Be Involved - Work Hard - Be Kind
September 2023
Monthly Eagle Family Newsletter
Your Monthly Message from Principal Herman...
Hello Eagle Families!

Welcome back to school. We cannot wait to see the heights our Eagles will soar to this year. I hope you have had time to read our Welcome Back letter from August and were able to join us for Eagle Days. If your student needs their picture ID, ASB card, needs to pay any fees...all of that can be done once school starts. Picture days are scheduled as listed on the calendar below.

We are asking three things of your Eagles every day: 1) Work Hard, 2) Be Kind, 3) Get Involved. There are so many opportunities here at AHS and we hope that your student finds a home in at least one of those opportunities. Attending athletic events is also a great way to get involved in a part of AHS. We'd love to see you in the stands!

We want your student to be a part of building on our culture, so encourage them to share their voice and their hopes for the future. We want to help them build that future.

As a reminder, attendance is a key component of success here at AHS and in the future career your student pursues. Please encourage your student to arrive on time and attend daily. Their attendance this first month can predict with a 70% accuracy if they will graduate on time with their peers. Also, please encourage your students to connect with their teachers and counselors as they need help. We are here to help them navigate this important learning and growing experience. We are also happy to partner with you as parents, so we welcome you to reach out to us as well. If your student misses a day, it is imperative that you call in prior to 1pm that day (pre-arranged absences appreciated) so that we can be timely about attendance responsibilities.

Please review our AHS Cell Phone Policy, Tardies, Dress Code, and Civility policies with your student as they demonstrate the kind of culture that we expect and support here. With our cell phone policy, we do all we can to protect instructional time and minimize distraction from cell phone use--especially as class is happening--and if students are leaving class for any reason, cell phones often keep them out too long, so they will continue to leave their cell phones in the classroom during instructional time. Thank you for helping us to keep the focus on learning!

Students will need to opt in to a chromebook check out this year, via parent signature on a chromebook contract, to have a school device issued to them. Chromebook contracts are available on the district website and on our AHS social media. Chromebook insurance is not required, but a contract must be signed. We will be issuing chromebooks to sophomores and juniors in the first week, and to freshmen and seniors in the second week.

Please let us know what we can do for you, and happy new school year! We can't wait to have your Eagles back on campus!

With Every Eagle at heart,

Marilee Herman
Principal - AHS
& Your AHS AP team...Nikki Anderson, Kyle Axelson, and Denise Eichler
Let's bring our best attitude to learning every day!
Thank you, families, for being a part of our team in supporting our students!
Let's rock this year together!! #ahsflyeaglesfly
We love Every Eagle!
Parent Quick-Access Resources
Sign up now for 1st Quarter Drivers Ed

Applications are available for pick-up and online applications are available at the AHS and District websites.

1st Quarter starts September 25th, 2023 and ends November 16th, 2023
Two classes Mon-Wed or Tue-Thurs
from 3:00pm-4:30pm.
Students are not fully enrolled until they have turned in BOTH the application and acknowledgement forms along with the $600.00
Both forms are required in order to be cleared.

*Payment plans are also available if needed.

You may obtain an application and acknowledgement form by clicking on the links below:

*Arlington School District Traffic Safety/Driver's Education Schedule for 2023-2024 can be found here

Questions: 360-618-6300 x 11317 or at [email protected]
Career Center Information

Work Based Learning Session on September 14th from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Do you have a job? Do you want to learn more about Work Based Learning and how you might be able to earn credit while working? Please join Mrs. Rodino in-person (AHS Room 214) or on Zoom on September 14th from 5 - 6:00 p.m. She will provide an overview of Work Based Learning. Interested in learning more?  Sign up here! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Rodino at [email protected] or 360.618.6330.

Applying to College Information Session on September 28th from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Are you planning to go to a college, community college or technical school? Wondering where to start? Please join Mrs. Rodino in-person (AHS Room A214) or on Zoom as she talks about applying to various schools.  Sign up here to attend! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Rodino at [email protected] or 360.618.6330.

Meetings with Mrs. Rodino
If you are interested in setting up a time to meet with Mrs. Rodino, you can schedule a time here.

