Saturday I left camp early because I knew my wife and daughter were coming home and bringing a new to us cat. This one belonged to a lady who had passed away and through a former coworker my wife agreed to give this cat a new home. Ok you already know this story only gets crazy from there!
So wisely they stop by the store to get some flea medicine so that the cat doesn't bring some unwanted buddies along to his new home. But while under quarantine in the garage the cat finds a hole in the wall (unnoticed by us over the last five years of living here!) and squeezes into the crawl space of our house. Where he has been in hiding for the last 72 hours!
We did set up the ring camera and could see that he would squeeze into the garage in the wee hours of the morning to eat his food. One time I even darted out and surprised him. I quickly stuffed a towel in the hole and thought I had trapped him in the garage. But later when I went to go find him he was missing. I jokingly said he was either a ninja hiding in plain sight or could teleport like one of the X-Men. It was an almost disturbing thing that I knew I had trapped this cat in the garage but he was unaccounted for.
To finish the story after a trip out this morning he was spotted again in the garage on the ring camera. My daughter ran into the garage and scooped him up before he could escape (or teleport!). So right now he is in her room (hiding under the bed) so we can try and socialize him. Now mind you this is the same cat that we were told was a lap cat, loves people blah blah blah. :)
Hopefully when you hear the "rest of the story" on Friday I can share some good news. We have not even named this cat. At this point I've thrown out "Scaredy Cat", "Nightcrawler (X-Men reference) and "Ninja". None of those have stuck with the other decision makers in the family.
Jason Spangler
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