Greetings Rondout Families, Faculty and Friends,
Sending a great big thank you to Denise Beger and Allison Wells for coordinating our parent volunteers for today’s Cozy Day activities. Thanks also to the many volunteers who helped make today a huge success from start to finish. A great time was had by all and we enjoyed having so many parent volunteers here with us today.
Mother Nature cooperated with our plans today and the heavier snow held off until later in the afternoon and everyone got home safely.
Wishing all our families and faculty a joyful holiday season and a new year filled with life’s blessings. Hopefully the weather will not put a damper on family plans for travel and celebrations. We look forward to a great new year filled with enthusiasm for learning after a relaxing winter break.
Please mark your calendars for the following activities in January. On Wednesday evening, January 18, 2023, starting at 6:30 p.m. Rondout will be hosting a presentation for parents regarding Cyber Safety and Your Family. Carol Gundbrandson from the State’s Attorney’s office will be sharing a presentation geared for parents. She will be joined by Browser, her canine assistant. Carol will return on January 24th for age appropriate sessions for each of the clusters. Look for an RSVP form after the first of the year.
Also don’t forget to sign up for our special family dinner with a Family Reading Night theme. Please RSVP for the Spaghetti Dinner to be held on January 26th. Check in begins at 5:30 p.m. with dinner scheduled to start by 6 p.m. Additional family focused activities will be on the agenda for this new Rondout experience.
These next two weeks our office will be taking calls and checking email, but we will not be open for visitors since there will be construction going on to the HVAC system. While the office will be available, teachers will be taking a well-deserved break and will not be checking e-mail. If you have an emergency and need to communicate with one of the staff or administration,, feel free to contact me at
Happy Holidays to all! See you next year. Happy 2023!
Take care…
Until next time…
Ms. Elizabeth Davis
Dr. Jenny Wojcik