news & events
At the July Vestry meeting, the Vestry noted much work being done by the Buildings and Grounds Committee and staff over the past month. Due to age, frequent maintenance issues, coupled with a pending change in refrigerant, the two River Room HVAC units are being replaced. We were thankful that the Finance Committee’s far-sightedness had provided a well-funded savings account for just such a purpose and we were able to quickly address what could have been a significant issue for those who use our River Room. The Building and Grounds Technology subcommittee has identified the best options for a new, more comprehensive managed IT provider and a new alarm system vendor (part of the Technology initiative in the Capital Campaign). These services and a better connectivity to the internet will help bring our technology more in the present and prepare us for future needs (think improved streaming, projection of our services to the Riverwalk, better security).
Fr. Biddy updated us identifying options for calling an associate priest. This is an area that is a high priority for the Vestry, and we will dedicate a good bit of our next meeting to finding the best way to add needed clergy to our staff.
At the meeting, the Vestry voted to relocate the Polk memorial to the narthex and the unanimous vote was a recognition that compromise was the best solution for the future of the Church. An email to the parish summarizing the process and the rationale for the vote was sent out earlier this week. A hard copy will follow in snail mail.
Finally, we remain aware of increasing COVID cases in our area and how this may impact us continuing to safely worship and gather together. We re-established the Gathering Safely committee (Rex Teeslink, Nancy Kotti and Ian McQueen) to guide us in merging the safety protocols from our previous metrics from the Brown School of Public Health to the CDC’s metrics. In the meantime, due to an immediate need to address safety protocols due to higher counts in our area, we provided guidance for the Church for several upcoming services and events.
Cameron Nixon
Senior Warden
This week the CDC moved Richmond County to its High level of community transmission for COVID-19. In response, the vestry has appointed a new Gathering Safely Committee, charged with reconciling our previous mitigation protocols with the current state of the pandemic. While that new committee works, the vestry has established the following guidelines for the immediate term:
- Communion will be distributed by intinction only, with the vested ministers performing the intinction.
- Clergy will wear masks while distributing communion.
- Masks are encouraged for parishioners.
As we have stated before, the Church is not qualified to give you medical advice or to assess your personal risk. But I do feel qualified to urge you to pay attention to the effect this recurring anxiety and disruption have on your spiritual life. The clergy at Saint Paul’s will be as flexible as we possibly can be in accompanying you spiritually as you make the decisions you need to make for your physical safety. If you have to stay home, let us bring communion to your porch. If you are weary beyond words, let’s pray together on the phone. As a culture, we are not always great at being “in this together.” But that does not mean that you are alone. God is faithful, and the church is striving for that faithfulness, too.
Manna Pantry
Saturday, July 23
Our next Manna Pantry is still scheduled for Saturday, July 23. We’ve made a few changes to our process for this month only, so please contact Melissa Friedman for more information.
Saint Paul's Nursery is OPEN
Sundays 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
We are pleased to announce that the Saint Paul’s nursey is open for children 6 months to 4 years of age. The nursery will be available on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:30 a.m. to allow parents to attend formation. If you have any questions about the nursey, please contact the parish office. Miss Connie and Miss Jenna are all VERY EXCITED to welcome you back!
Hornsby School Supply Drive
Through August 7
It is time to get ready! We will be gathering school supplies for the children at our partner neighbor school, Hornsby. We will have labeled containers in the narthex and the church office starting this Sunday until Sunday, August 7th. Thank you in advance for helping our students start off on a good foot.
Supplies Needed: Crayons, pencils, pens, colored pencils, paper, glue sticks, child-sized scissors, notebooks, and folders.
"Oktoberfest by the River"
Saturday, September 10th, 6:30 PM - 10 PM
This Sunday
Tickets available on the Portico following 11 AM
OR use the link below to purchase online.
Tickets purchased in advance are $45/ person which is a savings of $5 per ticket.
Please support the Oktoberfest fund raising efforts by purchasing tickets and contributing to the silent auction or live auction items with all proceeds to support our community outreach efforts
Please contact Marilyn Grau for any donations or ideas. All proceeds will be used for our various Outreach Ministries.
For additional ticket information, please contact Melissa Friedman or by telephone at (443) 528-9149.
Sunday Forum
Sundays 9:30 AM, Berlin Room
Join us for our summer formation series on the Apostles Creed. Each session is independent of the next, so you do not need to have been at the last session to join.
This Sunday at 9:30 we are discussing how we make moral decisions in conflicted situations. Our format this week is open discussion.
Sunday Worship Schedule
8 AM Rite I - In person
11 AM Rite II - In person
5:30 PM - Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
All three of our Sunday worship services are in-person.
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
Sundays, 5:30 PM
Ken Courtney, piano and Robyn Macey, flute are our guest musicians this week.
