Happy New Year from Manitoba! The weather has been very moderate to this point in our winter. Snow accumulation varies across the province with higher snow volumes in the western part of the province and very little accumulation in the Winnipeg and south eastern areas of the province. Temperatures have been variable with some very mild conditions thru the fall and into December. Reports from Superintendents around the province are that turf has wintered well to this point in the season.
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Happy New Year and welcome 2025! I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season, filled with rest and relaxation. The Christmas season here in Alberta was quite mild for the most part, with a majority of the province experiencing warmer than traditional temperatures. As a matter of fact, the winter itself has been moderate, aside from a cold snap in the latter part of November. Unfortunately, there are areas of the province that are once again dealing with ice from the abrupt cold snap in November.
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Some Content you will Find in This issue:
- Refer a Member
- The Canadian Golf Course Management Conference
- Online Auction
- More Than Turf Photo Contest Winners
- PMRA Tebuconazole Decision
- Member Moves
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Register Today So You're Not Left Out
We've had an outstanding response to the upcoming event in Niagara Falls! Limited registration seats are available. Register today so you aren't disappointed. Highlights of the event include over 15 hours of industry education planned by renowned speakers, sponsored by Syngenta; education track dedicated to Equipment Technicians; celebrate your provincial and national award winners during the Awards Luncheon, sponsored by Envu; participate in the Opening SociALL, sponsored by Brett Young; largest turf industry showcase featuring new and innovative products; Women in Turf Breakfast; Assistants Reception, sponsored by Rain Bird; and networking reception on Day 2, sponsored by Turf Care and Toro.
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CGSA and OGSA are requesting your help by donating an item to the 2025 Online Auction. All proceeds will be directed to advocacy, scholarships and award programs. An excellent opportunity to promote your product or service to over 1000 delegates and members. It will be held during the Canadian Golf Course Management Conference February 25 - 27. You can see the list of items here which will be updated regularly. You can also follow the auction progress throughout the conference. | |
As a member of the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) we hope you will take advantage of this opportunity that could greatly benefit both our organization and your team. Refer a new member to join the CGSA by January 31, 2025, and you will receive a CGSA 20 oz Tumbler as a Thank you. As a bonus, the CGSA membership is currently prorated, so your staff can join at half price (50% off) the membership rate.
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CGSA's Latest Accredited Members
Please join the CGSA to congratulate the following member(s) for receiving or renewing their designations:
Sean May, AGS moved into the Superintendent position at OslerBrook Golf & Country Club in Collingwood, ON which changed his AAGS designation over to the AGS designation.
Samuel Anstey, AAGS from Calgary Golf and Country Club in Calgary, AB just became CGSA’s latest member to receive his Accredited Assistant Golf Superintendent (AAGS) designation.
Keith Blayney, MS, Master Superintendent at the Edmonton Petroleum Golf and Country Club has recertified his MS designation for another five (5) years.
Sean Brillinger, AGS, Superintendent at the Heron Point Golf Links has recertified his AGS designation for another five (5) years.
Tyson Arcand, AAGS, Assistant Superintendent the Edmonton Petroleum Golf and Country Club has recertified his AAGS designation for another five (5) years.
Congratulations to Samuel, Keith, Sean & Tyson!
For more information on how you can achieve and track your designation, please click here or contact Lori at ext. 27 at the CGSA office.
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CGSA Member Matt Gourlay recognized with the 2025 GCSAA President's Award for environmental stewardship. Matt Gourlay, CGCS, MG, AGS, superintendent at Hillcrest Country Club in Boise, Idaho has been named the recipient of the 2025 President’s Award for Environmental Stewardship from the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA). He will be recognized Feb. 5, 2025, during the Sunrise Celebration, presented in partnership with Syngenta at the 2025 GCSAA Conference and Trade Show in San Diego, Calif.
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CGSA Member Hannah Issinghood receives one of ten newly established Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews scholarships that will help pay for the rest of her education, connect her with a Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews member to serve as a mentor and send her to a leadership summit next summer in the home of golf.
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Recent CGSA Member Moves or Updates
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· Craig Acton, Superintendent from Glen Arbour Golf Course, moved to Superintendent at Mill Ridge Golf Course
· Robert Clark, Superintendent from Glasgow Hills Golf Course, moved to Superintendent at Glen Arbour Golf Course
· Nick Daley, Assistant Superintendent from Capilano Golf and Country Club, moved into the Superintendent position at Capilano Golf and Country Club
· Ken Gosbee, Superintendent from Glen Arbour Golf Course, moved into the Property management position at Mill Ridge Golf Course
· Sean May, AAGS, Assistant Superintendent from Mad River Golf Club, moved into the Superintendent position at OslerBrook Golf & Country Club and his designation changed to AGS
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· Cory O’Neil, Assistant Superintendent from Rosedale Golf Club, moved into the Superintendent position at Thornhill Golf & Country Club
· Morgan Robins, Assistant Superintendent from Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club, moved into the Superintendent position at The Vancouver Golf Club
· Owen Russell, MS, Master Superintendent from Markland Golf Club moved to Master Superintendent at Hamilton Golf and Country Club
· Stuart Sheridan, AGS moved from Capilano Golf and Country Club to his hometown of Ireland
If we have missed anyone, we apologize and please send us your details for another edition of GreenMatter.
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More Than Turf Photo Contest |
We are thrilled to announce the winners of the More Than Turf Photo Contest. There are winners in 3 categories Animals, Landscape and Sunrise/Sunset. CGSA thanks all members who submitted photos, there were so many incredible photos which we will be sharing in various communications throughout the year. Winners receive a CGSA merchandise gift pack, their framed photo and of course bragging rights. The 2025 photo contest starts now. You can submit your photo to cgsa@golfsupers.com.
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Animal Category
Darin Hill, Assistant Superintendent, Oslerbrook Golf and Country Club. Their resident Heron in search of morning breakfast.
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Landscape Category
Rob Turgeon, Golf Course Maintenance, Victoria Golf Club.
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Sunrise/Sunset Category
Roxanne Thompson, Assistant Superintendent, Muskoka Bay Resort.
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Clear Health Benefits Update | We are proud to share some of the benefits and resources available through our partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) and their Not Myself Today program as we continue to further our commitment to help you build a culture of mental health and awareness within your organization. | |
The PMRA has issued its final decision regarding the use of Tebuconazole and its associated end-use products. While this decision is final, a notice of objection regarding the decision may be submitted to the PMRA within 60 days of the publication date - due January 20, 2025. To read the full decision click here. | |
The Aquatrols Company adds to North American Sales Team. The Aquatrols Company, the world leader in the development of soil surfactants and other water management technologies, is excited to welcome Josey Groeneveld to the North American Sales Team. | |
Lori Micucci, Manager, Member Services ex. 27
Kathryn Wood, Chief Executive Officer ex. 23
Barb Manifold, Events and Administration ex. 25
Jenn Rozek, Communications Manager (jrozek@golfsupers.com)
Guylaine Richard, Education ex. 29
Terri Solodan, (tsolodan@golfsupers.com)
Jeff Calderwood, Strategic Advisor ex. 24
PH: 1-800-387-1056, Fax: 416-626-1958
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