Central Northeast Neighbors | | |
… “April Showers Bring May Flowers,” right?
May is here! Best known for beautiful flowers, the start of gardening season and so much more! May’s birthstone is the emerald which means love and success and it's flowers are the Lily of the Valley and the Hawthorn. Both are native throughout the southern Appalachian Mountains.The zodiac signs for the month of May are Taurus and Gemini.
Does the name May come from the Latin Maius, probably referring to the goddess Maia? She was the goddess of fertility, she embodied the concept of growth, both in nature and in business. The Roman poet Ovid says that May is named for the maiores, Latin for “elders,” and that the following month (June) is named for the iuniores, or “young people”. The name has changed over the years' it was first called May in the 1400's near the end of the Middle Ages.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month Each year millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. During May, NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) leads the national movement to raise awareness about mental health. Each year they fight stigma, provide support, educate the public and advocate for policies that support people with mental illness and their families. Help spread the word through awareness, support and advocacy activities.
A few more facts and dates for May
May 14 is Mother's Day In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson declared Mother's Day to be celebrated on the 2nd Sunday in May.
- May 29 is Memorial Day a Federal holiday to honor and mourn the U.S. military personnel who died in the course of carrying out their duties. Observed on the last Monday of May.
Some Famous May Birthdays
- May 11th – Irving Berlin – Great Composer in American history
May 13th – Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder American singer-songwriter
- May 14th – Mark Zuckerberg – Founder of Facebook
- May 19th – Malcolm X – Influential African American
- May 22nd – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – Novelist of ‘Sherlock Holmes’
- May 27th – Henry Kissenger – Former Secretary of State
- May 28th – Gladys Knight – Famous Female African-American Singer
- May 29th – Bob Hope – Famous Comedian of All Time
- May 29th – President John F Kennedy – 35th USA President
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Join Meetings in
Central Northeast Neighbors
Many meetings are via Zoom. Check the
Neighborhood Association Websites for updates.
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Central Northeast Neighbors Board First Wednesday 7pm (CNN) Ronda
Sumner Neighborhood Association (SAN) contact Ronda
Madison South Neighborhood Association (MSNA) Click here
Beaumont Wilshire Neighborhood Association (BWNA) Click here
Cully Association of Neighbors (CAN) Click here
Roseway Neighborhood (RNA) Click here
Rose City Park Neighborhood Association (RCPNA) Click here
Hollywood Neighborhood Association (HNA) Click here
Grant Park Neighborhood Association (GPNA) Click here
Central Northeast Neighbors Land Use Transportation Comm. Forth Wednesday 7PM
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Central Northeast Neighbors
Community Connects Gathering
June 5, 2023 6:30-8PM
Guest Speaker Aaron Abrams
Community Outreach Program Manager with
City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services
The City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services is in the midst of updating their rate methodology. This is a process that utilities go through from time to time to update how we charge our ratepayers to ensure billing is more consistent with service costs.
The City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services recently completed a rate study, and is proposing some updates to the way we charge our rates to ensure billing is consistent with service costs. Environmental Services staff would like to discuss the proposed changes and hear from residents and customers about what they think.
Please watch for our next Community Connect Aligning Swewr Rates and Stormwater Charges. Your input is critical. Since 2019, Environmental Services has been conducting a rate study or cost-of-service analysis, which is a technical analysis comparing our rates and charges with peer agencies. The analysis focuses on developing recommendations for updating how we charge our ratepayers to ensure billing is more consistent with service costs. We are conducting an outreach and engagement effort to gather community feedback and input on various aspects of the rate study.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 5261 7198
Passcode: 209122
Dial in 1 360 209 5623
Please RSVP with Ronda at rondaj@cnncoalition.org or 971-438-8736
You can find out more about the rate study click here
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Commissioner Mingus apps Town Hall
June 12th, 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Commissioner Mapps will be hosting community town halls throughout his time in office. Please check for updates and links to upcoming events.
My next town hall:
When: Monday, June 12th, 2023 6pm - 7pm
Register for the meeting here:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
To view previous town halls, visit our YouTube Channel
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We did it! We built a Brand New Playground for Rose City Park!
