Cornwall Public Library Newsletter - May 2024

From the

Director's Desk...

This month I would like to remind you to vote in the Library Budget and Trustee Election on May 7th.  

Our polls are open, in the Library's Community room, from 9 am to 9 pm. Information is available at the library and has been published in local newspapers. Come on out and cast your vote!


May's a lovely month, spring is in full bloom. Celebrate the work of artist Ciro Attardo and hear more about his work at our art opening, on May 2nd. “The Artwork of Ciro Attardo” will be on display from May 2- June 18, 2024. On May 18th, the Friends of Cornwall Library are having a book sale. Our Opera club has started up again. Come see Puccini's Tosca at 1 pm on May 19th. Check out our calendar, there's lots to see, do, read and learn....what Libraries are all about!

Charlotte A. Dunaief

Library Director

A special thank you to

Cornwall Coal and Supply for their donation to our pollinator garden.

 Steve has continually helped us with his delivery of mulch for our annual Dig in the Dirt Day.


On Display

Garden Quilt

by Diane Patmos

On display May 7-23

Inner Library Lobby

Hand-quilted cotton with screen printing and embroidery featuring native species.

Diane Patmos is a Hudson Valley artist with fine arts degrees from Rhode Island School of Design and School of Visual Arts. This piece is inspired by Diane's summer project of gradually replacing her lawn with native plants in an attempt to attract and support local wildlife. This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by Arts Mid-Hudson.

Library Board of Trustees

Monthly Business Meeting

Wednesday, May 22


Library Community Room

All meetings are open to the public. The current agenda and meeting packet can be found here.

Holiday Closure

May 27, 2024

The library will be closed Monday, May 27th for Memorial Day.

We will reopen Tuesday, May 28th at 9am for our normal hours.

Art Exhibit Opening

The Artwork of

Ciro Attardo

Thursday, May 2 4-5 PM

Exhibit runs through June 18

Celebrate the work of artist Ciro Attardo and hear more about his work at our art opening.

As a physician, Dr. Attardo has unique insights that have often inspired medically themed artworks. Initially developing technical skills in drawing and medical illustration, he later transitioned to oil painting and watercolor. His art work has been displayed in various gallery exhibits.

He is currently a member of the Wallkill River Art School , Goshen Art League, Cornwall Art Collective and the Orange County Arts Council, North East and American Watercolor Society.

 A drop-in event; no registration required.

Library Trustee Election 2024- Tuesday, May 7

Tuesday, May 7

9:00am – 9:00pm

Library Community Room

Calling all registered Cornwall voters! Mark your calendars and make your plans to cast your ballot in the Annual Library Budget Vote and Trustee Election. Information about the proposed 2024/25 budget, trustee candidates, voter registration or absentee ballots, can be found on the library website.

The public is also invited to attend an informational session on Tuesday, April 30 at 7:00pm in the Library Community Room to answer any questions about the proposed budget.

Exercise your civic muscle at the ballot box. A strong library helps build a strong community!

A Message from The Friends of the Cornwall Public Library

friends logo

Annual Meeting- Saturday, May 4th

Used Book Sale- Saturday, May 18th

Everyone needs friends, and the Cornwall Public Library has the best! The Friends of the Cornwall Library is a non-profit group that exists to promote public awareness of the Cornwall Public Library and its services, raise funds for library initiatives, and contribute to the cultural enrichment of the local community.

Our Friends group not only does each of these things beautifully, but it has a fun time in the process. You would be hard-pressed to find someone in our community who hasn’t stopped by their used bookstore or attended one of their fabulous Saturday book sales.

There are currently openings on the Friends of the Library Board of Directors. If you want to join this group that plans and coordinates the Friends' activities, contact Martha LaVallee at 845 401-4943 or

Programs For Adults

Protect Your Family From Ticks & Tick-Borne Diseases!

Thursday, May 9

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

May is national Lyme disease awareness month, so let’s get ready for Tick Season! Ticks can carry multiple diseases that pose serious health issues.


Adults and school-age children will learn about the different types of ticks in our area, the diseases they carry, where they are likely to be found, and precautions to take to avoid direct contact with them. Everyone will learn how to dress for the woods and how to do a “tick check.”


Bring the whole family to this interactive program.Registration opens April 1st via the library website. If the program is full, please call the library at 845-534-8282 to be placed on a waiting list.

Great Decisions

Thursday, May 9

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

May’s topic: US China Trade Rivalry

Join America’s largest discussion program on world affairs created by the Foreign Policy Association under the auspices of the U.N.

