Good Afternoon, Church!
Blessed post-Christmas to each one of you. I pray that your Christmas celebrations were filled with wonder and delight. We were so blessed on Christmas Eve, as we gathered to celebrate as a beloved community. 135 people were with us as we took some time to remember that incredible night of miracles. Many thanks to everyone who helped make it a meaningful time together. Special thanks to Colleen Clementson and all our communion assistants. Colleen prepared our elements even though she was unable to worship with us. Plus … she is preparing our elements for this coming weekend’s worship. Where would we be without all the selfless servants who make all things happen in our congregation? Kudos also to Lee Laurence for her beautiful solo. Her song, “Gesu Bambino” set the stage for our night together. I had two highlights from the evening that I will not soon forget. The first was Ms. Kristie’s children’s moment. What a gift Kristie is to us. She was a bit nervous about “going live” after so many months of recording brilliant messages for our kids and I think she knocked it out of the park. Thank you, Kristie. The other highlight was the moment when everyone raised their candles during, “Silent Night.” It was as if God’s spirit swept over the room. It was a holy moment for me.
Heading into 2023 this Sunday! We are going to ALL join on the chancel (the stage area) for an intimate time together. As we have done in years past, we will share some New Year’s prayers and readings from a number of different faith traditions, interspersed with singing. We will also share in Holy Communion in a new way. We will not be long, but the time we share will be a great way to begin your new year. I think you will be surprised how all the prayers and readings share similar ideas, hopes, and dreams. Hope to see you Sunday. I love being your pastor!
Holding you close and lifting you high!
Pastor Greg