SRPC's Monthly Newsletter | |
I hope you all enjoyed the holidays. Have you gotten used to writing 2025 yet? I may be alone in my thoughts on this, but I miss seeing the snow this time of year. My husband and I differ on our opinions about snow, I look out the window and enjoy how pretty it is, he only sees the work it will take to clear it.
I wish you all a safe and healthy New Year!
Megan Taylor-Fetter
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In this Issue
Staff News
Cocheco River Management Plan Meeting
Rochester Recreation and Arena Master Plan Approved
Planning Events
Clean Diesel Program RFP's
Community Happenings
Upcoming SRPC meeting topics
January 4th was National Trivia Day, who knew?
In honor of that, here is your monthly trivia question: What is the name of the Roman god that the month of January is named after, and what does his double-faced image symbolize?
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On December 10, 2024, Senior Planner Mark Davie obtained his AICP certification after passing his examination in November. Congrats Mark-well done!
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Staff and Commissioners wished Dave Landry farewell as he chaired his last Commission meeting on December 20, 2024. Dave has been a commissioner for 5 years and served as Chair for 4 years. Commissioners thanked Dave for his steady leadership and for always providing a bit of humor at every meeting. We wish Dave all the best, he will be missed!
After the December Meeting, Commissioners were invited into the office to sample homemade baked goods that staff prepared for a holiday bake-off. A vote was taken, and Natalie’s cheesecake won the prize!
To top the day off, staff held their annual holiday gathering at La Corona in Rochester.
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On January 8, 2025, Recovery Friendly Workplace advisor Virginia Scarpone presented a Certificate of Designation to SRPC. For more about the program, visit the RFW website: | |
Pictured: Jen Czysz, Virginia Scarponi, Jackson Rand, and Megan Taylor-Fetter | |
The Cocheco River Management Plan Holds its Second Meeting
On Wednesday, January 8th, the steering committee for the Cochecho River Management Plan held their second meeting and discussed plans for a public workshop to gather information, ideas, and feedback from members of the public, as well as stakeholders and representatives from river corridor communities. The public workshop will be held on February 22nd at the Rochester Public Library at 10am and will include visioning sessions and group discussions and brainstorming.
The steering committee is also seeking volunteers who might be interested in joining the committee. The committee, in collaboration with SRPC, will meet monthly with the CRLAC to develop the plan, and assist with identifying resources, outlining the structure of the plan, and recommending implementation actions. Anyone interested can email SRPC Regional Planner Owen Corcoran at
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Rochester Recreation and Arena Master Plan
Stephen Geis presented to the Rochester Planning Board January 6th, 2025, to discuss the planning process and final draft of Rochester Recreation and Arena's Master Plan Chapter. It took over a year of planning to prepare this final draft of 78 goals and actions for the next 10 years. New trends to recreation programs, facilities, and the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic were especially important to ensure the Rochester Recreation and Arena are able to achieve their mission statement. The Rochester Recreation and Arena Master Plan Chapter was approved by the planning board unanimously.
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The 2024-25 New Hampshire Clean Diesel Program
Request for Proposals is NOW OPEN! NHDES is seeking applicant proposals for eligible diesel emissions reduction projects, utilizing approximately $500,000 of EPA DERA federal funds. The first round of funding will close on January 24, 2025, at 4 p.m. Eastern Time. If funding remains, proposals submitted after the first-round proposal deadline, but before May 16, 2025, at 4 p.m. Eastern Time will be scored with the second-round proposals. Municipalities and private businesses operating Class 5 through 8 diesel vehicles/engines/equipment in NH are eligible to apply here! Questions? Email:
Other Opportunities
COAST secures grants to expand Community Rides program
NH WRRC is now accepting applications for water resources related projects for FY2025
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Comprehensive Plan Update
SRPC will soon begin the process of updating the region’s Comprehensive Plan! Keep on the lookout for our official launch next week!
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January 17, 2025 Commission Meeting
Safety Target Setting
Transportation Planner Colin Lentz will be presenting on Safety Target Setting. Once a year, SRPC is federally required to set targets for highway safety performance measures for all public roads in the region. SRPC Commissioners will be discussing targets for the following performance measures:
- Number of fatalities
- Rate of fatalities
- Number of serious injuries
- Rate of serious injuries
- Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries
SRPC’s targets are based on an aspirational “vision zero” goal – the only acceptable number of fatalities and serious injuries on public roads is zero. Annual targets are calculated toward achieving specific long-term targets:
- A 75% reduction in fatalities by 2035
- A 50% reduction in serious injuries by 2035
- A 100% reduction in non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries by 2035
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Smart Solar Zoning and Permitting Cohort for NH Municipalities, Feb-Jun 2025
Clean Energy NH is partnering with SolSmart this spring to help NH municipalities establish smart solar zoning and permitting at the local level. They are launching a FREE program in February for interested communities, with monthly cohort meetings and customized one-on-one support.
The 5 month program will include:
- An independent review of existing zoning with recommendations to address local concerns and goals relative to solar development,
- Templates and support to improve the transparency of local solar permitting, and
- Customized technical assistance and training for town leadership, committees, and staff.
For more information:
Info Session January 22 at Noon. Join this Zoom meeting at Noon on Jan. 22 to learn more and confirm whether this program is a good fit for your needs.
Sign up for program updates. Clean Energy NH will be in touch as more information about this new program is available.
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The Roman god Janus, symbolizing the ability to look both forward into the new year and backward at the past year with his two faces. | |
Image courtesy of Creative Commons | |
Strafford Regional Planning Commission
150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12
Rochester, NH 03867
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