Transitioning Back to School for 7-12
Welcome to Attendance Awareness Month!
Students are more likely to come to school when they feel safe, know that someone at the school cares about them, and when there are exciting and relevant lessons. Administrators, educators and staff can ensure every student feels welcomed and engaged and learns about the importance of daily attendance. Find ideas and tools for the middle and high school years below.
Build community spirit during the first month of school, using our Back-to-School calendar of activities. Two calendars – one for secondary and one for elementary grades – can be used by advisory/home rooms or the entire school. You can choose to do one week or four! Find the calendar.
We’ve created new social media images for the 2022 AAC! Download zip files for images you can post to Facebook or Twitter, as well as messaging about the importance of strong attendance. Find it all on our Attendance Awareness Campaign website.