Angel Quest Field Report 3 - Revised AGAIN

It's early morning in Monte Sant'Angelo, Italy near the city of Manfredonia, on Gargano Mountain. The mountain is that bump in the Italian east coastline just above the boot's heel. I have just photographed a beautiful time-lapse sunrise from a nearby balcony. Last night I captured a time-lapse of the sunset over looking a shallow valley at the top of this 3611 foot mountain near the Adriatic Sea. (But I can't seem to show you because of the lousy Internet service. Later, I will, when I get back to the U.S.)

Today I will visit the most ancient of pilgrimage sites along the Sword of St. Michael. It is Sanctuary of Monte Sant'Angelo (see Field Report 15). Although it's on top of a mountain, the actual sanctuary or church is in a cave in the mountain. The church, where I will attend Mass later today, is surrounded by museums and artifacts. The town of Monte Sant'Angelo is hard to access, up winding, bumpy roads and steep switchbacks. But that does not restrain the tour buses that come here every year by the thousands. Small vendor shops line the narrow cobblestone streets as tourists file between on their way to the sanctuary.

I've almost given up editing and posting videos since Internet Service in the hotels, B&B's, and Monastery guest houses I'm staying at are designed for email and text but not uploading large video files. Travelers who post to social media their travel exploits do this all the time, but perhaps they're not staying at B&B's and Monasteries like I am. The 18 or so places I'm staying at all advertised WiFi but that doesn't mean the bandwidth of those connections allow for video to be uploaded. I may have to find an Internet Cafe. It's been this way all along the route. As I compose this message, in fact, and error keeps flashing "UNABLE TO SAVE." I have a similar issue with using Photoshop.

Let me send this quickly off and then I'll hunt for a solution for the pictures.


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