September 2023 Newsletter

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Do you remember the butterflies in your stomach and the eager anticipation of the first day of school in your elementary school days? Embracing both the fear and the excitement of the unknown? As adults, autumn signals a return to routine, and predictability in our days. We may welcome a schedule, but by embracing the habitual do we also lose our ability to be fully present? Do you ever consciously push yourself out of your comfort zone to try something new or make yourself vulnerable to potential failure? I have been mulling over these thoughts as I recently celebrated another birthday. I see both fear and excitement in my grandchildren's eyes as they embrace new challenges and I remember that long-ago feeling. Do we inherently lose this ability as we age? Science teaches us that there is a fine line between "good" stress (the kind of stress that helps us engage in life with clarity, purpose, and ease) and "bad" stress (the type of stress that limits and paralyzes us to freeze or shut down in difficult situations). While both types of stress are normal, practicing mindfulness can help us modulate how we respond to stressors and spend more of our lives in the "good" stress zone.

My challenge to all of us (over the age of six) is to do one thing out of your comfort zone each day this month. Be a bit vulnerable, be present, and find ways to embrace the butterflies in your stomach again!


Pamela Ressler, Founder

Stress Resources


Emerging into Connection

Real Life by Sharon Salzberg

Learn...Practice...Embody With all the difficulty and complexity of life, we can easily become closed off, both from ourselves and others. How do we return to curiosity, creativity, and innate goodness?

Sharon Salzberg's new book, Real Life, explores lovingkindness techniques to facilitate the natural emergence of connection that exists in us all.

I highly recommend all of Sharon Salzerg's books and this new one is no exception. Sharon has a gentle, humble way of making sense of difficult concepts and putting lovingkindness and mindfulness into practice.

Want to Become More Mindful?

Flexible Options for Mindfulness Training


What are clients saying?

"The mindfulness training Pam offers is exactly what I was looking for -- evidence-based, compassionate, and flexible enough to meet my needs."

"Pam is an internationally known expert in the field -- I appreciate her wisdom and knowledge in developing a program that works for me."

"My doctor sent me to Pam for mindfulness training -- he said she was the best and I agree. The program and working with Pam was transformational."

There is no better time than NOW for mindfulness training -- be more resilient, less reactive, more responsive, and feel less stressed! Stress Resources offers a number of flexible options to meet your needs. Expert training makes all the difference in making your mindfulness or meditation practice sustainable and effective. All sessions are taught by Stress Resources' founder, Pam Ressler.

Sessions can be either in-person (must be fully vaccinated) or virtual via Zoom, and can be scheduled mornings, afternoons, or evenings to meet your needs. Geographic location is no longer a problem.

Train with a friend and save 50%

More information
Pam Ressler
Pause with Pam on Wednesdays

Pause with Pam drop-in sessions are 30 min of guided meditation on Wednesdays at 12:00-12:30 pm EDT on Zoom.

No long-term commitment -- join us as you are able.

Pause with Pam will be continuing through 2023!

Check the calendar for session dates.

Tuition is $15 per session.

Strengthen Your Mindfulness With

Meditation Maintenance Sessions

Meditation Maintenance sessions are a great way to boost and strengthen your mindfulness practice in a friendly, supportive environment.

Meditation Maintenance sessions are held twice a month -- once in the evening (Wednesday) and once in the daytime (Thursday)

Check the calendar for specific dates.

Both daytime and evening sessions offer the option of in-person or virtual participation -- please indicate how you will be attending when you register. You must be fully vaccinated to attend in person to keep us all as healthy as possible.

(Note: After 20 years, it is necessary for me to increase Meditation Maintenance sessions from $20 to $25 to cover some of my increased costs. Thank you for your understanding)

Next sessions:

Wed 9/20 (7-9 pm)

Thur 9/21 (12:30-2:30 pm)

Register Here
by Pam Ressler

Book update: Thank you to all who have pre-ordered Recalbrations. Unfortunately, it is still in process of being printed due to numerous delays with the original publisher. Thank you for your patience.

My dream for some time has been to create a collection of my haiku, paired with the photos that inspired them.

The combining of visual art and haiku is called haiga in Japanese. I envision my haiku as a modern version of this genre -- mindful, observational, and fully present.(You can view my haiku/haiga on my blog)

It is with great pleasure that I announce that my first book of haiku/haiga -- Recalibrations is available now as a pre-order on my website, and will also be available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other sellers at a later date.

Pre-Order a copy of Recalibrations
Stress Resources
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