As is his practice, Bishop Wright has offered short video meditations for spiritual growth during Lent, each one coming with a worksheet. Click here if you would like to participate.
Also click here for the Bishop's podcast with the same title, Letting Go.
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Parish Offices will be closed on
Friday, March 22 so that Parish Hall ducts can be cleaned.
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A message from Lane Norton of the Capital Improvements Committee; Lane is the manager of our Labyrinth project:
A labyrinth is a sacred space that invites the community to come experience peace in God’s presence.
Visual incarnations of the Fibonacci Sequence, the circle and spiral have been used as spiritual symbols by people of many cultures for millennia.
The most famous labyrinths are found in medieval cathedrals throughout Europe, but lesser-known labyrinths can be found all around us, in church and hospital gardens, and even in your neighbors’ backyards. Local examples include labyrinths at Piedmont Hospital, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, and Barrow Elementary School.
Labyrinths have been used throughout history to bring our spirits closer to the presence of the divine; many have been used to make spiritual pilgrimages, in lieu of traditional journeys which are often too physically and financially demanding for most seekers of God’s peace.
We purchased our first labyrinth about 25 years ago, a 32-foot diameter canvas modeled on the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral. While it is a wonderful meditation tool, it is greatly limited in two ways: space and time.
Our labyrinth takes up much-needed space, and because it is indoors, users can come only when a caretaker is present to open the building. Because of the space limitation, it is laid out only a few days a year, adding further time limitation.
A permanent, outdoor labyrinth is available to all, any time of day, without appointment: our personal need for meditative prayer does not always happen only during office hours.
Seekers of all ages can use a labyrinth for both personal meditation and for community-building experiences. Religious education classes, school groups, groups of friends, families with children, and individuals all gain personal and communal insight and peace from traveling the labyrinth. You may not be aware, but people from around the surrounding neighborhoods often use our grounds for their daily walks; many of them would welcome the opportunity to walk a labyrinth. What a wonderful and easy outreach we could offer to our neighbors! There is also an online site , World-Wide Labyrinth
Locator, where we could register our labyrinth and welcome visitors from all over the world.
There are many types of labyrinths: they can be made from a wide variety of materials and there are many layouts to choose from. One layout we are considering is the Reconciliation, or Ceremonial, Path. It was designed by Clare Wilson of South Africa as she worked to bring about a peaceful end to apartheid. This labyrinth has two entrances that merge and lead to one exit, allowing multiple people to use it at once in an exercise focusing on bringing people together.
We have a display in the Parish Hall which includes images of different examples of labyrinths as well as a QR code to access Clare Wilson’s description of her journey to her labyrinth. The estimated cost of the labyrinths we are considering, including landscape
preparation and installation, is about $20,000.
I would like to personally invite you to experience the peace of the labyrinth during Holy Week. We’ll open the week with a special event: a Guided Labyrinth Walk. It’s Sunday, March 24th (Palm Sunday) from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Special meditative music will be provided by Dr. Grace Huang on piano. We’d love to see you there.
Again, I am Lane Norton, a member of your Capital Improvements Campaign Committee, and you are always welcome to reach out to me with any questions. Thank you so much for all that you do to help bring peace and reconciliation to our community.
Lane Norton, a member of your Capital Improvements Campaign Committee
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Architectural Drawings?
If anyone knows the whereabouts of the architectural drawings of the existing sanctuary and parish hall, could you please contact Mark Richardson via email or 912-660-0271? (PS--We already know about the proposed building drawings in the CE Bldg closet. We're looking for the drawings that show the two buildings as they currently stand.) Thanks!
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The cloth labyrinth will be out in Parish Hall from Saturday, March 23 through Maundy Thursday, March 28. Please come and walk the labyrinth at your leisure, when other events are not going on in Parish Hall, during Holy Week.
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Come Keep Vigil With Us
It is a time-worn tradition of the Triduum (the one service containing three liturgies which include Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter) to hold vigil in prayer from Thursday evening at 8PM through Friday morning at 9AM, keeping company with the suffering Christ. Sign up for the vigil can be found by clicking here or sign up in the narthex when you're in church!
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Treasurer's Note
2024 budgeted revenues: $414,914
2024 budgeted expenses: $415,319
The 2024 budget calls for an annual deficit of $405.
The data below are year to date through February 29,2024.
Actual YTD Revenues: $98,845
Budgeted YTD Revenues: $78,320
YTD revenues are $20,525 above budget.
Actual YTD Expenses: $67,868
Budgeted YTD Expenses: $68,734
YTD expenses are $868 under budget.
Actual YTD Net Total (+surplus/-deficit): $30,976
Budgeted YTD Net Total: $ 9,586
YTD Net Total is $21,390 over budget.
The year-to-date budget surplus is due to over budget year-to-date revenues. Some parishioners give once a year, and the amount and the timing are hard to predict. The actual revenues trend toward being very close to budgeted revenues by the end of the year.
An increase of $52,000 in pledges is needed to lift the current wage and hiring freeze.
The Finance Committee meets in the conference room next to Kendall’s office the Sunday before the vestry meeting (Vestry normally meets the first Tuesday of the month) after the 10:30 service. Visitors are welcome to the Finance Committee meetings in person or via Zoom.
