“Either we spend time meeting children’s emotional needs by filling their cup with love, or we spend time dealing with behaviors caused from their unmet needs. Either way, we spend the time.” ~ Pam Leo, Connecting Through Filling The Love Cup

Conscious Discipline

By Angela Fraley

A child’s ability to self-regulate has long been accepted as a key factor in future success. With this information in mind, direct instruction and boxed curriculums centered on children’s behavior became the go-to for providers seeking to teach social and emotional skills. 

Current research into behavior, neuroscience, and trauma, however, indicates that children acquire the bulk of their social and emotional learning through the way they are treated and the way they see others behave. In short, children develop healthy skills through healthy experiences and co-regulation with adults. In order for educators to effectively teach self-regulation and other core SEL skills, they must be able to model these skills in everyday life. 

The challenge, of course, is that a lot of adults lack these skills. Self-regulation comes easily when the world is going our way, but how do we fare when the children ignore us, spit, pull hair instead of saying, “Move please,” and splash water all over the hand washing station? What about when coworkers criticize, judge, exclude, and blame? Generally, when we are upset, we revert to the skills we saw adults use when we were children. Sometimes these skills were not the healthiest by today’s standards, but they were the norm at the time. Sometimes they were unhealthy by any standard. In order to break unhealthy cycles, co-regulate and teach essential SEL skills, adults must first increase their emotional intelligence.

The field of education is beginning to recognize this “adult-first” approach as essential to effectively teaching children SEL skills such as self-regulation, responsible decision-making, empathy, self-awareness and conflict resolution. Conscious Discipline is a trauma-informed, evidence-based approach to discipline and SEL that has utilized this “adult-first” approach to transforming children’s behavior since the late 1990s, long before the phrase was popular. In that time, Conscious Discipline has impacted an estimated 18 million children worldwide, many through district-wide implementation and Head Start classrooms in the United States. 

Conscious Discipline empowers adults with the skills to self-regulate and create a school culture that is conscious, compassionate, intentional and healthy. Simply put, it allows adults to shift from “Do as I say, not as I do,” to “Do as I do,” and infuses effective SEL into all aspects of discipline, classroom management, instructional practice and social culture. 

At the opening of last year’s Conscious Discipline Institute, founder Becky Bailey said, “Discipline means ‘to teach,’ and what better way to teach children than for us to use the skills we are trying to teach them. Self-regulation, empathy, kindness, respect, perseverance … children learn these qualities by consistently experiencing them firsthand.”

As an instructor with Conscious Discipline, I have trained and coached teachers, administrators and parents from one side of the United States to the other. Every place I have been, I see adults who are beyond frustrated with today’s challenges and struggles. Administrators want to do better in supporting their staff members’ mental health and reducing turnover. Teachers want to do better in their interactions with children and in supporting their development. But year after year, the behaviors seem to become more challenging while time and resources become scarcer. The need for effective, long-term ways to support educators and students is staggering. 

Conscious Discipline provides relief through evidence-based strategies that create lasting change, without the burden of a separate curriculum. Daily classroom life is the curriculum, and it is chock-full of challenges that have the potential to become powerful teaching moments—once providers know how to use them.

The first thing I tell a center when introducing them to Conscious Discipline is that they are shifting from the impossible task of controlling young children to co-regulating with them. As co-regulators, adults have the opportunity to model what self-regulation looks like, feels like and sounds like throughout the school day. The challenge, of course, is that most adults grew up without a consistent co-regulator by their side. This is why the adult-first process of Conscious Discipline is so vital. Children develop the skill of self-regulation through healthy experiences co-regulating with an adult. Conscious Discipline fills the adult’s skills gaps so they can be the self-regulated, emotionally safe teachers children need.

Educators at The Playing Field in Madison, Wisconsin have been implementing Conscious Discipline since the center’s inception. Founder and executive director Abbi Kruse said that few educators come to The Playing Field with the training or experience needed to succeed long-term. Training employees in Conscious Discipline has provided the growth, community and stability the teachers need to thrive in the classroom and bring the best of themselves to every interaction with the children in their care. 

Kruse said, “Our School Family really tapped into the powers and skills of Conscious Discipline as tools for adult self-care, especially through the pandemic. With training and support, we have seen our teacher turnover drop to less than half the national average. So, implementing Conscious Discipline has helped create a healthy learning environment for both adults and children.” 

