MSU EDA University Center for

Regional Economic Innovation

E-Update | July 2023

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Register Now for the 2023 Innovate Michigan! Summit

Registration is now live for the 2023 Innovate Michigan! Summit!!  The Summit will be held at the Kellogg Conference Center in Lansing on Thursday, August 17th. The agenda includes keynote Dr. Nabil Nasr, CEO of ReMade Institute

Dr. Nasr oversees everything from node-level research roadmap development to corporate engagement of the Institute’s largest industrial partners. Nabil also serves as the Director of the Golisano Institute for Sustainability and an Associate Provost for Academic Affairs at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has worked in the fields of sustainable manufacturing, remanufacturing, clean production, and sustainable product development for over 25 years, and is considered an international leader in research and development efforts in those disciplines. Dr. Nasr has served as an expert delegate for the U.S. government in several international forums, including the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the United Nations, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). ReMade seeks to work in partnership with industry, academia, trade associations, and national labs, with a focus on addressing knowledge gaps that eliminate and/or mitigate technical and economic barriers that prevent greater material reuse, remanufacturing, recovery and recycling.  

Dr. Nasr will speak on, Developing Equitable Community: Business Connection for More Circular Economies. Dr. Rex LaMore, Director of MSU’s Center for Community and Economic Development, states that, “The transition of Michigan's economy to a waste free circular economy is a multi-billion dollar transformation. Our sustainable and globally competitive economic future is contingent on our capacity to adapt to reducing waste and maximizing the reuse of products. Dr. Nasr is a global leader in guiding this transformation and we are very excited that he will be our REI Summit keynoter,”  

The Innovate Michigan! Summit will also feature presentations on innovative economic development tools, models, programs, and policies from around the state. To view the 2023 Project Series that will be presented at the summit, click here

Register for the 2023 Innovate Michigan! Summit today:! We look forward to seeing you! Please consider sharing this announcement with your networks. Email with any questions regarding registration or the Summit.
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