There are so many ways that you can manifest in your life and become a Creator in your life, just by paying attention to the energy that you are emanating and the energy that you are inviting on a daily basis. No number of manifesting techniques can take the place of that daily determination.
When you start determining on a daily basis the reality that you are willing to experience, thereby setting aside realities that you're not willing to experience, you're creating a shift in your life. Your life will be affected greatly in positive ways by your sense of Empowerment that comes about for you by making this determination on a daily basis. If you're halfway through the day and you think, “Some of these experiences do not match up with or line up with what I had determined for myself this morning,” just set up a new determination.
Know that when you set these determinations, e.g., the determination to be open to prosperity, the determination to be open to harmonious communication, you're raising your frequency, which is extremely important. You're also making sure that you're no longer a match for anything that's contrary to what you've determined.
So, if you have chosen harmonious relationships or harmonious interactions on a particular day, and you have an interaction that is the opposite of that, know that you lost your determination. Something caused you to lapse into a momentary forgetfulness, so that you lost that determination. You lost that calibration of your energy field. Don't think, “What have I done wrong here?” It's not about what you have done wrong. You lapsed into an old familiar pattern, a much more passive way of relating to the world. You can recalibrate and come back to your original intentions. Set that intention again and go on your merry way. You will have some of those lapses until being empowered and determining your life experience feels more and more natural to you.