⭐️⭐️⭐️ It's time for our June Business Spotlight, and we're loving the newest addition to Calhoun Street ---> The Square Downtown ! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Formerly known as The Queen's Attic building, The Square Downtown was brought to life in October of 2020 by a dedicated family affair - Scott Meacham, Jacob Meacham, Vickie Herring, and Lucian and Tammy Grove - all who have local roots and a strong passion to enhance our beautiful downtown. Inside The Square you'll find retail shops, a spa, office space, a breakfast & lunch café, and special event rentals are welcome - such as birthday parties, receptions, luncheons, class reunions, and more. Come grab a specialty coffee from Alana's Place and stroll the streets of The Square for a unique shopping experience - we promise you'll fall in love with this downtown gem!
Want to book an event?
Monday thru Saturday
7am - 5pm