Senator Mike Gabbard
March Newsletter
Vol. 18 Issue 3
Agriculture and Environment Committee, Chair
Judiciary Committee, Vice Chair
Government Operations Committee, Vice Chair
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Aloha e friends,
I hope you and your ‘ohana are safe and well. For those of you who follow the Legislative Session, you know we just wrapped up our mid-session bill crossover. That’s when all the bills in their originating chamber passed out of their respective committees and crossed over to the other chamber—Senate bills crossed to the House and vice versa. Of course, the volume of bills is now much less as bills lived or died along the way.
It’s always interesting to watch the journey of a bill and see which ones make it across the finish line. If you had a bill that didn’t make it, don’t despair! It can often take four or five years for a good bill to pass. The built-in checks and balances help to ensure that by the time a bill makes it into law, all the stakeholders, including legislators, have had many opportunities to vet the legislation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (808) 586-6830 or if I can help you or your family in any way. You can also follow me on Instagram @SenatorMikeGabbard, Facebook, YouTube, and X.
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Listen Story Community Meeting February 24 (Pictured L-R: “Monty” Montgomery, Chelsea Arnott-HISC Coordinator, Darlene Loo-McDowell, and Sen. Gabbard. |
Listen Story Meeting
On Saturday, March 30, at 9-10am I’m hosting my next Listen Story community meeting. You can attend either in-person at the Kapolei High School Teachers’ Lounge, or via Zoom. Our special guest speaker this month will be Ernie Lau, Manager & Chief Engineer of the Board of Water Supply. I’ve asked Ernie to give us an overall briefing about water usage on O’ahu.
Last month, we welcomed Chelsea Arnott, Coordinator of the Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council (HISC). In addition to important invasive species news and updates, Chelsea shared information on the Little Fire Ant, Coqui Frog, and Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle infestations on the westside (and statewide) and what you can do about it. In case you missed it, please visit my YouTube channel. You can view her presentation here. Feel free to contact my office with any questions. Please send me an email at to RSVP, or for the link to join the upcoming meeting via Zoom.
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Advanced Leeward Outpatient Healthcare Access (ALOHA) A.K.A. Aka Daniel Kahikina Akaka Department of Veterans Affairs Community-Based Outpatient Clinic Grand Opening! | |
I just got word that the Daniel Kahikina Akaka Department of Veterans Affairs Community-Based Outpatient Clinic is having its Grand Opening on April 5. The multi-specialty Aloha Vets Clinic is located a few hundred yards makai of Costco on Roosevelt Blvd.
The $120 million, 89,000-square-foot facility will provide specialized health care for the 87,000 veterans who live on O‘ahu - including primary care, mental health, audiology, physical and occupational therapy, a dental and prosthetic services laboratory, diagnostic services, specialty care, X-ray and a pharmacy. Interior and exterior features will pay homage to the history and culture in Kalaeloa. Colors, tones, and textures of the facility have been influenced by the geography of Kalaeloa and the plants that grow here.
I attended the groundbreaking in Dec. 2021. Hunt Companies, which has been in Hawai‘i for about 30 years, is the developer.
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Environmental Day at The Capitol
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Sen. Gabbard at the “Hawai‘i Green Growth” booth: (Pictured L-R: Elena Arinaga, Communications and Outreach VISTA, Sen. Gabbard, and Mandy McCarty, Community Engagement and Next Gen VISTA.) | |
On March 12, “Environmental Day” was held at the capitol to raise awareness of the various organizations in Hawai‘i that are focused on our environment. I was one of four sponsors for the event, which also included my colleagues, Rep. Linda Ichiyama, Sen. Lorraine Inouye, and Rep. Nicole Lowen. The event was envisioned and coordinated by HECA (Hawai‘i Environmental Change Agents) in order to invite collaboration across groups, and to encourage support of relevant policies. I enjoyed visiting many of the booths and touching base with the various organizations.
Attendees included: Blue Planet, Carbon Cashback Hawai‘i, Care for the ʻāina Now, Citizens' Climate Lobby Hawai‘i, Clean Power Task Force, Climate Change Mitigation Commission. Climate Justice and Social Equity Taskforce, Climate Futures Forum, Decarbonization of Buildings Taskforce, Earth Justice, HAPA (Hawai'i Alliance for Progressive Action), Hawai‘i EV Association, Hawai‘i Green Infrastructure Authority, Hawai‘i Youth Climate Coalition, Local Water Protectors, Oceans Taskforce, Plant-Based Diet Group Taskforce, Sierra Club, Surfrider, State Energy Office, Ulupono Initiative, Zero Waste Taskforce, and 350 Hawai‘i. Whew! That’s a lot of people caring about our environment.
I loved seeing the collaboration across the many groups. It’s so important. It takes “Laulima” many hands working together. I applaud the efforts of these groups to reach out and connect with legislators for support on meaningful policies.
