NMI - Nazarene Missions International | |
We are people united in our belief that our involvement changes lives worldwide.
Global NMI
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We are Vision.
We are Action.
We are Impact.
NMI Calendar 2023-2024
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South America Region
Chile is the longest north-south oriented country in the world and one of the countries along the Ring of Fire, home to nearly 90% of the world’s earthquakes and 75% of the world’s volcanoes. Chile gained its full independence from Spain in 1818, but like many of its neighboring countries has gone through a series of political upheavals, including military coups, and ideological shifts toward democracy, which it achieved in 1990. The country has one of the strongest economies, based upon foreign trade, and possesses the strongest sovereign bond rating in South America. The Church of the Nazarene began work in Chile in 1962. Over 34% of Chile’s population is under the age of 24, and as you will read in the story that follows, the churches are focused on ministering creatively to children and youth.
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62 Fully Organized Churches; 4 Not Yet Organized Churches
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62 Fully Organized Churches; 4 Not Yet Organized Churches
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- Pray for the theological education in our country, for our seminary president, his national team, and all the students that the Lord will add to the existing programs. We pray that many will be called to ministry.
- Pray for youth leadership, that the Lord will challenge our young people for a missionary, pastoral, or ministerial calling. Pray for the new generation of mentors and youth leaders that God is raising up in the country and for the revival that God has prepared for all of NYI.
- Pray for the congregations that are planting new churches (church-type missions), for those that are reopening closed churches, and for future churches that the Lord will give us from the north to the south of Chile during 2023-2024.
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- We give thanks to the Lord, who allowed us through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries to support 150 families that were affected by wildfires in the south of Chile. Many church leaders and youth from two districts participated, sharing the message of salvation and holiness while providing personal and material resources.
- We thank the Lord for the movement of women who are motivated to seek the presence of the Lord and are involved in local ministries, united in prayer, using digital tools and face-to-face meetings.
- We praise God for his support in discipleship ministries. We are grateful for the great team of teachers and mentors who have given their heart, time, and resources to carry out this ministry throughout the country.
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Sam & Kristi Senica
We are Sam and Kristi Senica. We are originally from the Northwestern Illinois District where we have both been lifelong Nazarenes. In 2019 the Holy Spirit moved in our lives and called us into full-time missionary service. Sam quit his successful family business and Kristi left her job as the Pastor’s administrative assistant at our home church, Crossbridge Community Church of the Nazarene. During COVID, we accepted the position of Work and WitnessCoordinators and Camp/Seminary Administrators in the Dominican Republic, and we moved our family of 6 there in May of 2021.
After 2 years of serving, and the addition to our family of a surprise baby girl born in the DR in August 2022, God was impressing on us an assignment change so our family could be together more often than the previous assignment allowed. Our plan was to stay in the DR but take a different assignment working with Scott andEmily Armstrong, the Missions Mobilization Coordinators of the Mesoamerica Region. Then, General Assembly happened! We met with Jeff Alexander and Stan Reeder, and we felt God nudging us to consider this position in the USA/Canada Region. To be truthful, we didn’t want to move back to our passport country as we love the people in theDR that have become family to us.
But after some fervent prayer, it became evident that we could not say no to this new assignment. We believe wholeheartedly that the USA/Canada Church of the Nazarene’s best days are ahead. We believe the Spirit is movingin and among our great churches from the North to the South and from the East to the West. We believe in the vision and the mission of Mobilizing and Uniting Nazarenes, Blessing our Communities, Bringing People to Jesus and Making Christlike Disciples. How could we not say yes to this as our hearts ache to see transformation and restorationto the communities our churches are established in.
Our hope and prayer is that we are a piece of the puzzle that God is putting together to transform our communities and the lives of our neighbors who have never experienced the love of Jesus in their lives. Our goal, along with our prayer,is that we can help activate the missional imagination and missional spirit in every Pastor and laity alike, much like thefirst Nazarenes practiced and preached. We will do this in conjunction with the mission and vision of the USA/Canada Region! God is going before us, and we are grateful to join in the mission of what God is already doing in this region!
Sam & Kristi Senica and family
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NYI - Nazarene Youth International | |
Click for details:
Friday Night Party
Friday, 10/20/23
Galesburg First
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Click for details:
Trivia Night
Sunday, 11/05/23
Crossbridge - Ottawa
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Click for details:
Fall Day Camp
Menno Haven
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NYI - Teen Bible Quizzing | |
Heather Johnson
NYI Quiz Director
Click to Like us on Facebook
Schedule 2023-2024
09/15/23 - Smithfield
10/21/23 - Quizfest - Olivet
11/11/23 - TBD
12/01/23-12/02/23 - St. Louis
01/21/24 - Pekin First
02/17/24 - South Bend, IN
03/09/24 - TBD
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Bible quizzing is about "guiding our youth into the Word and the Word into their lives."
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NDI - Nazarene Discipleship International | |
Convention & Team Day 2024
Is there a subject you would like to learn about? NDI is compiling ideas for future workshops. Please send your NDI & Children's Ministry workshop ideas to Michael Downs. michael@bwcc.tv
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The Holiness Today Podcast
Here is a link to the new podcast site (Also available on iTunes). They cover a variety of subjects for pastors and church leaders to have a conversation about NDI, NMI and core values. You will also hear testimonials and discover new resources. https://holinesstoday.podbean.com/
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NDI Receives Grant to Begin Ministry Initiative for People with Disabilities
In January, NDI, in partnership with Wonderful Works Ministry, submitted a proposal to the Lilly Endowment to provide special resourcing to USA and Canada churches with the goal of equipping our churches to become more accessible to people with disabilities. We are pleased to announce that the proposal was approved, and NDI received a grant to support this five-year initiative. READ MORE
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Looking for a New VBS Program?