The Playing Field’s staff members shared what it felt like to shift to Conscious Discipline. We tend to talk and talk and talk, which very rarely deescalates the child’s upset state. As a co-regulator, your calm internal state is the key, so breathe before you speak and breathe more than you talk.

“Conscious Discipline taught me that we have the power inside us to make the change we want to see in our classroom. What a game changer to challenge teachers to change ourselves first, instead of trying to implement yet another new program without tapping into our own powers. Adult first, child second resets the entire concept of classroom management into classroom family,” said teacher Julie Betthauser. Laurelin Brokaw, another teacher at The Playing Field says Conscious Discipline gave her the awareness and skills needed to better care for herself and maintain a calm, regulated state. “Before, I would try to help others first and crash over and over. Now I have the skills to pull myself out of the weeds—to regulate myself first and then help those around me,” Brokaw said.

Because Conscious Discipline is a trauma-informed program that requires self-awareness and reflection, every practitioner’s experience is unique.

The following tips, however, come to mind as universal and immediate Conscious Discipline strategies anyone can implement:

  • Bring water to their fire instead of fuel. Disengaging the body’s stress response with deep belly breaths (inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth) helps calm our internal state. Without calming first, our triggered internal state can add fuel to the upset person’s fire and cause the moment to escalate. When fulfilling our job responsibilities as co-regulators for children, deep belly breaths are always the first step.
  • Slow down and be present. As adults, we often rush through moments because we are already thinking about what is next on our to do list. Children, on the other hand, live in the present moment and need our minds, as well as our bodies, to be with them. Breathe, slow down and bring your mind to where your body is as a present co-regulator.
  • Breathe more and talk less. In upset moments, our triggered internal state often sparks a lot of talking. We tend to talk and talk and talk, which very rarely deescalates the child’s upset state. As a co-regulator, your calm internal state is the key, so breathe before you speak and breathe more than you talk.
  • I also advise centers to join the community of educators and parents on Conscious Discipline’s website and social media. Creating community is one of the foundational tenets of Conscious Discipline, and the company has nurtured a deep community of learners via its trainings, live events and extensive online resources at, including hundreds of free webinars, articles and “reproducibles.” The website also includes information about their evidence-based designations. 

Early childhood educators are among the most impactful people in a child’s life. Their daily interactions with children play a key role in whether or not children develop healthy social and emotional skills, self-image and mental models. Conscious Discipline provides an adult-first approach that empowers educators with the social and emotional competencies needed to model and teach core SEL skills and self-regulation in everyday classroom life. “It is transformational change for our students, our staff and ourselves. It is a path for building the safe, compassionate world we imagine,” Kruse said.

Are we forming children who are only capable of learning what is known, or should we try to develop creative and innovative minds? 

– Jean Piaget, 1896 - 1980, psychologist known for his work on child development

In Teaching to Transgress, Bell Hooks writes: 

"To educate as the practice of freedom is a way of teaching that anyone can learn. That learning process comes easiest to those of us who teach who also believe that there is an aspect of our vocation that is sacred; who believe that our work is not merely to share information but to share in the intellectual and spiritual growth of our students…I have been most inspired by those teachers who have had the courage to transgress those boundaries that would confine each pupil to a rote, assembly-line approach to learning. Such teachers approach students with the will and desire to respond to our unique beings, even if the situation does not allow the full emergence of a relationship based on mutual recognition. Yet the possibility of such recognition is always present." 

In From Teaching to Thinking, Ann Pelo and Margie Carter share how The Thinking Lens© for Learning Together with Children invites the kind of courage hooks writes about: 

"The Thinking Lens is a protocol for teacher research…an expression of pedagogical documentation [that] breaks open our singular and isolated perspectives to create collective understandings. It changes our focus from talking about individual children and their behavior or learning, to talking about ourselves and our thinking about children’s thinking process. Our conversations become tentative and introspective rather than certain and proscriptive, vehicles for our exploration and experimentation and learning." 

"Questions. Not answers. Not expertise. Questions, which are the beating heart of research. ‘I wonder why?’ ‘What if ?’ ‘Who else?’ The Thinking Lens carries us into the arena of research by asking us to lay down the activity guides and lesson plans that are weighted with answers, and, instead, to take hold of questions. They will spool us always forward, sure guides in the project of becoming a community that learns."

