Dear Jamie,

23% - That's how much of the birth to five population in Cabarrus County is being served in child care slots; that's 3,823 children.

9,146 - That's how many slots child care facilities are licensed to serve in Cabarrus County.

Why are there 5,323 slots open?

Child care facilities are struggling to find qualifying staff and retain them while still keeping tuition affordable for families.

Stabilization Grants for child care facilities were put into place during the COVID-19 pandemic to help offset the costs of staying open to serve essential employees, however these stabilization grants are going to be ending in the not so distant future.

Does this worry you?

Let’s turn worry into action!

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Recently, the Cabarrus Partnership for Children, through P.U.R.E. Excellence, began a program called Cabarrus Teachers On Call.

We were able to try to address the teacher shortage through a State Directed Grant, but the grant funds will be gone before the needs are fully met in Cabarrus County.

This program recruits, trains, orients, coaches, and observes Early Childhood Educators in Cabarrus County.

They ensure that these teachers have everything they need to walk into a center with the credentials required by DCDEE to be a Substitute Teacher.

With this special funding we have been able to start one cohort of ten individuals, but it is only the beginning.

Let’s continue to bridge the gap and get child care facilities and willing individuals trained and connected.

Your donation will go towards continuing to support child care facilities and early educators when they need it the most.

It will assist them in nurturing children and preparing them for success in life.

Let’s write more early education stories with happy endings.

Please Give!!

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