12:05-12:10 Introduction
12:10-12:20 Jill Berkman, M.D.
“Modifications to Neurology Residency Education: Health Equity Curriculum and Noon Conferences"
12:20-12:30 Christopher Cashman, M.D., Ph.D.
“Acquired Mitochondrial Genome Mutations and Respiratory Dysregulation as Effectors of Diabetic Neuropathy”
12:30-12:40 Daniel Harrison, M.D.
“Neurologic Education and Training for Advanced Practice Providers”
12:40-12:50 Douglas Wilcox, M.D., Ph.D.
“The Host Response in Viral Encephalitis & Immune-Mediated Control of the Blood-Brain Barrier”
12:50-1:00 Q&A
Steps to claim CME credits for BWH Neurology Grand Rounds 2020-2021:
Send code GUYBAF to 1-857-214-2277.
- A link will be sent to your email. Click on the link and complete the evaluation. After you complete the evaluation, your CME will be recorded. You will then be able to download a PDF of your certificate.
If you have any questions about the CME credit, please contact Partners Office of Continuing Professional Development at PartnersCPD@partners.org.