Using Puppets in Child Care

Puppets provide a wide range of benefits

for children in a child care setting. Child

care providers can use puppets,

whether they are purchased at the store

or homemade, to enhance almost any

area of the child care curriculum. Children of all ages can enjoy using puppets in child care.

Download the Puppet Use PDF

Additional Transition Resources

Guiding the Most Challenging Children

Encouraging and forming relationships with children who challenge us can be one of the most difficult parts of teaching. Often these children say hurtful things to others, frequently refuse to comply or join in and are sometimes physically hurtful to themselves or others in the classroom.

Conscious Guidance asks adults to view these children as calling for love.

Children who are relationship resistant are the most challenging in our classrooms. We can relate to these children on some level as we have all had hurt and betrayal in our lives. As adults we build defenses to distract us from that inner pain, children show us their inner pain with disruptive and hurtful behaviors in the classroom. Conscious Discipline provides adults with sills to enhance brain development by creating optimal learning environments, support self-regulation in ways that foster relationships instead of damaging them, resolve conflicts, and help children build respectful relationships with others.

Join Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Jill Molli to learn strategies for reaching and building relationships with these children transforming both their life and the life of the classroom. Listen in and learn how to create a School Family, utilize the skills of active calming, encouragement and powerful connections to reach even the most challenging children.

Guiding Challenging Children Webinar

Copiloting Play

By Sue Starks

For young children, play is an authentic skyway to learn and develop across content areas and domains. Inviting the use of imagination, creativity, and flexible thinking, play offers ample opportunity to embrace the acts of exploring, wondering, investigating, and discovering. Alongside of these processes that contribute so much to thinking skills, play nurtures life skills (Gartrell, 2020). Social-emotional-cognitive proficiencies, developed and honed as children play, lay the foundation for success both inside and outside of the classroom. Sometimes referred to as soft skills (to which the author says first things first!), this array of abilities supports children in learning to effectively navigate within the classroom. The foundation provides substantial benefits to the child in the present and for the future (NAEYC, 2021). Beyond the school walls, a strong social-emotional-cognitive foundation gained through play propels children forward through life.

In the context of play, young children can develop positive self-concept, gain confidence, build relationships with peers and significant adults, learn to label and regulate emotions, and refine communication and problem-solving skills, all leading to higher levels of achievement (Heidemann & Hewitt, 2010). However, these gains do not happen by chance. It takes intentional support from teachers and other significant adults willing to assume an active, interactive role in play as essential copilots. Just as an aircraft requires copilots to safely adhere to a flight plan, children at play need copilots to engage in and support their play plans. Are you ready for takeoff?

When young children play, teachers can choose to do one of two things: engage or disengage. In many early childhood classrooms, in response to a notion that play should be entirely child-directed and/or the fallacy that children do “significant” learning only during structured group times, play can be viewed as a time to disconnect. Viewing themselves as not having a role in play or being unsure of how to carry out their role, teachers too often fall into the habit of using this time for other things. Although enticing, as days are busy with many competing demands, playtime is not the time to check emails or texts, return phone calls, or prepare an upcoming learning activity. On the contrary, it is a time to plug in, to be active and interactive, truly in the moment as a copilot. Other activities can wait; the teachable moment to support children as they work through a conflict over the coveted purple scissors will not.

On one hand, play appears to be a simple, free-flowing event. On the other hand, early childhood teachers must understand that play is a rather complex process. Young children do not learn the skills needed to play by osmosis. They often have struggles seen in frustrations with materials and conflicts with others. Teachers need to regard these struggles as calls for help. Support plans and strategies are needed to teach the skills necessary to solve the problems children face (Greene, 2014). Just as teachers would step in to support other efforts, the reaction must be the same when it comes to play. 

So, we start at the beginning, not giving in to the assumption that all children come into the classroom fully equipped to play. The level of play skills will vary from child to child, much the same as other skill sets. If the goal was to teach the mathematical process of patterning, starting at the beginning, a teacher would provide ample opportunity for the child to explore freely with open-ended materials. This fluid exploration invites children to begin to notice differences and correlations between items, a precursor to patterning. If we begin with an expectation that simply given materials, children will automatically create patterns, a disservice occurs. The same thing goes for play skills. Before being expected to find success in the context of play, teachers must consider the precursors—sharing, taking turns, communicating, negotiating, learning to care about others, along with identifying and regulating emotions. These forerunners, first things first, are the building blocks of successful play. Constructing a purposeful plan to introduce and scaffold necessary play skills is essential.