Juniors and Sophomores, the PSAT/NMSQT exam will be held during school hours the second week of October. Listen to announcements and school website updates for information on how to register to take the exam!
Food Services: You may notice that the portal for making online payments to your student's food service account looks a little different this year. We're now using TouchBase for processing these payments, and if you already have a TouchBase login you're ready to sign in and make payments. If you don't have a login it will take just a few minutes to set it up. Please go to and follow the instructions to create your password (your username is the same one you use for Skyward Family Access). Automatic payments that were set up in the old system will not carry forward. Online payments are not posted to food service accounts in real time, but they are updated several times throughout the day and should be reflected in the account balance no later than 7:30 am the following day.
Yearbook Info
Yearbooks will be on sale $65 August 21-September 8 and again the last two weeks in January.  

A limited number of books will be available for sale around distribution for $70. We have sold out the last two years, so don't wait!!

Class of 2024 Senior Photo Info


1. Email your senior photo to [email protected] NO LATER THAN Sunday, November 5. SAVE YOUR PICTURE AS YOUR LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (ex: Hayman, Anne.jpg)
2. The subject line is STUDENT NAME SR PIC (ex: TOMMY HAYMAN SR PIC)
3. I will email you a confirmation once the image is SAVED. . . 
my email in box is flooded during this time, so thank you for your patience. 
4. IF you are using your ASB card photo for your senior picture, there is no need to do anything.  
5. Anyone on the senior class list who does not submit a senior photo but does have an ASB/ID card photo taken will have that image used in the yearbook.
7. If you are not a senior by credit status at this time, but you will be graduating in June, you must submit a photo to be included in the senior section of the yearbook.

Please do not use images taken on with a cell phone camera.
The resolution is too small.
NO watermarks please!
PLEASE, DO NOT EDIT YOUR PHOTO SIZE unless you are a professional
Color portraits are preferred; however, black and white is acceptable.
Indoor or outdoor portraits are great
No props in your photos; no hands by the face please
Look directly at the camera; no “selfie” style pics from above
Resolution is the most important part! Please be sure your image is large enough for printing (300 dpi) . . . 
Preferred file size 500KB-1MB; larger is great!


THIS IS NOT REQUIRED; it is an option for senior parents and families.

1. Pay your $55 Grad Ad fee (online or at AHS Aug 21-Nov 5). To purchase, go to the main HS website and find the Online Payments link on the right.  We have a late fee option this year...$60 for Grad Ad purchase from Nov 6-Nov 12.  
2. Make sure we have your current email address on file at school. 
3. Within a week or so from purchasing, you will receive an email from Balfour Customer Service with a link to upload your Grad Ad content. (Emails will go out on Mondays.)
(We will use the primary email address on file in Family Access unless you specify otherwise.

4. You will upload no more than six images and a message of up to 125 words to your senior. 
Look in a previous yearbook or on the Yearbook webpage on the school website for an example of a Grad Ad.
5. Around Thanksgiving, we will send you a proof of the ad to check for accuracy.
Purchasing a Grad Ad does NOT mean you have purchased a yearbook. 

Yearbooks are available for $65 Aug 21-Sept 8.

Grad Ads are available for $55 Aug 21-Nov 5
Grad Ad Late Fee: $60 Nov 6-Nov 12. 
Each month, the Equity Department develops themes that focus the equity work for our district. The goal of the monthly theme is to provide resources and supports for teachers in order to bring awareness and appreciation to the diverse population of students in our district.

Ecology Club
Do you care about the environment?
Do you like to hike and take field trips?
Come check out the Ecology Club
We meet Tuesdays in room D102
Join us after school
from 2:35-3:30 pm
Knowledge Bowl
Any students who enjoy trivia, jeopardy, etc., are welcome to join us in the Knowledge Bowl club. We compete against other schools in Northwest Washington State and meet once a week for friendly, high-spirited competitions, complete with buzzer bars. Don't feel like you'll be put on the spot, as we compete in teams and no one is asked questions individually. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Mendro in C114 or at
([email protected]) or Mr. Duskin in C116 ([email protected]). We normally meet on Mondays right after school. Bring a friend or two!
LGBT+ Club

"Are you a member or ally of the LGBTQ+ community? Would you like to meet other members of this community in a safe space, hang out, make friends, and talk about LGBTQ+ issues, learn about LGBTQ+ culture and history, and advocate for and support LGBTQ+ students at Arlington High School--with snacks?!  