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Sen. Gabbard, Melodie Aduja, (Democratic Environmental Caucus) and Bill South, District Council 48 Chair, and At-large Rep. of the Environmental Caucus of the Democratic Party of Hawaii | |
Sen. Gabbard and Matt Geyser – at the “HECA” (Hawaii’ Environmental Change Agents) booth. | |
Sen. Gabbard at Environment Day at the Capitol at the “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission” booth. (Pictured L-R: Bill Unruh, Gabriella Sandoval, Sen. Gabbard.) | |
Environment Day at the Capitol at the “For the Fishes” booth. (Pictured L-R: Meg Turner - Sen. Gabbard’s Office Mgr., and Inga Gibson - Animal Welfare Institute.) | |
Priority AEN Senate Bills That Crossed to the House
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Five of my priority bills passed out of their respective committees on the House side and are awaiting a hearing in the House Committee on Finance (FIN). I invite you to reach out to the chair to request a hearing, if any of these bills are important to you. | |
1. AG Land Leases, Lease transfers (SB2413 / HB1971)
Requires the Board of Agriculture to submit a report on the percentage of agricultural lands that are suitable for farming and actively farmed and certain dollar amounts relating to lease transfers between lessees.
State agricultural lands are a key resource that can be used to meet the State's goals for economic diversification and food self-sufficiency. In order to support farmers on these lands, the State subsidizes lessees by providing leases below market rates and, in some cases, providing lower-cost agricultural water. Despite these state subsidies, some state agricultural leases are used primarily as residences or non-agricultural businesses or are unused.
Lessees who obtain a state agricultural lease in high-demand locations can transfer the remainder of their lease to the highest bidder, thereby converting their lease into a windfall profit above and beyond their investment in the property. This windfall profit is an unintended transfer of wealth from the State to individual lessees. This situation also causes the transfers of leases to the highest bidder, who may or may not be the farmers best able to use the land for agricultural production. Further data is needed.
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2. Biosecurity (SB3237 / HB2758)
Facilitates the control and eradication of invasive species and pests. Establishes a plant nursery licensing program. Requires the Board of Agriculture to designate certain species as pests for control or eradication. Imposes certain limits on imports and transportation. Updates the method by which the Department's noxious weed list is updated.
Preventing the sale of merchandise that is infested with pests addresses the highest-risk situations where unsuspecting consumers purchase pest-infested merchandise and bring it home, spreading the pest across an island. This bill would stop the sale before it spreads further.
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3. Biosecurity (SB2419)
Appropriates funds for the biosecurity program of the Department of Agriculture to develop and implement projects for clean plant material, agricultural treatments, diagnostics, and pest management.
The DOA is required to control and prevent increasing threats of pests and prohibited or restricted organisms without a permit from entering and spreading throughout the State.
While inspections are critical, increasing the State's ability to prevent the entry of high-risk products would enhance its ability to mitigate and manage invasive pests. This is vitally important not only to protect our fragile environment, but also to grow our local agricultural industries and to increase levels of self-sufficiency and sustainability.
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4. Food and product network with ADC (SB2500)
Establishes a food and product innovation network within the Agribusiness Development Corporation. Appropriates funds for food and product innovation facilities on the islands of Molokai, Oahu, Hawaiʻi, Kauai, and Maui and staff.
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5. Ornamental Ginger (SB2362 / HB2140)
Appropriates moneys for statewide research into ornamental ginger pathogens, prevention of the spread of ornamental ginger pathogens, production and distribution of pathogen-free ornamental ginger plants, and outreach to ornamental producers.
Alpinia purpurata, commonly known as ornamental ginger, is a popular plant that is commonly used in tropical landscape designs. The plant's red and pink floral brackets are often used as an ornamental flower in floral arrangements seen everywhere across the State, from Waikiki hotel lobbies to cemeteries.
However, due to emerging diseases, commercial production of ornamental ginger in the State declined by forty-six per cent between 2014 and 2018; no statistics are available after 2018. Producers in the affected areas are clearing their lands, as they can no longer economically produce ornamental ginger. Neighboring farmers and off-island clientele are concerned about the spread of the disease pathogens and have asked the department of agriculture to quarantine the movement of plants from these areas.
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Priority AEN House Bills That Crossed Over to the Senate
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Seven of my priority bills are still alive as House companions, awaiting a hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways and Means (WAM); Judiciary (JDC); or Commerce and Consumer Protection (CPN). I invite you to reach out to the chairs of these committees to request a hearing, if these bills are important to you. | |
1.Cesspool Conversion ( HB1892 / SB2426)
Requires certain priority level 1 cesspools to be upgraded, converted, or connected before 1/1/2035, and priority level 2 cesspools to be upgraded, converted, or connected before 1/1/2045.
