Thanks to everyone who sent last minute emails on Wednesday to the Baltimore City Liquor Board, attended the hearing, and volunteered on the Hopkins Market Committee; and to all of our elected officials and Johns Hopkins University who supported TCNA.
Tuscany-Canterbury has amazing neighbors and friends who make our neighborhood a treasure in the City.
A Little Background About Liquor Licenses
The Liquor Board cannot change the hours of a class B liquor license (6AM to 2AM) by law. They can only approve or not approve the request for a new liquor license license.
Any restrictions on the hours of a license can only be done through a MOU(Memo of Understanding) between the applicant for the license and the neighborhood. A number of issues can be included in the MOU . However, both groups must agree to all the terms.
By December 14, TCNA and the Hopkins Market had agreed to everything except for the closing hours. This is what we put in the last update about the hours that TCNA wanted. and we couldn't work out a compromise.
"TCNA has been working to compromise with the Hopkins Market. The Hopkins Market wants hours to be from 6AM to midnight, seven days a week. TCNA argues that because 1000 students live in the neighborhood, the goal is to have the restaurant close at 11 during the week and 12 is OK on weekends."