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To Love and Care for All, Seek Christ, and Spread His Gospel

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Weekly Sunday Bulletin

October 29, 2023

Upcoming Altar Schedule

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Volunteer Sign Up!

Please sign up for Sunday service ministries for October and November by clicking the links for each month:






We look forward to celebrating Ram Nayar's baptism during the 10:30am service this Sunday!


During this Sunday's Mass, we will have a special prayer for blessing over the pledge cards, representing our common commitments in planning for our ministries together in the year to come. If you have not yet done so, please submit your pledge card by bringing it to church on Sunday, mailing it to the church office, or completing the pledge card online here: To learn more about why we pledge, click here to read Fr. Isaac's full letter.


Plan to bring a dish and stick around for our parish potluck following Sunday's service! Modeling that we can collectively do more when we each contribute from the gifts we bring, this potluck is the perfect celebration at the culmination of our pledge drive.


Saturday, November 4 at 10am

In Allhallowtide, like other times of the Christian year, we are confronted with the impending reality of our deaths. None of us knows the day or hour when we will die, so it is helpful to begin spiritually and pragmatically preparing for death now, regardless of our age or health circumstance. Persons of all ages are highly encouraged to join for this workshop!

On the agenda:

Deacon Suzy will discuss death and dying from her perspective as a hospice chaplain. Lyndell Petty (Fr. Isaac's dad, a mortician and funeral director who owns his own funeral home in Kentucky) will respond to questions around legal and practical considerations regarding funeral home prearrangements. Fr. Isaac will lead us through the burial rites of the church, discuss liturgical options, and walk through the parish funeral-planning worksheet.

Additional funeral-planning worksheets will be available for those unable to attend next Saturday's workshop.

'Stepping Out in Love'

Shoes for Field Elementary Students


We have received nearly double the average number of requests made on behalf of students at Field Elementary in need of shoes this year. Your additional contribution to this project will help ensure we can provide shoes to those students who don't have sturdy tennis shoes for school this year.

Many students at Field Elementary need warm, practical shoes for school. "Stepping Out in Love" is an ongoing effort of St. James to provide tennis shoes and a package of socks to children who qualify for help. Please mark gifts for this project as "Shoes" or "Stepping Out."


This Tuesday

On Halloween, St. James will host a Trunk-or-Treat in the church parking lot from 4:30-6:30pm. If you would like to decorate your trunk for this event, please sign up on the bulletin board in the parish hall or let Mary Torres know so we can plan accordingly for the number of participants. There will be a box in the narthex for donations of candy to be used during this event.


Mark your calendars for the following commemorations during Allhallowtide:

October 31: All Hallows' Eve (Halloween)

Trunk-or-Treat: 4:30-6:30pm

Evening Prayer: 7pm

November 1: All Saints' Day (All Hallows' Day)

Festal Mass: 7pm

November 2: All Souls' Day (All the Faithful Departed)

Requiem Mass: 7pm

To have the names of loved ones remembered at this service, please write their names on the sheet in the parish hall or email names to

St. James has an unique opportunity at the end of October to celebrate the diverse human family that God created! The organizers of Ozarks Pridefest have decided to have a Pride event on a smaller scale, by having a picnic in Phelps Grove Park – an Ozarks LGBTQIA+ History Celebration with amazing speakers, bounce houses, poetry, music, and food trucks!

Now, how can we take part in this? Easy! My plan is to get a group of us together and go! I'll have a signup in the parish hall so you can sign up and bring something for all of us to snack on. It will be wise to bring a lawn chair or blanket, unless you want to sit on the grass. If you want to spread the love of Christ, I have a great suggestion for you: find a "free hugs" or Jesus Loves You or similar t-shirt, or something that represents our church!

When: Saturday, October 28th, from 11am to 3pm

Where: Phelps Grove Park 950 E Bennett St, Springfield, MO

Peace be with you,

David Britt 

Children's Sunday School
9:30 am in the Conference Room
Adult Formation
9:30 am
A study of Ecclesiastes

Celebrations & Prayers

This Week

Happy Birthdays

Linda Sneed 10/31                  

Mark Sneed 11/01

Len Duffey 11/02


 Happy Anniversary

  Prayers for Families This Week

Redden, Rutledge, Sneed

Flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Brett Durbin’s grandparents and all the saints that have gone before.


Altar Schedule
Altar Guild

Terry Abshire, Lisa Pruitt    

Celebrant, Preacher


Baptism Officiant

The Rev. Isaac Petty  

The Rev. Suzy Lynch

The Rev. John Biggs

1st Reading
2nd Reading

Mary Torres


Anne Breid

Baptismal Litany

The Rev. Ken Chumbley


Dr. Brett Durbin

Eucharistic Minister 1
Eucharistic Minister 2

Dr. Chris Dodson

Lisa Pruitt

Jim Lynch

Eric Atkinson