From the perspective of the author, the “Flight Plan for Play” has six parts:

1. Identify and Name the Skill

Identify and name the skills deemed critical for a young child at play. The skills include: sharing, turn taking, entering into play, communicating, negotiating a back and forth exchange of interactions, displaying a sense of empathy, and regulating emotions (Corso, 2016). Vygotsky’s famous Zone of Proximal Development comes into play here. Begin where the child is and identify what they can do. Next, consider what they can do and where they can go with their teacher and/or peers serving as a viable scaffold. If the child is in need of play-skill development, each step along the way might need to be separated into mini-increments that can be celebrated. Baby steps matter! (Examples of competencies related to play, along with visuals and shared language to consider can be found at the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations website

2. Devise an Introduction Plan

Create a plan to introduce each identified skill to young children in a manner that ensures they understand what each looks, sounds, and feels like, again, making no assumptions about prior knowledge and experience. This plan could involve the use of stories and other outlets including puppets, role play, and cooperative games during group time, followed by small group lessons that derive from large group content. Refer to these lessons when you use the countless opportunities for real-time teachable moments to reinforce development and use of play skills (Gronlund, 2013). Play times are the best moments to settle into the designated copilot seat.

Here is an example of devising and using an introductory flight plan for play:

During large group, read the book “Mouse Was Mad” by Linda Urban, and discuss the tactics Mouse’s friends recommend to use to deal with being mad.

In small group, discuss things that may make them mad along with options to deal with their mad, and try each one out (deep breaths, counting to five, blowing out the birthday candles, running in place, squishing play dough).

During playtime, purposefully watch for kids who become upset and coach them through dealing with these situations to prevent possible turbulence. Help them name their feeling, express their feeling, give them words or actions to use to work through their mad. Then, affirm them for a job well done—“you were mad that your block tower was knocked down, but you took some deep breaths and told Benny it made you mad that he kicked your tower over!” Celebrate their steps toward self-regulation with them! 

3. Utilize Descriptive and Ongoing Feedback

Ensure that children are receiving descriptive and ongoing feedback as they use and hone their skills. Helping children work through turbulent situations, promoting a sense of calm, as well as individually and specifically acknowledging their efforts keeps first things first (Gartrell, 2020). Without your continuous copiloting, they may be unsure of how close they are to the mark. Example: Timmy struggles with using words when problems come up. On this day he asks a buddy to return a Lego® piece, saying “Gimme that back!” The teacher reinforces Timmy for using his words, gently asks him to add the magic word (please), and mediates the exchange. In relation to learning a specific skill, one step taken by one child may mean complete success. For another child, a myriad of smaller increments may be required to accomplish a similar feat. Keeping this in mind, teachers match their feedback with the individual needs and process of the child. In this way, children begin to understand what behaviors are considered valuable in the context of friendship (DelVecchio, 2021).

4. Extend the Use of Encouragement and Affirmation

Extend encouragement and affirmation beyond the first few weeks of school. Oftentimes teachers begin strong, introducing and reinforcing routines and expectations for the classroom, only to pull back too soon. By week seven, the thinking that “I have taught my class these skills; children should know them by now” can lead to trouble. If the messages children send us communicate that they still have room to grow, our responses to their behavior must follow suit. For some children and groups, social skills remain a work in progress for the entire school year. A teacher’s responsibility is to teach the whole child, therefore they cannot abandon the fight just as copilots cannot abort the flight plan.

5. Embrace a Growth Mindset

Embrace the concept of a growth mindset when it comes to life skills. Believe that children can develop and grow these skills with you as an interactive partner. Accept the fact that learning to support the development of these skills is not an easy task. For children with only months of life experience—four years means only 48 months—it is a work in progress. A growth mindset serves both children and teachers. Our collective goal is to teach children to learn from their beginners’ mistakes and begin to solve their own problems (Gartrell, 2020). Empowerment goes a long way! Anticipate there will be “air turbulence” during play, ready yourself with the words, visuals, and actions needed to support the efforts of young players at play. Be ready: you are the copilot!