EVENTS THIS WEEK| July 18 - July 24
Saint Paul's Weekday Greeter for the Church
Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 3 PM
The Church is open daily from 9 AM-3 PM for prayer and quiet reflection. To do that well in our neighborhood, we could use some volunteers who are on hand to greet people. Bring a book or your journal, or just enjoy the quiet time to reflect & pray yourself, and then welcome guests as they arrive. Please sign up using the link below. We're suggesting that volunteers work in teams, but that is not necessary. Contact the parish office with any questions.
Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 PM Social time follows worship on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 595 177 454
Dial-In: (646) 876-9923
Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.
Following the prayers, those who gather through Zoom have an opportunity for a mid-week visit.
Caregivers' Support Group
Thursday, July 28 1:30 PM ON ZOOM
The Caregivers' Support Group is scheduled for Thursday, July 28. Due to the rising COVID cases locally, even among those vaccinated, we are cautious about in-person attendance for those who care for vulnerable individuals. We will be convening by Zoom for this meeting. If you attend this support group, please contact Fr. Biddy for the Zoom link to participate online..
Housewarming Party & Home Blessing
July 30, 9:30 AM - 12:00 noon
The parish and friends are invited to a drop-in housewarming party at the Biddy family home, Saturday July 30, 9:30 AM to noon, with a house blessing liturgy at 11:00 AM, 137 Broad St. in Augusta (that’s Olde Town).
Please RSVP using the Link below.
Men's Monthly Meal
Wednesday, August 3, River Room
Men arrive 4 PM for cooking & fellowship
Parish arrives 6-7 PM, for dinner
The Men’s Monthly Meal (Mmm!) is the first Wednesday of each month, this month, Wednesday, August 3. (Men gather at 4 PM to cook, the parish gathers at 6 PM for dinner.) This month the Men of Saint Paul’s will be serving meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, fried okra, and cornbread. There are two sign-ups on our website and direct links below. Please RSVP for dinner and men, please sign up for this fellowship and meal team (separate sign-up from dinner reservations). Donations welcomed. Contact Eric Friedman for more information.
July 28 - Caregivers' Support Group on ZOOM
July 30 - Housewarming Party at the Biddy family home
August 3 - Men's Monthly Meal
August 7 - Back to School Blessing
August 14 - Birthday Sunday
August 17 - Wednesday Night Supper
August 22 - Vestry Meeting
August 27 - Master's Table Soup Kitchen
New Forward Day by Day Available
The new Forward Day by Day issue for August, September, and October has arrived and is available in the Narthex and in the rack outside the parish office. If you would like to have one mailed to you, please contact the parish office. Forward Day by Day is a booklet of daily, “page-a-day,” inspirational meditations, each reflecting on a specific Bible passage from the daily lectionary readings of the Episcopal Church. The meditations are rich in substance and offer a wide range of witness and experience. These meditations are also available online at the Forward Movement website.
Needlepoint Project for Altar Rail Cushions
Calling all interested persons who would like to help with the needlepoint project to create new kneeling cushions for the altar.
The custom canvases are painted, and the yarn has been ordered for new kneeling cushions for the altar. If you are interested in working on this project, sign up using the link below, and please stay tuned for a meeting that will be held in September. Linda Mote, our needlework consultant, will be instructing all skill levels on doing the needlework. Even if you just would like to learn how to needlepoint, please consider coming to the meeting. There will be more information and details coming soon. To get your name on the list, please use the link below and enter your contact information.
Sign up for EfM (Education for Ministry)
at Church of the Good Shepherd
Are you interested in the Education for Ministry program? More than a Bible study, EfM takes a fresh look at life events in the light of church tradition and 21st century culture. Participants study, worship, and engage in theological reflection together in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. The Church of the Good Shepherd is welcoming new participants to their two classes and encourages those interested from all parishes to join.
Sign up is in July! EfM groups begin meeting in late August.
The Parish Office is updating our parish directory and has hired Alison Nesbitt to assist us in the collection of data. If you have not receive a call from her, please contact the parish office by email or by telephone at (706) 724-2485, so that we may update our parish records or add you to our records. .
Gathering Safely Plan Updated 03-17-21
The Vestry has approved a plan for gathering safely. This plan is available using the link below and on our website. Clergy, vestry, and regathering committee members will continue to monitor the situation and publicize precautions and changes.
From the Stewardship Chair
Lord, we give faithfully, and in our giving, we honor you,
the source of all our blessings, our daily bread, and all the gifts in our lives.
Pledge cards are available in the Narthex and by contacting the parish office.
You may also pledge online using the link below.
Pledge Cards Received: 139
93 Increase (23 new), 6 Decrease, 40 no change
Saint Paul's Faithfulness
as of 07/20/2022
Offerings pledged this Week $12,981.00
Offerings received this Week $6,561.90
Operating Expenses to Date $476,359.31
Operating Income to Date $558,192.22
Are we missing your birthday?