The course briefing book is now freely available at the library for interested patrons thanks to the generous support of the Friends of Cornwall Library.

Please contact Pam Stockton at or 845-534-8282 with any questions or for additional information.

The Restoration of the Sistine Chapel


May 14

1:00 - 2:30 PM

The Sistine Chapel is a cornerstone icon of the Italian Renaissance. In this presentation, local artists Paul Gould and Matt Soltis will delve into its rich history and restoration.

Registration opens April 1st via the library website. If the program is full, please call the library at 845-534-8282 to be placed on a waiting list.

Teen Tech Tutoring


May 14

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Got tech questions? Let our savvy teen volunteers assist you. Bring your devices and your questions.

No appointments needed - first come, first served

Monday Night Movie


Thursday, May 16

6:00 PM

The Paper

Rated: R

Running Time: 1 hr. 52 Mins.

Enjoy free popcorn and a classic movie at the library!

New York City tabloid editor Henry’s faced with tough decisions while he faces several serious life challenges, and a tempting job offer.

A Drop-In Event; No Registration Required.

friends logo

Friends of the

Cornwall Public Library

Book Sale

Saturday, May 18

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Library Community Room & Portico

Come to the ever-popular Friends bookstore Book Sale. All are welcome to drop-in, and support the Friends of the Library!

All proceeds go to support great library programs for all to enjoy.

Opera Club

Sunday, May 19

1:00 PM


by Giacomo Puccini.

Join other opera lovers and take in a popular opera at the library.

Drop-In Event – No Registration Required.

Midday Matinee

Tuesday, May 21

12:00 PM

The Return of Tanya Tucker

Rated R

Running Time:

1 hr. & 48 mins.

Enjoy a break in your day and take in a movie.

Rated R for Language.

Drop-In Event – No Registration Required.

Cornwall Community Leader Forum

Thursday, May 30

5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Town of Cornwall Supervisor Joshua Wojehowski and Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Mayor James Gagliano discuss current issues impacting residents and how the Town and Village are working together to address those issues.

A drop-in event for the whole community.


Community Wound Care Fair

Tuesday, June 4

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Munger Cottage

MSLC, RestorixHealth, and the Cornwall Public Library are partnering up to present a community wound care fair. Get free screenings and information while enjoying refreshments and giveaways.

Registration opens April 1 and is required. Registration can be accessed by clicking here.

The Making of a Masterpiece: John Gould's

'Eagles Over West Point"

Tuesday, June 11

1-2:30 PM

Ever wonder what goes into creating a masterful painting? Local artist Paul Gould will take you through his father’s conception and creation of the ‘Eagles Over West Point’ painting.

Registration opens May 1st via the library website. If the program is full, please call the library at 845-534-8282 to be placed on a waiting list.

Scam-Proof Your Life...

Fraud Prevention

Wednesday, June 26

1-2:30 PM

With millions falling prey to scammers, safeguarding your identity and finances is paramount. Equip yourself with knowledge on identifying common scams to protect you and your family. Vanessa Hill, Branch Manager of Walden Savings Bank in Cornwall-on-Hudson will host this seminar.

Registration opens May 15th via the library website. If the program is full, please call the library at 845-534-8282 to be placed on a waiting list.

Creative Writers

Every Monday

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Always open to new members.This is an in-person program for adults.

Check website for cancellation information.

Member's Choice

Book Group

Wednesday, May 1

4:30 PM

Good Night, Irene

by Luis Alberto Urrea

Join our Member’s Choice Book Group for a lively discussion on titles chosen by the group. This group typically meets the first Wednesday of each month and is always eager to welcome new people.

Hard copies are available at the library; eBooks and eAudios available on Libby.

Monday Night Movie


May 13

6:00 PM

The Fugitive

Rated: PG-13

Running Time: 2 hrs. 10 Mins.

Enjoy free popcorn and a classic movie at the library!

Dr. Richard Kimble, unjustly accused of murdering his wife, must find the real killer while being the target of a nationwide manhunt led by a seasoned U.S. Marshal.

A Drop-In Event; No Registration Required.

Mystery Book Group

Thursday, May 16

2:00 PM

Big Little Lies

by Liane Moriarty

New members are always welcome.

Hard copies are available to pick up at the library. eBooks and eAudios are available on Libby.

Sports Movie Night

Tuesday, May 21

6:00 PM

Draft Day

Rated: PG-13

Running Time: 1 hr. & 50 mins.

