A Look at Two Different Fall Season Traditions | |
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Origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in). The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago, celebrated their new year on November 1.
This day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred.
On the night of October 31
they celebrated Samhain when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth.
Learn more about the history of Halloween.
Learn more about the traditions of Halloween
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A tradition dating back more than 3,000 years is shaped by indigenous pagan celebrations coming together with the Roman Catholic Church's All Saints
Celebrated starting at midnight on November 1 through November 2. It is the one time a year when the living is believed to reunite with the dead
and mourning is exchanged for celebration.
Families create "ofrendas" for departed loved ones. These offerings are believed to encourage visits from the land of the dead as departed souls hear loved ones' prayers, smell their food, and join in the celebration.
Learn more about the history of Dia De Los Muertos.
Learn how to make a Dia De Los Muertos ofrenda.
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CIE is developing a series of short educational videos to: | |
Bring awareness to your programs and services to generate direct referral leads and increase opportunities for clients to connect to your services.
Educate the community so they have a clear understanding of who and how to access your services.
Empower Partners to champion the use of CIE to coordinate care and transform how they track successful connections.
Please check out Courage to Call's Educational Video and the tutorial on How to Create Your Own Direct Referral Educational Video below!
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We’re excited to announce the following enhancements
to the Partner Community platform! The system is expected to remain online and operational during the installation of the enhancements. Check out the Updates below!
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Dashboard Quick Filters
Now, you can select multiple Referral Status or Outcomes to view at a time. When you click Remove Filters, your custom filters will maintain your previous column selections, making it smoother to update your custom views.
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Referral Status Update
Under Referral Status, the "Evaluating" option has been replaced by "Active” to accommodate language used in various workflows.
Selecting “Active” indicates that you have determined the direct referral is appropriate and that your team is assigning it to someone from your team for further intake.
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Direct Referral Automation
Although partners make a great effort to respond to Direct Referrals promptly, there are times in which Referrals go unaddressed. To ensure referrals get updated within a reasonable time frame, a fail-safe has been implemented. Direct Referrals can remain in a “Pending” status for up to 90 days. After that point, the referral will automatically close out as “Declined-Referral Expired.” Similarly, if the Direct Referral is in a “Pending Client Action” status beyond 90 days, the Outcome will automatically update to “Did Not Receive Services” with “Referral Expired” as the reason.
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Building A Successful Community Information Exchange
For SDOH Data
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HealthierHere, a non-profit collaborative based in King County, Washington and steward of the Connect2 Community Network, is highlighted in this EHR Intelligence article focused on the importance of shared governance. As a recent 211/CIE San Diego consultee, HealthierHere exemplifies the important distinction that a CIE is an ecosystem of multidisciplinary network partners, not just a technology solution. As HealthierHere COO Gena Morgan states in the article, “Equally important is the need to be locally owned and managed collaboratively by the community, not by one organization, platform, or group, similar to a public utility,” continuing on to state, “We see this as the need to be governed by and to serve the needs of the entire community, especially the needs of our community’s most vulnerable.”
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Collaboratives In Action: CIE And Comprehensive Data Sharing To Create The Whole Picture | |
Based on San Diego’s local CIE development and evolution of data integration and interoperability capabilities, this presentation focuses on the role social services has played in key initial successes, driving use-cases, and data models that further true communitywide care coordination and trauma-informed care. We debunk myths about social services capabilities to participate in data interoperability, HIPAA compliance, and the use of billing codes within a health care setting. We also focus on social services agencies’ expertise around SDoH data, and highlight the ways they are leading the way for holistic, person-centered data models. Without this perspective, we lose the expertise gained through years of providing direct service to people with complex care needs and intersectional identities.
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The Building Resilience Project | |
The Building Resilience (BR) project was designed to complement and enhance Dreams for Change (DFC) and International Rescue Committee’s (IRC) Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) outreach and education programs and intensive case management (ICM). This federally funded demonstration project was launched in the fall of 2020 and closed in the summer of 2023. San Diego residents receiving services at
IRC or DFC were recruited to participate in the project and were required to complete several assessments at time of intake and one year post intake. A hallmark of the project is the understanding that increasing parental capacities, supporting economic stability, and improving effective regulation skills are the ingredients necessary to increase family functioning and reduce the effects of ACEs.