The Rose City Playground Project, and the playground is now complete. The playground opened in April 2023.
Join us on June 17, 2023 for the official celebration!
Here's how it happened: Rose City Park has long needed a place for children to play: activities that are fun, promote physical development and strategic thinking, and encourage connection with others. The existing playground equipment is broken, outdated and out of code.
In 2019, a plucky trio of neighbors got an idea: build a better playground for Rose City Park. The playground has not seen improvements in decades. So Joe Saraceno, Benjamin Dudley, and Rachel Gittner formed the Rose City Playground Project and with other neighbors and area businesses they hosted barbecues, networked, and threw huge "play day" celebrations in the park while working through the pandemic, they raised $25,000.
Their efforts caught the eye of Parks Commissioner Carmen Rubio and the Portland Parks Foundation who formed a public/private partnership between the Foundation and Portland Parks & Recreation to split the cost of a new play structure.
The new play structure serves youth from three nearby elementary schools and more than 200 children who live directly across the street in Home Forward’s Ellington Apartments. This complex has 263 units of affordable housing and more than ⅓ of the units have families that make less than 30% of the median income. Initiated by a diverse coalition of residents from the Rose City Park, Roseway, and Madison South neighborhoods, the Rose City Park Playground Project is the Portland Parks Foundation’s latest effort to bring safe, accessible fun to a Portland Park.
The new structure, a “Smart Play Venti” features a cargo net, inclined cable walk, bridge, vertical climber, panel maze, tightrope bridge, chinning bar, and other features. It is designed to keep 5-12-year olds engaged with activities that grow agility, balance, coordination, endurance, motor skills, eye-hand coordination, upper and lower body strength, problem-solving, and strategic thinking. Some features are accessible and the improvements to the grounds will make the playground safer and more welcoming.
Read more on this story click here
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Rose City Golf Course is 100 Years Old!
Come Celebrate - Sunday, August 27th
Enjoy a Portland Parks & Recreation Summer Free for All Concert
Try Your Shot at Free and Fun Golf Games Non-Golf Activities for Kids and Adults Food, Drinks and Desserts will be available
Mark Your Calendar! Don’t Miss this Special Occasion!
August 27th Save the date! Rose City Golf Course is turning 100
Come celebrate with games, food and drinks. A live concert produced by Portland Parks & Recreation Summer Free For All will be available for everyone right by the historic Rose City Golf Course Clubhouse.
If you’ve never been to Rose City Golf Course, this day is for you! Golf staff and volunteers will provide fun and free golf games for those interested in trying their shot. But no pressure! Non-golf activities for kids and adults will be available, as well as a full restaurant and dessert truck, all to help you enjoy the day on this special occasion.
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Downtown Portland Clean and Safe Is Hiring Summer Sidewalk Ambassadors
Now hiring Summer Sidewalk Ambassadors! Want to help visitors and community members experience all the great things downtown? Downtown Sidewalk Ambassadors are walking concierges responsible for providing visitors and locals alike with highly visible and friendly world-class hospitality. Downtown Portland Clean & Safe is a customer service focused group that is seeking individuals who are not afraid to approach strangers on the street to provide information and wayfinding, have a good knowledge of downtown Portland, and live an active lifestyle. We provide ongoing training including site visits to museums and attractions to obtain firsthand knowledge of the things that make Portland appealing to visitors and locals alike.
Read the full job description Click here
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Gunshot Detection Technology (or GDT)
in Portland
Dear Community Partner:
As you may know, the City is considering implementing a one year pilot program to test Gunshot Detection Technology (or GDT) in Portland. These systems are intended to detect gunshots then dispatch officers to the location where the gunshots are suspected to have occurred.
The City is working with researchers at Portland State University to collect community feedback on using this type of technology. We are hoping that you will be willing to share your perspective through a voluntary and anonymous online survey.
We know your time is valuable and this brief survey should only take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your participation and for making your voice heard on this important public safety discussion.
To complete the survey Take Survey Click Here
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Community for Positive Aging
(Hollywood Senior Center)
Volunteer appreciation Hollywood Neighborhood donated gift cards to local business to the volunteers 200 hours of volunteers.