6. Ensure a Context of Trust

Implementing a flight plan for play occurs within the context of a broader relationship with a child. Effective copiloting requires relationships, leading to development and learning across developmental domains (The Center on the Developing Child, 2021). It is no secret that children with challenging behaviors may test the establishment of teacher-child relationships. Yet, teachers understand that building trust and rapport takes time and intention, little exchanges across the day make a difference (Hammond, 2015). As you notice, listen to, talk with, interact and play with children, you send the message to the child that they truly matter. Giving them your time and attention shapes and nurtures your growing relationship.  

There you have it! In all honesty, this is not an easy process, but it is critically important work that needs to be done. After all, learning the steps necessary to successfully accomplish a zipper merge as an adult begins in childhood! Yes, there will be some give and take, at times a pattern of two steps forward, one step back, yet embracing this dance—these flight maneuvers—is a vital part of the role of early childhood teachers. Learning how to play forms “a foundation for learning and social interaction in their future lives” (Heidemann & Hewitt, 2010). With this in mind, don’t underestimate the significance of your role as a copilot, drawing children ever closer to a safe landing within the context of play, and life.

Integrating Meaningful Movement Activities Throughout the Preschool Day

By Karrie A. SniderBrandy M. LynchLane Maxcy and Natalie Tye

Through our experiences teaching young children and in our current work supporting educators, we have often heard adults and ourselves saying to children during daily interactions in the learning environment, “let’s get our wiggles out!” Yet, if we close our eyes and imagine an infant, young toddler, or preschooler in their home or school environment, we would most likely see a child that is moving. From birth, children’s exploration of the world begins with sensorimotor movements that direct their discoveries of the world around them. Moving is a key ingredient in young children’s development. Yet, experts are increasingly concerned about the reduction of physical activity in children’s daily lives, which suggests that preschool children are not moving quite as much as we think (Virgilio & Clements, 2020).

The Importance of Moving to Learn

Emerging fields such as Mind Brain Education Science (Tokuhama-Espinosa, 2014; 2018) help educators re-examine once held beliefs about learning and the brain, leading to more informed decisions about practices that support brain development. As far as moving goes, MBE Science affirms that learning engages the entire physiology; meaning that the body and brain interact to play an important role in the learning process (Tokuhama-Espinosa, 2018). Integrating physical activity and mindful movement into daily school experiences can lead to children’s increased cognitive and behavioral functioning; supporting children’s improved self-regulation, attention, prosocial and communication skills (Crooks et al., 2020; Rice et al., 2023).

Implications from research recommendations leads us to think that instead of saying, “let’s get our wiggles out,” we can, and should, intentionally say “let’s move,” by integrating meaningful movement into everyday activities, including routines, transitions, and learning experiences (e.g., August et al., 2023). We share the following movement integration ideas to support children’s learning to move across the preschool years, as educators create meaningful opportunities for movement activities throughout the preschool day.

Ways Children Learn to Move

Children engage in physical activity through the wide variety of bodily movements used to play, explore, manipulate objects, and simply move about. Mindful movement encompasses a variety of physical movements and exercises that promote strength, flexibility and balancing skills such as yoga, dance, and moving meditations like Tai Chi (Rice et al., 2022). Children’s physical skill development includes:

  • Locomotor skills: large body movements that transport from one place to another like walking, running, hopping, galloping, crawling, sliding;
  • Gross motor skills: large muscle movements like running, throwing;
  • Fine motor skills: small muscle movements like grasping, pinching, zipping;
  • Stability skills: balance movements with the body remaining in one place but movement occurs around it horizontally or vertically like twisting, jumping and spinning; and,
  • Manipulative skills: movements that involve controlling objects with hands or feet, such as kicking, throwing, catching, dribbling, and striking (Virgilio & Clements, 2020).

We can support young children’s learning about movement by emphasizing concepts related to action, effort, space, and body (Sanders, 2002, p. 93):

  • Action Awareness: “I am learning what my body does” (locomotor, stability and manipulative skills)
  • Effort Awareness: “I am learning how my body moves” (speeds, rhythms, force, flow)
  • Space Awareness: “I am learning where my body moves” (space, direction, pathways)
  • Body Awareness: “I am learning the relationships my body creates” (knowing body parts and positions in space- e.g., over/under).

