Week of May 16-22, 2022 | Vol. 81 Issue 20
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Come and listen to some Jazz this Saturday night! | |
Do not miss out on this spectacular and FREE event happening right in our Sanctuary this Saturday, May 21 at 7PM. On this special evening, singers and musicians from across the country will raise their voices to sing the traditional mass set to the Jazz music, composed by our own James Kevin Gray and Rick Bean. The choir will be led by Maestro Sonja Sepulveda, a nationally known and loved choral conductor, and will feature soloists Dawn Anthony and Herbert Johnson.
We hope to see you there!
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Love One Another...
On Purpose
With Purpose
For God's Purpose
Starting last Sunday, we began a three-week series focused on two foundational verses from The Gospel of John. "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you should also love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." {John 13:34-35}
Loving one another is a foundation of healthy Christian faith.
This Sunday, we will focus on LOVE ONE ANOTHER WITH PURPOSE. Jesus said, "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another."
Beloved, throughout this first year of our second century, let us strengthen our spiritual foundations. If you are able to be with us, please gather with your church family in the sanctuary each Sunday at 10:30.
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Pentecost Sunday
June 5 @ 10:30AM
On Sunday, June 5, we celebrate Pentecost! We will worship with our friends from Together in Christ International Ministries at 10:30am in the Sanctuary.
Following worship, we will enjoy a food truck lunch in the parking lot. More details to come!
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Charlotte Knights Game
This Sunday May 21
All those attending the Knights game with St. John’s this Sunday May 21, please meet Lee Gray in the first-floor lounge at the church following worship. There, you will receive your ticket and a group will leave from there to ride the trolley to the stadium. All our tickets are now accounted for, but please still join us if you would like to attend. You can certainly still buy tickets in our vicinity at the stadium. Look forward to seeing you Sunday.
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A Journey to Understanding Our Immigrant Neighbors
Study Guides Available Now in the Church Library
The daily news will not let us escape the reality that many people worldwide live in areas of conflict, war, or disasters and are forced to flee their homeland. The St. John’s Immigrant and Refugee Ministry Group has for almost three years been exploring how we, as God’s people, can become more aware of these “strangers” that become our neighbors here in Charlotte and how He would have us respond in these times when there is much debate among us about immigration.
While St. John’s has a history of responding with hospitality to immigrants and refugees, the IMRG has been looking closely at how best to respond in these turbulent times in the world of immigration. A task force was formed for the purpose of developing a study guide to help the St. John’s family in getting familiar “...with the plight and contributions of the immigrants and refugees in North Carolina and especially the area of Charlotte. And to remind ourselves and others of the Biblical mandate, obligation, and duty we have as Christians to this population.”
Chaired by Wanny Hogewood and using and updating materials from the North Carolina Council of Churches and the writings of those who are knowledgeable and compassionate about refugees, such as Karen Gonzalez, the group created a study guide “A Journey to Understanding our Immigrant Neighbors." Joining Wanny in the creation of this guide were Keith Towery, who directed the format of the publication, along with Tom Blackmon and Nancy Fuller. We are grateful for their hard work in creating this guide, which is now ready for use by individuals and groups.
Copies are available in the church library for anyone to pick up and read. Teachers of Sunday School classes and leaders of other groups within the church are strongly encouraged to get a copy and to consider it a resource for study within your group.
If you are a group leader or teacher and want to get copies of the Study Guide for your group, please contact Wanny Hogewood (bwwh4062@gmail.com) or Beverly Hester (beverlyrhester@earthlink.net).
You can also download the study guide by clicking below.
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Church Conference This Sunday
Immediately following the worship service this Sunday, we will be called into a church conference. Sally Young and Kevin Benton will be sharing a proposal for your consideration. The proposal is being submitted by the Admin Deacon Panel and has been reviewed and approved by the Finance Resource Team, Church Council, and full Deacon Panel. In alignment with our second-century vision, this proposal will outline a plan to address some critical repair, maintenance, and beautification needs of our historic facility situated in the Elizabeth neighborhood at the corner of 5th and Hawthorne. We are excited to share this plan and our vision with you and look forward to your attendance this Sunday.
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Congratulations to the following St. John’s College graduates!
- Kirby Bragg from the University of Virginia
- David Benton from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
If you are aware of any other recent graduates, please let us know.
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From the Heritage Room
More about St. John’s in the 1940’s
In February 1940, March was designated as “Come to Church” Month. The first Sunday, March 3rd, the attendance was 387. On the succeeding Sundays, the attendance increased: March 10-433, March 16- 432, March 24- 564, and March 31- 466. The next year, 1941, the number on March 2 was 534, and on March 16, the largest yet-664.
In the display is an invitation to “Volunteer Day.” This was not for volunteer work; it was to come to the Community House between 2-5 in the afternoon of October 13, 1940, to make a pledge to the budget—volunteering was giving.
On May 16, 1943, Mr. J.P. Hackney was named Deacon Chair Emeritus after serving in that position for 21 years. Mr. D. W. Fink, (uncle of Nina Phillips) was named Vice-Chair Emeritus after serving for 18 years.
After Dr. Durden’s last Sunday in April 1944, there was a series of guest ministers. One of the “guests” was Claude Broach who at that time was working with the Sunday School Board in Nashville.
After this retirement, Dr. Durden continued to live in a house on Park Drive where he had lived since coming to Charlotte. When Dr. Broach came in 1944, the church purchased the property at 2516 Sherwood to be used as a parsonage. (The property was sold in 1950.)
The first Music Minister, Woodrow Wall, came to St. John’s in 1944. Mrs. Louise Young Workman (aunt of Sally Young) had served as Choir Director and Organist from 1938-1944. She continued as the Church Organist until 1949.
One more note on the St. John’s Camp—Originally, member L.L. Hackney donated land near what is now Camp Green Street for the camp. The members of the church preferred a location in northwestern Mecklenburg County. The initial property was deed back to Mr. Hackney and he donated the money for the preferred property. This property consisted of 15.75 acres and was located at what is now the intersection of Robinson Church Road and Harrisburg Road. Robinson Presbyterian Church is now located on that corner. Site Improvements included land clearing for an athletic field for softball and construction of a dam creating a lake for swimming. There were also a couple of buildings. The Heritage Room has film of the land clearing and of folks swimming in the lake and playing softball. The property was sold in 1963.
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Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations
Shirley Ballard, Kathleen Bumgardner, Tish Philemon
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Financial Ministry Plan Report
- Week of May 10-16: $24,461
- Income through May 16: $477,434
- Annual 2022 Ministry Plan Budget Goal: $1,135,000
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Ministers On-Call Schedule
- May 16-22: Dennis Foust
- May 23-29: Kevin Gray
- May 30-June 5: Lee Gray
- June 6-12: Dennis Foust
Staff Contact Information
Jenny Godfrey, Administrative Assistant - 704-333-5428, ext. 11
Dennis Foust, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 12
Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-451-1309 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 15
Kevin Gray, Minister for Music and Worship - 803-524-0287 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 14
Jacquelyn McAbee, Church Administrator - 434-579-1177 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 20
Mallory Brown, 704-477-3349 (cell)
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