Community For Positive Aging awarded a grant from the National Council on Aging
We are so excited to share that the Community for Positive Aging has been awarded a one-year Community Action Grant from the National Council on Aging! It is an honor to receive this national grant which will enable us to continue our monthly vaccination clinics, making it as easy as possible for older adults and people with disabilities to get their updated vaccinations and protect their health. Not only will we be able to provide COVID-19 vaccinations, we will also provide other life-saving vaccinations such as flu, shingles, and pneumonia.
Thank you to the National Council on Aging for their support of our mission, and to all of the dedicated volunteers and staff who have made this initiative possible. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who have given so much to our community.
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Fred Meyer Junior Parade
Date: June 07, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
The Junior Parade begins at Sandy Blvd and NE 52nd Ave at 1:00 p.m. It then travels down the one-mile parade route - Sandy Blvd, turns onto NE 40th Ave, then NE Tillamook, and ends at Grant High School.
On Sunday, April 23, 2023, the Hollywood Neighborhood and Boosters hosted a Spring Cleanup Event
Hollywood Neighborhood and Boosters hosted a Spring Cleanup Event was a huge success. Volunteers cleaned and beautified the Hollywood area. Everyone is looking forward to the Junior Rose Festival Parade which will be coming to Hollywood.
Thank you Volunteers and Scout Troop 999!
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A Draft District Map is Coming!
Get Involved Now
By the end of May, the Independent District Commission must deliberate and vote on their district plan for the four political districts from which Portlanders will elect 12 members of City Council. Maps are being considered now that could reshape what neighborhoods are in the Central Northeast Neighborhood area and that could bisect neighborhood boundaries. Here’s how you can share with the Commission how you define your community:
In July, the commission will hold eight to-be-announced Public Hearings to take official comment - two in each proposed district. Find our more information from the Commission at https://www.portland.gov/transition/districtcommission
Behind on your sewer/stormwater/water bill?
The Bureau of Environmental Services and the Water Bureau offer several financial assistance programs:
Bill discount: You may be able to get a discount on every sewer, stormwater, and water bill. Crisis voucher: If you've had a personal crisis and are enrolled in the bill discount program, you may be able to receive a voucher (a credit) of up to $500. Water Leak Repair Assistance: Do you have a leaky toilet, faucet, or pipe? If you own your home and are enrolled in our bill discount program, we may be able to fix the leak for free. For information Click Here
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Do you Need a Notary Public?
We have you covered.
Central Northeast Neighbors can help you. Our own Ronda Johnson is a Notary! This is a free service from Central Northeast Neighbors. Please contact her for more information about doing curb side notaries.
I am not an attorney licensed to practice law. I am not allowed to draft legal records, give advice on legal matters, including immigration, or charge a fee for those activities,
Central Northeast Neighbors Ronda (971)438-8736 rondaj@cnncoalition.org
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CNN Resource Numbers and Websites
"You Are Not Alone" We know physical distancing creates increased concerns, but there is help. At this website, https://govstatus.egov.com/or-dhs-not-alone is a list of resources for you, friends and family, and community members. All of these help lines offer translation services and are confidential.Your personally identifying information is not required.
Please refer to www.211info if you require a resource that cannot be found on our website. Learn about community resources: Dial 2-1-1 They have extensive information if you are looking for resources related to food, housing, energy, emergencies, childhood and parenting, and maternity services. The website provides contact and location information for service providers nearest you.
Multnomah County and City of Portland Resource List https://multco.us/sites/default/files/health/documents/community_resource_list.pdf
This is a Great Resource during Covid-19 Check it out! Macs List Portland Oregon https://www.macslist.org/working-in-portland/covid-19-resources-for-the-portland-community
People with disabilities and older adults: Aging and Disability Hotline at 503-988-3646 or adrc@multco.us
- Mental health support: Multnomah Mental health Call Center at
- 503-988-4888
Looking for the COVID resources featured in recent issues of the NEWS? These resources can now be found in https://www.multco.us/dchs/covid-19-information-resources-people-disabilities-older-adults
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This newsletter has been made possible through funding by the City of Portland, Office of Community & Civic Life. Views or findings expressed here do not necessarily represent those of the City of Portland or the bureau.
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