Check out what's going on this week at the UMC of Red Bank!
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Worship Sneak Peek
July 24, 2022 at 10:00 am
Join us this Sunday in person or online at 10:00 am. In times of uncertainty and pain, we turn to God's promises of steadfast presence and deliverance. This week, we look to the prophet Isaiah as he delivers God's message to a people scattered in exile, calling them to a future filled with hope and divine help. We celebrate that God who has been our help for many ages, calls us to the same hope and promises in the days and years to come. Hope to see you there!
Reminder: We have resumed in-person worship and continue to live-stream the service on our website and YouTube channel.
Fellowship Time
Coffee Hour-
Volunteers Needed
We are looking for volunteers to help set up, serve and clean up during Fellowship Time Coffee Hour.
Use the link below to sign up to help or contact Amanda in the church office for more information.
Pollinator Garden at UMC Red Bank-
This summer is a hot one! We are always looking for people to come and water our pollinator garden throughout the week. The hose can be pulled up to the garden for convenience. Sign up sheets are on the Green Faith bulletin board, or contact Janie Schildge for more information and to volunteer.
Take a look at how beautifully this year's garden is growing:
Vacation Bible School Work Days-
7/29 & 7/30
Join us for two VBS Work Days on Friday, 7/29 at 6:00 pm and Saturday, 7/30 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. We need help decorating, packing snacks and setting up for programs. All are welcome to come for an hour or the whole time. See Bonnie Deroski for more details.
UMW Craft Group- 7/26
Craft Group will be meeting on Tuesday, July 26 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the Lobby above the Church Library. Come for all or whatever part of that time you have available to help us make our greeting cards. We are already starting to create Halloween and Thanksgiving cards. If you like to knit or crochet (or do another craft) you are welcome to bring your handiwork to do at Craft Group meetings. You can bring a snack/cold drink for our short lunch break (or make a hot drink in the kitchen).
Group Meetings Welcoming Pastor Cam-
The transition team is organizing small group meetings of our congregation to meet Pastor Cam. It is a way for him to meet us in an informal setting.   Several people have graciously offered to host these meetings and some meetings will be at church or on Zoom. However, to keep each meeting small, we ask you to please RSVP which date you wish to attend to Barbara Roguski ( or call the church office 732-747-0446. The following dates still have spots open.
  • July 21 Thursday evening at 7 pm via zoom
  • July 24 Sunday morning at 11:30 am at church Room 114.
  •  July 27 Wednesday evening at 7 pm. Hosts: Mark and Kathy Hackler 53 Stonehenge Drive, Ocean, NJ 07712
  • July 28 Thursday evening at 7 pm via zoom
Vacation Bible School
Donations Needed
It's not too late for VBS!! - Registration for kids is still active on the website and DONATIONS are needed. Sign up sheet for donations is on the entryway table and an example of the items needed can be found by clicking here.
See Bonnie Deroski ( for more information.
Park Playdate With Pastor Cam & Family- 8/20
Calling all families with young children! Bonnie Deroski is hosting another Park Playdate to get to know Pastor Cam and his family on August 20th at 9:30 am at Thompson Park in Middletown. Please come out and give a warm welcome to our new pastor and his family! Weather permitting. See Bonnie with any questions.
Toddler & Baby Friendly Section in the Sanctuary-
At UMCRB, there are many ways we welcome young people to our church. One of the elements of UMCRB is the value the church places on young people and ways in which they are welcomed into fellowship, service and worship. Check out our new toddler friendly section in the back of the Sanctuary. This section is for very young children with parent supervision, only. The soft space is filled with toys, books and space for you and your babies during worship on Sundays. 
Backpack Crew Pantry
Donations Welcome

The Backpack Crew has continued to serve the increasing number of people who are impacted by food insecurity in the midst of this health crisis. Food donations are greatly appreciated on the back porch of the church, Monday though Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.
The June donation request is MICROWAVEABLE MAC & CHEESE CUPS. Thank you for your continued support. Email us at with any questions.
Volunteer Readers Needed!
Sign Up Here to be a Worship Reader This Summer
Summer vacation is here and we need your help! If you have any availability and wish to serve during Sunday worship as a liturgist/reader, use the link here to sign up. Thank you in advance for your continued service to UMC Red Bank!
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of pastoral care,
please contact Rev. Cameron Overbey at or call (732) 747-0446.