so much to share and look forward to in the year ahead.

Thank you for reading through this newsletter and staying up to date on all the latest news and happenings at ARPS!

Welcome, Ms. Stevenson!

We're excited to have a new 6th/7th grade math teacher joining our Middle School team!

Ms. Stevenson grew up in the Salt Lake Valley area of Utah and graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in Statistics. After a stint in New Jersey, she moved to Colorado to be closer to family and the mountains. Outside of school, she loves to spend time with her husband, four children, and two dogs. She enjoys running, yoga, reading, and scuba diving whenever she finds herself near an ocean.

Ms. Stevenson will start teaching 6th/7th grade math classes on Monday, and Mr. Hamilton will move over to being the long-term sub for 7th/8th grade English Language Arts.

Sign Up for the 7th/8th Grade Trip to D.C.!

If your 7th or 8th grader has interest in attending the D.C. trip, this is the year to do it! Our plan is to alternate years, with a Washington D.C. trip this year followed by an international trip next year. Sign up today if you'd like your 7th or 8th grader to make memories with their classmates in our nation's capital! Registration deadline is 8/31!

In cased you missed it, check out the slides from the Parent Info Meeting here!

Don't Miss the Middle School Scavenger Hunt!

Save the Dates to Cheer on our Volleyball Team!

Lunch Money:

When You Need It & How to Pay It

Lunch is free for all students at Aspen Ridge this year. So, why would they need lunch money?


If your child would like a second serving of lunch, or if they would just like to have a milk or water (without getting a full lunch), they will be charged. Also, middle school students will soon have a la carte options (like chips or special drinks) that are not included with the free lunch.

If your child would like to be able to purchase second lunch, a drink, or an a la carte option, please add funds to their lunch account through St. Vrain Nutritional Services at this link, which can also be found under "Helpful Parent Links" in the Parent Portal. (If your child had any funds left on their "My School Bucks" account from last year, they will be transferred over to their SVVSD lunch balance.)

Dress Down Passes are Available Now!

Are your kiddos missing the freedom of their summer wardrobe? Good news! Dress Down Passes are now on sale and available at the Front Office! For $20, you can purchase a pass that allows your middle schooler to dress down on 10 pre-set days and five free choice days throughout the year!

To purchase this pass, please either bring $20 in cash or check to the Front Office, or pay online via Revtrak. Please check out the Parent/Student Handbook in the Parent Portal for dress-down day guidelines.

FYI: Absences at ARPS

If your child is sick or otherwise unable to attend school, the best way to let us know is by emailing you!



Phone: (720) 242-6225

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