Every year, Nazarene churches are bombarded by numerous VBS programs from other denominations and companies while not realizing that Nazarenes have a VBS curriculum created by Nazarenes. So before you purchase a VBS resource that doesn’t reflect the Wesleyan-Holiness theology, investigate one created especially for your children. And it is a free download! READ MORE
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A Special Invitation to all Nazarene Educators
As you work in your area of education, you are committed to ministry to your students and their families, as well as to your colleagues. We are so thankful for all that you do to show Christ’s love to others every day. READ MORE
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Renew your marriage with 31 days of online marriage devotionals
The Discipleship Place is offering a free resource to married couples. These devotionals, written by Dr. David and Lisa Frisbie, offer practical insights on how husbands and wives can strengthen their marriage while being rooted in Scripture. The daily emails also have a prayer focus to help spouses pray with one another. Click here to sign up today and begin receiving daily emails sent to your inbox.
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NDI - Children's Quizzing | |
Schedule 2023-2024
11/11/23 - North Pekin
02/10/24 - Pekin First
04/13/24 - Eureka Grace
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Rosie Furston, Children's Quizzing Director rfurston@outlook.com | |
Please join our Facebook group
NWIL Children's Bible Quizzing
Information will be posted regarding upcoming meets and events.
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~News from around the District~
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Celebrate Life - February 24 - New Hope
Convention - March 16 - Peoria Nazarene
District Assembly - April 26-27 - Crossbridge
Celebrate Life - May 16-18 - Olivet
Kids Camp - July 11-14 - Olivet
Team Day - August 3 - Pekin First
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Olivet Nazarene University | |
Olivet Homecoming
The dates for Homecoming 2023 are October 18-22. For more information about Homecoming and ordering your tickets, please click here!
Homecoming is a special time for friends of the University to gather on Olivet’s campus. With activities planned for all ages and interests, Olivet celebrates accomplishments and heritage during a three-day schedule of events.
“Olivet loves tradition, and Homecoming & Family Weekend activities are one of the best ways for us to celebrate,” said Erinn Proehl, Director of Alumni and University Relations. “We invite everyone — students, their parents and siblings, faculty, staff, friends and our community — and all age groups to join us. Celebrating with all of you adds so much to this special time on our campus.”
While tickets will be available in June, be sure to reserve your hotel spaceOpens a new windows
immediately, as all Kankakee County hotels will sell out. For more information about where to eat and exciting things to do in the area, check out the Kankakee County Convention & Visitors Bureau page.
For full details click:
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With more than 140 areas of study, 3500 enrolled students, and a stunning campus, Olivet Nazarene University stands tall as one of the nation’s premier hubs of learning and faith. Our nationally recognized academic programs, title-winning athletics, vibrant, energized social climate and countless ministry opportunities make this place unique. Olivet seamlessly integrates passion and calling with career preparedness. VIEW ALL AREAS OF STUDY | EXPLORE YOUR INTERESTS
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ONU Plus
Local, Affordable and Fully Accredited
Olivet's Extension Site Program
Olivet Nazarene University is grounded in faith. Not just in a historical way, but as a relevant force in what we do today. Olivet Nazarene University’s mission is to equip you for lives of service to God and humanity. And that mission is not limited to Bourbonnais, Illinois. Through ONU PLUS, Olivet proudly partners with churches and similar organizations around the country to better suit your needs in your community.
Along with receiving a fully-accredited degree, you will also receive practicum experience through ONU PLUS. Throughout the program, each degree will allow students to gain practical knowledge through internships which count for up to three credit hours per semester. This amounts to 8-10 weekly hours of firsthand leadership, ministry, and workplace experience.
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Click one of the links below to worship with one of the churches on our district. May God give you peace and hope during this time. Have a joyous worship time.
NWIL Online Church Services
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10/17 - DAB Meeting
10/19 - POPS
10/19-10/22 - ONU Homecoming
10/20 - NYI Friday Night Party
11/05 - NYI Trivia Night
11/09 - POPS
11/11 - Kids Quiz
11/11 - NYI Quiz
11/18 - NYI Fall Day Camp
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9:45 am
Arrive & Fellowship
10:00 am
POPS begins, Worship, Word, Prayer, District Information
10/19/23 - Point of Change
11/09/23 - Lewistown
12/14/23 - Bridgeway
01/11/24 - online
02/08/24 - online
03/07/24 - New Hope
04/11/24 - Eureka Grace
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NWIL District Advisory Board
Rev. Lloyd Brock
Rev. Bill Clark
Rev. Ronda Hollars
Rev. Mark McCall
Rev. Denny Owens
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Mark Alvis
Ken Roat
Kevin Singletary
Stephen Taylor
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ONU Board of Trustees
Rev. Lloyd Brock
Rev. Mark McCall
Rev. William Clark
Ken Roat
Cheryl Sherwood
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Dr. Bill Clark
Board of Ministry Chair
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Rev. Cali Lindeenfelser
School of Ministry
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NWIL District
Church of the Nazarene
4224 N. Brandywine Dr.
Suite 300
Peoria, IL 61614
phone: 309-682-6945
Office hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00 am-4:00 pm
*Monday & Friday by appointment only as we normally work remotely
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