Emmanuel E-News
December 20-26, 2024
Dear Beloved in Christ,
As we enter the Fourth Sunday of Advent, we find ourselves drawn into the mystery of God’s love—love that is steadfast, sacrificial, and overflowing. The readings for this week illuminate the profound ways God’s love has been revealed to us and invites us to embody that love in our lives.
From the prophet Micah (Micah 5:2-5a), we hear the promise of a ruler who will arise from Bethlehem, a seemingly insignificant town. This ruler, the Messiah, will shepherd his people with strength and bring peace. God’s love often manifests in the unexpected: a small town, a humble family, and an ordinary young woman. Micah reminds us that God’s ways are not about power or status but about grace, humility, and a heart turned toward God's people.
The writer of Hebrews (Hebrews 10:5-10) brings us to the heart of Christ’s mission. Jesus, in perfect obedience, declares, “I have come to do your will.” The old system of sacrifices is replaced by the ultimate act of love: Jesus offering Himself for us. God’s love is not distant or abstract—it is personal, active, and redeeming. Christ’s sacrifice is the foundation of our salvation, a love so profound it reshapes our relationship with God and calls us to live in response to that love.
Finally, in Luke’s Gospel (Luke 1:39-55), we join Mary as she visits Elizabeth. Here, love takes on a tangible form—two women filled with faith, hope, and joy, recognizing the miraculous work of God in their midst. Mary’s song, the Magnificat, bursts forth as a declaration of God’s transformative love. She proclaims a God who lifts the lowly, feeds the hungry, and keeps His promises. Her words remind us that God’s love turns the world upside down, prioritizing those who are often forgotten or overlooked.
As we prepare for Christmas, these readings call us to reflect on the depth of God’s love. How do we, like Mary, magnify the Lord in our lives? How do we, like Christ, offer ourselves in obedience and love to God’s will? How do we, like the people of Bethlehem, prepare room for the coming of our Savior?
This Advent season, let us embody the love we celebrate. Reach out to someone in need, offer forgiveness where it is needed, and be the hands and feet of Christ in your community. In doing so, we prepare our hearts not only to receive the gift of God’s love but also to share it abundantly with others.
May the peace of Christ, who is our Good Shepherd, fill your hearts and homes this Advent season.
With love in Christ,
Pastor Will