Dear Friends of the CIM,
February is an exciting month as we start our spring term and get ready for Éigse CIM, A Gaela Event on February 22nd. Our creative instructors are collaborating on music for the Éigse concert, and emcee Máirtín de Cógáin is working on his script from Joanie Madden's Folk 'n Cruise with Mike & Jan Casey! If you don't have your tickets yet, it's not too late. Your attendance at this event helps to ensure CIM can teach Irish traditional music through accessible lessons and group classes, present the Minnesota Irish Music Weekend, and run an instrument rental program with more than 65 instruments - all out of our beautifully-renovated new leased space at The Celtic Junction Arts Center.
In these uncertain times, our Irish music community is a source of hope and stability. Join us at Éigse as we celebrate 20 years, and look ahead to 20 more.
You have surely heard by now that Irish on Grand is closing its doors on March 30th. Be sure to stop by in the next several weeks to say hello to Maeve and Liam and thank them for their support for CIM, starting with Maeve being the founding board president of the CIM. Irish On Grand has been a central part of the Irish community for 35 years - selling dance shoes, wedding rings, household goods, cd's, instruments, and being the place where we go to catch up on community news. We are sad to see this hub go, but also want to congratulate Maeve & Liam on their retirement. If it's warm enough for a front porch session before the 30th, let's find a time and meet up for a tune.
Spring term is off to a good start with a host of new classes, and many ensembles working towards St. Patrick's Day performances in the community including Toddler Tuesdays at the Mall of America (March 11th), many St. Patrick's Day Celebrations, and the Landmark Center events organized by Irish Arts Minnesota. Keep an eye on our events calendar to find out more.
I look forward to seeing you at Éigse!
Norah Rendell
Executive Artistic Director
Center for Irish Music