Gear up for a night of sports cinema!

Drop-In Event – No Registration Required.

Out & About

Book Club

Wednesday, May 22

7:00 PM


by Elizabeth McCracken

Join us at Leo's Restaurant for some food, drinks & lively discussion.


Hard copies are available to borrow at the library. eBooks and eAudios are available on Libby.

To help coordinate with the restaurant, we are asking all those planning to attend to register via the library website.


Book Chat & Chocolate

Thursday, May 23

7:00 PM

What You Are Looking For Is in the Library

by Michiko Aoyama

New members are always welcome...and chocolate is always served!

Hard copies and CDs are available to pick up at the library.E-books and e-audios are available on Libby and Hoopla.

6-Hour AARP Safe Driver Course

Wednesday, June 5

8:45 AM - 4:00 PM

This is a DMV-approved, NTSI course, carrying the following benefits:

  • 10% off your liability, collision & no-fault insurance premiums each year for the next 3 years.
  • Up to a 4 point reduction on your driving record (if applicable).

Register in person at the library beginning March 15. There is a non-refundable cost – $25 for AARP members/$30 for non-AARP members – to confirm registration.

Please make checks payable to AARP with AARP # written on check. Cash payments must be exact change only.

Bring driver’s license and AARP card to class.

Job Fair- Are You Hiring?

Are You Job Hunting?

Are you looking to expand your team, or are you in search of a new job opportunity?

The Cornwall Public Library is excited to announce that we will be hosting a Job Fair on Friday, June 7. We are currently inviting businesses to join us for this event.

If you're on the hunt for your next career move, mark your calendar for June 7. Stay tuned for additional details coming soon.

Interested participants, whether businesses looking to hire or individuals seeking employment, are encouraged to contact the library at (845) 534-8282. Please ask for Brenda to express your interest or to get more information.

Programs for Kids

Pajama Story Time

Select Wednesdays

May 1 & 15

6:30 PM

Put on your PJs and join us for a special evening story time at the library. All ages are welcome.

Space is limited. Registration required through our online calendar one week prior to program.

Dog Tales

Dog Tales

Select Mondays

May 6 & 20

For Grades K-12

6:00 PM

Read independently to a furry friend from Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause.

Please register via the library website for a 15-minute time slot of your choosing. Registration required through our online calendar one week prior to the program.

Vote Day Family Story Time

Tuesday, May 7

10:00 AM

Calling all Cornwall registered voters! Come participate in the Library Budget Vote/Trustee Election and enjoy a story time with your family when you do.

An outside, drop-in event – no registration required.

Family Story Time

Select Tuesdays

May 14 & 21

9:30 AM OR 10:30 AM

Enjoy a story time at the library with your whole family. All ages are welcome.

Please register your child(ren) via the online calendar the week before each event. Adults do not need to register.


Friday, May 17

5:30 PM

Grades 6-12. A library teen advisory board for established members only. Please contact Lisa SinClair at for more information.

Garden Totes Are Back!

We're happy to announce the return of the Cornwall Garden Club tote bags! Designed for kids to foster a love of gardening and reading, inside you'll find all the ingredients for doing both. Stop by the library to check one out today!

Baby & Me

Select Fridays

May 3, 10, & 17

For children not-yet-walking

9:30 AM

For walkers birth to 18 months

10:30 AM

A fun, one-on-one program for child & caregiver complete with songs,movement, finger-play, rhymes & books.

Space is limited! Registration required through our online calendar one week prior to the program.



May 8

4:30 PM

Stone Soup

by Jon J. Muth

A book group for grades K-2nd only.

Please register in person when you pick up copy of the book at the library.

Book Break


May 16

4:30 PM


by Louis Sachar

Book Group for grades 3 & 4 only!

Please register in person when you pick up copy of the book at the library.

Readzza Readzza

Thursday, May 23

4:30 PM

The School for Good and Evil

by Soman Chainani

A book group for grades 5 - 8 only.

Please register in person when you pick up copy of the book at the library.

Family Build-It with LEGOs


May 24

10:00 AM

Bring the kids and build a masterpiece!

A family drop-in event – no registration required.

Battle of the Book 2024

For Teens in Grades 6-12

Team Commitment by June 30

Read the books above, join our team, and show what you know as you "battle" teens from other libraries.

Sign up today by visiting the Youth Services Desk! Registrants will receive information regarding Battle Updates & Book Discussions, Team T-Shirts, & Buzzer practice, once the team has been formed!

Battle will take place on Sunday, August 25.

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