Body-Brain Energizers

An energizer is a short activity lasting 1-3 minutes that can either be tied to the preschool curriculum topic or serve as a complete diversion from instruction (Almarode & Almarode, 2006). For example, if children are studying frogs as part of their curriculum experience, teachers can plan to integrate hopping, jumping, or leaping. Outside of instruction, such as during a classroom transition, children can be encouraged to move from circle time to the next activity, using a variety of locomotor movements. Such activities aim to “wake-up” the brain through movement and enhance the learning process (Buchanan et al., 2021).

Body-Brain Boosters

Body-brain boosters involve brief periods of physical activity to raise heart rate, enhance blood circulation, and promote increased breathing in each child, following a period of sedentary behavior (Dunstan et al., 2018). To effectively use brain-boosters, educators use pre-planning and can incorporate affordable items (e.g., scarves, balls, swim noodles) to boost focus and elevate heart rates (Birky, 2019). Boosters can be offered during free and outdoor play. Children enjoy parachute play, walking on low-rise balance beams, and engaging in games, such as moving through obstacle courses or sensory pathways (Staake, 2021). Boosters can help children learn how their bodies work while engaging in physical exercise, locomotor, and stability/balance movements.

Body-Brain Calming Experiences

Preschoolers can experience body-brain calming or mindful movement activities to help them understand the connection between their bodies and minds. Mindful movement activities “focus on physical sensations after relaxation and physical exertion” and “balancing activities to focus the mind” (Crooks et al., 2020). Educators can use a variety of activities to engage children in mindfulness, balance, and flexibility tasks. Use of children’s books is an effective way to integrate these concepts. For example, “Wiggles, Stomps, and Squeezes Calm My Jitters Down” by Lindsey Rowe Parker will help children understand and respond to sensory input. To incorporate yoga, select books like “Peppa Pig: Peppa Loves Yoga” adapted by Lauren Holowaty. Tomie dePaola’s “Quiet” and “Here and Now” by Julia Denos help reinforce mindfulness skills, such as building awareness of breath and paying attention to the immediate world

around us.


Moving with a Purpose in Everyday Activities

The Society of Health and Physical Educators America (Virgilio & Clements, 2020) recommends preschool children engage in structured and unstructured physical activities for at least 60 minutes each day and up to several hours of unstructured play. Structured activities are planned experiences designed to reinforce preschoolers’ developmental and individual needs (playing a balancing game). Unstructured activities are the child-initiated physical activities that naturally occur as preschoolers play in various indoor and outdoor learning environments (pushing toys through the sand pile). Figure 1 shows examples of what this might look like in a preschool setting.

Figure 1: Integrating Movement into Preschool Activities Across the Daily Schedule

Support All Children in Moving

As we integrate meaningful movement into everyday preschool experiences, it is important to note that young children may vary in their participation in physical activities. Educators can use developmentally appropriate movement strategies to support all children’s engagement when selecting or adapting equipment, movements and activities for individual needs. Figure 2 highlights some common barriers and accommodations that can support young learners during movement experiences.

Figure 2: Common Considerations to Support Movement with All Preschoolers

One final important step to organize time for physical activities is use of an activity planner like the one in Figure 3. A classroom activity planner will help you consider meaningful integration of movement with subject-matter skills like language and literacy, as well as important developmental areas like social, emotional and creative concepts.

Figure 3: Integrating Movement into Preschool Activities

Make Movement Happen

We play an important role in overcoming the lack of physical and mindful movement in children’s lives. Integrating brain-body movements through unstructured and structured activities during the preschool day is an important step towards supporting children’s healthy physical development, as well as nurturing the whole child. Designing body-brain movement activities to incorporate children’s natural desires to move can support all young children’s engagement and learning.

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A teacher's vitality or capacity to be vital, present, positive, and deeply engaged and connected to her/his children and students is not a fixed, indelible condition, but a state that ebbs and flows and grows within the context of the teaching life. Stepping Stone School is committed to a program of professional development devoted explicitly to nourishing the inner and external life or core dimensions that are increasingly important for our educators on their journey.
-Rhonda Paver
The Educator Vitality Journey is a program designed to help our teachers to make a daily, conscious effort to be positive, self-aware, passionate, and fully engaged in their roles, while deepening their understanding of their true potential.