We look forward to a great week of teaching and learning in Cougar Country!
Character Counts-Congratulations to our second quarter IM IB Winners on the Cotswold Campus. We are so proud of you. A special thank you goes out to our teachers for nominating students and Ms. Pointer our IB Coordinator for organizing our assemblies.
Science Rocks-A special congratulations goes out to all of our Science Risk Takers who submitted science fair projects. We enjoyed viewing the science projects on both campuses and the science chronicle videos. Congratulations also to our school wide winners of the Science Fair.
National Recognition-Congratulations Cougar Country for being recognized as a Magnet School of Distinction by Magnet Schools of America! It is a privilege and an honor to receive this prestigious recognition! Magnet Schools of America’s merit process is designed to recognize the hard work of the best magnet schools in the nation. The merit award recognizes magnet schools/programs that demonstrate an exemplary commitment to academic standards, curriculum innovation, desegregation/diversity efforts, specialized teaching staffs and parent and community involvement. Visit HERE for more information.
Teacher of the Year-Congratulations to our BCE Teachers of the Year! Ms. Berry is the Teacher of the Year for our Billingsville Campus. Ms. Perrett is The Teacher of the Year for our Cotswold Campus. We know Ms. Berry and Ms. Perrett will represent Cougar Country well at the district level. The Teacher of the Year is nominated and voted on by the entire BCE Staff. Congratulations Ms. Berry and Ms. Perrett.
Teacher Assistant of the Year-Congratulations to our BCE Teacher Assistants of the Year! Ms. Adilum is the Teacher Assistant of the Year for our Billingsville Campus. Ms. Shipp is The Teacher Assistant of the Year for our Cotswold Campus. We know Ms. Adilum and Ms. Shipp will represent Cougar Country well at the district level. The Teacher Assistant of the Year is nominated and voted on by the entire BCE Staff. Congratulations Ms. Adilum and Ms. Shipp.
Middle of Year Testing-As a reminder all students K-5 are engaged in middle of year testing. Students on the Billingsville Campus are engaged in I-Ready and Dibels Testing. Students on the Cotswold Campus are engaged in I-Ready, Dibels and MVPA District Benchmarks. We look forward to charting the growth of our students. Individual student assessment reports will be sent home after our assessment window closes.
Alicia Hash, NBCT, M.Ed.
Billingsville Elementary-Primary Campus
Cotswold IB World School-Intermediate Campus