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Keila Gomez, CIE Program Assistant
Keila is a San Diego native, and grew up in a close knit Mexican-American community. She holds some background in Nutrition and Dietetics and brings with her over 9 years of experience in various roles, ranging from assisting patients with their dietary choices during her time at UCSD Jacobs Medical Center, to most recently, providing vital Information and Referral to our 2-1-1 contact center clients as a Community Connector.
During her time at 2-1-1, she has supported clients seeking guidance through the complicated protocol's during the COVID-19 pandemic, and assisted clients in screening and navigating eligibility for key resources, such as housing and public benefits. Keila's role supports our partners and is the point of contact for CIE helpdesk requests and supporting the CIE team as a whole as new projects emerge.
She enjoys spending time with her dog Dua Lipa, exploring new hiking trails with friends, and recreating traditional Mexican recipes with a vegetarian twist.
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The CIE Partner Network works to improve the overall service delivery system for clients. Our meeting provides a forum for partners to share updates about ongoing CIE Initiatives, share trends in our community, and collaborate on how we as a network are leveraging our partnership, data sharing, and the CIE technology platform to address the social determinants of health and increase health equity.
Join us for a range of content. Each month, we may dive into the latest technology projects, elicit feedback on the platform’s care coordination tools, or spotlight programs and supports for unique populations. The partner gathering is a space to engage with peers across our shared network. Join us on the 4th Thursday of every month (except November and December) at 9:00 am via Zoom.
The next CIE Partner gathering is on October 26 at 9:00 am
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Help Us Shape Future Meetings
Please take 2-3 minutes to complete this short survey and help us shape CIE Partner network meetings in 2024!
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Binational Health Week (October 1-October 31)
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Binational Health Week is an annual event that consists of health fairs, workshops, health insurance registrations, sports activities, free health services, screenings, vaccinations, health education, and promotion throughout San Diego County during October. | | | |
Observances and Celebrations in October | |
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The theme this year is “No one should face breast cancer alone".
Click here to learn more.
Donate to support free resources and programming for people affected by breast cancer.
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October is National Domestic Violence Month
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) was launched nationwide in October 1987 as a way to connect and unite individuals and organizations working on domestic violence issues while raising awareness for those issues.
National Resources:
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
Local Resources:
DV Hotline: 1-888-385-4657
Other Resources:
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Filipino American History Month
In 2009, the U.S. Congress recognized October as Filipino American History Month in the United States. Various states, counties, and cities in the U.S. have established proclamations and resolutions declaring observance of Filipino American History Month. The late Dr. Fred Cordova, along with his wife, FANHS Founder Dr. Dorothy Laigo Cordova, first introduced October as Filipino American History Month in 1992 with a resolution from the FANHS National Board of Trustees.
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New Improvements to the
Annual Update Process
Thank you for listing your agency and program(s) in the 211 San Diego/Imperial County Resource Database. We appreciate you!
We would not be able to provide accurate referrals without your commitment to providing us with the most up-to-date information.
Search for your services in the 211 San Diego resource database or sign in to the partner Community to update your existing programs and services.
For help resetting your password, click here. For support with updating your services, please contact the 211 San Diego resource team at
858-300-1200, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. PST, or email resourcecenter@211sandiego.org.
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Holiday Assistance Programs
During the holiday season, 211 San Diego connects the community to holiday assistance programs that help make the holidays possible for individuals and families who would otherwise not be able to celebrate.
To include your holiday assistance events in the next CIE newsletter and on the 211 San Diego database, please send details to aroman@211sandiego.org by November 15, 2023.
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To apply and see other opportunities, click here.
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Alpha Project for the Homeless is Hiring! |
See all opportunities here.
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International Rescue Committee is Hiring! |
See all opportunities here.
Click on each to see the description.
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San Diego Workforce Partnership is Hiring! |
See all opportunities here.
Click on each to see the description.
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To include your positions in our next newsletter, please email aroman@211sandiego.org by
November 15, 2023.
We look forward to sharing your opportunities!
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