If your answer is yes, then email AHS' LGBTQ+ Club Advisor Mr. Ford at [email protected] for more information or "come join us Wednesdays from 2:30-3:45 in Mr. Ford's room, C208!"
From the health room:
A team within the district put together a Health Services Resource Guide that puts local health resources in one place to support social, emotional, and overall health. This guide is geared toward staff, families, and students at the secondary level.
S T U D E N T F E E S / F I N E S

Fine payments (cash or check only) or item returns can be taken care of at the Attendance Office window, anytime between the hours of 7:30am to 3pm. Or, payments may be paid either online through our new online payment system (we are no longer using Skyward for fines or fees, see instructions below), or checks may be mailed to:
Arlington High School / Student Fees 
18821 Crown Ridge Blvd
Arlington, WA 98223

Online Payment instructions:  
Go to the Arlington School District Website (
Under quick links, which is on the front page, far right, towards the bottom, go to Online Payments
Click on the large blue “Online School Payments” button
Login using your Skyward username and set a password. This will not change your Family Access password. If you do not have a Family Access login, or need your login, please contact the Counseling Secretary, Robin Knutson, at 360 618 6307.
Who are you shopping for?
Click on student name
Items at Student School
Select from category above 
Click on category “Back to School”
Click on “buy” next to the wanted item. If your student has a fine or fee, this is where you would see it, and have the opportunity to pay for it. When you are done, check out.
Remember, if your student has a fine for a book or chrome book, the item can be returned to Arlington High School and the fine will be removed, if the item is in good condition. If books are written in or damaged in any way, the student is required to pay for the book or item. Thank you!
Early Dismissal:

Please send a note in the morning with your student to stop by the Attendance office and get a pass to leave early.  

If you forget to send a note, please call in advance to excuse your student. You will then need to come into the office to sign them out.

PLEASE call before 2:00 for an early release.
Be Kind
Character Strong - It Takes All of US!
The Family Character Dare of the Month is...
...and a perfect dare to bring us all together right when all the activities and events are making our schedules harder to balance. Family time is so important!

For our teens, our Weekly Character Dare is generally posted in the Commons, but we also share it on social media via @AHSFlyEaglesFly (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) where we have over 6,000 subscribers who can view these dares daily. By working on these dares together and talking about them, we grow closer and more connected. The kids get this opportunity together in Friday's Every Eagle Advisory. The Staff have Weekly Dares too! The more WE do as adults, the more THEY do as kids. Family Dares simply tie it all together... here's Character Strong's C.A.R.E approach! It's a fun, simple approach to building Every Eagle's Commitment, Patience, Humility, Selflessness, Kindness, Respect, Honesty and Forgiveness - traits that lead to success beyond AHS. Enjoy your monthly Family Dares!
September is Commitment month with Character Strong!
"Inspiring all students to act as responsible, productive citizens who embrace lifelong learning."
Here is the month coming at you!
September 1st:
First home varsity football game vs. Kamiak - 7:00 pm

September 4th:
Labor Day - all district buildings closed

September 5th:
Link Day - freshmen only on campus (8:00 am to 2:30 pm); bus transportation and lunch provided
Freshmen parent meeting in the BPAC - 6:00 pm

September 6th:
First day of school for ALL grades

September 8th:
Back to school dance - AHS Commons (after football game to 10:55pm); $5 w/ASB, $7 w/o ASB

September 13th:
Picture makeups with Dorian - BPAC (time to be determined)
On The Horizon
October 6th:
Homecoming football game - 7:00 pm

October 7th:
SAT testing
Homecoming dance - 8 to 11 pm in the AHS Commons

October 9th:
Arlington School District Board meeting - District office @ 6:00 pm

October 20th:
Picture retakes with Dorian - BPAC (time to be determined)

October 23rd:
Arlington School District Board meeting - District office @ 6:00 pm

October 28th:
ACT testing

November 3rd and 4th:
AHS Theatre production, "Treasure Island" - BPAC