Appropriates funds to implement the cesspool compliance pilot grant project established with Act 153, 2022. Establishes an income tax credit for the cost of upgrading or converting a qualified cesspool to a director of health-approved wastewater system or connecting to a sewerage system.
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2. Macadamia Nut Labeling (HB2278 / SB3303) Awaiting a hear in the Senate Committee on Judiciary (JDC)
Clarifies labeling requirements for macadamia nuts. Requires country of origin to be included on the label of a consumer package of processed macadamia nuts. Allows a private right of action for violations.
Hawai‘i-grown commodities are an important sector of our economy. Branding is critical to protect and safeguard consumers. According to statistics from the United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service, the value of the macadamia-nut crop in Hawaii in 2022 totaled $33,200,000.
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3. Hawai‘i Invasive Species Council (HISC) (HB2104 / SB2358)
Appropriates funds to support the Hawai‘i Invasive Species Council to ensure its long-term viability to continue fighting and eradicating invasive species. HISC has declared invasive species to be the single greatest threat to Hawai‘i’s economy and natural environment and the health and lifestyle of Hawai‘i’s people and visitors.
Acting now will prevent future, costlier problems. Invasive species include animals, plants, and pathogens found on land and in the ocean waters. Notable invasive species include the little fire ant, coconut rhinoceros beetle, coqui frog, albizia and strawberry guava trees, unmanaged grasses, and brown tree snake. HISC receives an annual net funding allocation of approximately $5,750,000, of which approximately ninety per cent is redirected toward its competitive grant program.
The remaining modest amount of funding is for the Hawaii invasive species council’s operating expenses, overhead, and budget and finance restriction. This funding allocation has not increased in four years and covers less than fifty per cent of the total amount of competitive grant proposals received. The need for more funding is exacerbated by inflation, the high cost of doing business in the State, and the need to attract and retain qualified staff. As a result, agencies are largely limited to focusing on invasive species containment rather than eradication. This needs to change.
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4. HDOA Grant Specialist Positions (HB2134 / SB2361)
Appropriates funds to establish grant specialist positions within the Department of Agriculture. Many farmers and ranchers are struggling to find the financial support necessary to build a thriving, vibrant business. Various sources of funding, including grants provided by the United States Department of Agriculture and the State, counties, and private entities, are available for farmers and ranchers.
Access to grants from the United States Department of Agriculture and other sources can increase production capacity, provide new business opportunities, and increase employment opportunities within the State's agricultural industry. However, the application process is sometimes complex and competitive. Without specific technical expertise in grant writing, many farmers and ranchers may be deterred from applying for those grants. Well-trained and skilled grant specialists would be able to assist farmers and ranchers in obtaining and fulfilling the requirements of grants.
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5. Packaging Waste (HB1688 / SB2368)
Requires the Department of Health to conduct a statewide needs assessment and establish an advisory council to determine what would be needed to transition to a more circular system with less waste generation, more reuse, and an extended producer responsibility program for packaging materials and paper products.
The State is committed to reducing waste and conserving resources through reduction, reuse, and recycling. However, additional resources, facilities, and services are needed.
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6. PFAS (HB1896 /SB2427) Awaiting hearing in Senate Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection (CPN)
Prohibits the manufacture, sale, offer for sale, distribution for sale, and distribution for use of any food packaging, food service ware, cosmetic, or personal care product that contains intentionally added perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, with certain exceptions. PFAS are toxic and commonly used chemical compounds that do not breakdown in the environment... also known as “forever chemicals.”
They can accumulate in animal and human tissue when consumed, applied directly on the skin, or when eating foods packaged with material containing these substances. Studies have shown PFAS creates many adverse health effects in animal and human populations including cancer, reproductive and developmental harm, thyroid disruption, impaired immune function, increased cholesterol levels, and vital organ damage. This measure expands on Act 152, which we passed in 2022.
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7. Two-Lined Spittlebug Control And Mitigation (HB2131 / SB2411)
Appropriates funds for the Department of Agriculture to mitigate and control the spread of the two-lined spittlebug and to fund recovery efforts for areas affected by it.
The two-lined spittlebug is an invasive insect that destroys key forage grasses used by the livestock ranching industry. In 2016, the State's first two-lined spittlebug infestation was discovered in Kailua-Kona on the island of Hawai‘i, where the pest ravaged nearly two thousand acres of pastureland. Grasses damaged by two-lined spittlebug infestations are often unsalvageable and must be replanted.
The two-lined spittlebug infestations have also reduced the quality of forage pastures by reducing their nutritional value, palatability, and productivity. Infestations of the pest also promote the establishment of weeds and lower-quality forage grasses. Monthly surveys conducted on the island of Hawai'i since 2017, indicate that the two-lined spittlebug is rapidly spreading across the island.
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