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Join Emmanuel and St. Gregory the Great at Candler in Atlanta!
Come see The Philadelphia Eleven, the historic story of civil disobedience in ordaining the first women priests in the Episcopal Church. Transportation is available from Emmanuel Episcopal Church to this event. To register for transportation, please call Emmanuel Episcopal Church Parish Administrator at 706-543-1294. Registration for the screening and reception requires a separate step. Please use the QR code to reserve your space at the screening. See ya there!
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New Offering for Church Leaders: "Kindle Holy Fire"
Kindle Holy Fire is an immersive online training for church leaders to learn to adapt to change and discern God's future in a changing world. The Diocese of Atlanta, in partnership with the Society for the Increase of the Ministry (SIM), is offering this training for free to Diocese of Atlanta and Province IV parishes through a grant from Trinity Wallstreet. Kindle Holy Fire is a 14-week, self-paced, experiential immersion in the "Hearts on Fire" spiritual leadership practices that support the work of leaders navigating change. Specifically, churches will build their capacities for deep discernment, relationship-building, holy listening, letting go, prophetic imagining, adaptation, and design. The first online training cohort will start in April and is being offered to those leaders of Province IV who are reimagining church, and it is especially geared for leaders of small congregations. Interested in registering for the first cohort? Contact Sally.
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Wednesdays February 21, 28, & March 6, 13, 20, & 27 @ 5:30PM in the Sanctuary
The stations mark Jesus’ journey through the streets of Jerusalem from his arrest and trial to his crucifixion and burial. At each station, we pause for a brief reading and prayer.
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Easter Egg Hunt
Easter is almost here, and among the many Easter week events will be the Children’s Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday! We need some candy donations to fill our plastic eggs (we have plenty of plastic eggs). If you would like to help out, bring donations to the copy room across from Kendall’s office. And remember, we are a peanut free parish. Thanks!
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Easter lilies
If you wish to dedicate an Easter lily in honor/thanksgiving of someone living or in remembrance of someone deceased, please complete the yellow form found in the narthex and leave the form and your donation in the offering plate or in Kendall’s office (or email Kendall directly)
The suggested donation is $15/lily. The deadline is Monday, March 25. ** Please note the additional question we ask on the form: Would you like to keep your lily after Easter or have it given to Pastoral Care to take to one of our shut-ins? **
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Easter Morning Reception
The Parish Life Committee will host a festive reception in the Parish Hall after the 10 am service on Easter Day. The congregation is invited to bring food offerings to share, if you would like! Suggestions include cookies, small sandwiches, veggies, fruit, cheese and crackers, etc.
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8am and 10:30am * Liturgy of the Palms & Holy Eucharist
(8am begins in sanctuary; 10:30am begins in the courtyard)
5:30 pm Stations of the Cross
6pm Holy Eucharist & Healing Service
7pm * Maundy Thursday Liturgy & Stripping of Altar
Thurs. 9pm - Good Fri. 11am
Jesus said,”Could you not stay awake with me one hour?”
Sign-up sheet is in the narthex for 1-hr time slots
12pm Good Friday Liturgy
7pm * Good Friday Liturgy
8:30pm* Festival Eucharist & Choir
starts outside with the lighting of the Paschal Candle
Please bring noisemakers, pots, pans, cowbells, airhorns, drums for the
Great Noise to ring in Easter!
EASTER DAY, March 31
10am* Festival Eucharist, Baptism, & Choir
followed by an Easter Reception
(please bring a finger food if you’re able!)
& Easter Egg Hunt for children
**(please note only 1 service on Easter morning)
* live streaming services
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Youth DnD Night
Our next youth DnD night will be April 5th at 7pm in the youth room. Snacks will be provided but feel free to bring your favorites! Feel free to come dressed as your character or in pajamas!
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Stewardship Committee
Next Stewardship Committee meeting will be Friday, April 19th @ 3:30 pm - we meet in the Parish Hall. We welcome all who are interested in participating in our next Stewardship Campaign.
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Blue Jean Sunday
Save the date for Sunday, April 14: Blue Jean Sunday! Come enjoy a free lunch and help us spring clean the church! Everyone wear their blue jeans to church that day and bring your gardening gloves. Jobs for every ability!
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Confirmation Classes
Wanna learn more about or brush up on all things Episcopal? Wanna get baptized, confirmed, reaffirmed, or received into the Episcopal Church Family? Learn why we use all those fancy words for the spaces in the church and the shiny stuff on the altar. And why we wear long dresses up front, every single Sunday. Learn why Mother Nikki can't remember anybody's name. It's all Confirmation class!
Class will begin on April 14th following the 10:30am service for all who are interested in being confirmed, received, reaffirmed, or just want to learn more about the Episcopal Church. If you and/or your child are interested please let either Mother Nikki or Wade McGlammery know as soon as possible.
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Beginning on Friday, April 19, St Gregory's will be offering a monthly Ceilidh service (pronounced kay-lee). Based on a Gaelic tradition of celebrating community and hospitality, a folk liturgy complete with live folk music and a meal will be offered in the Christian Education building at 6:30PM. Foot washing and hand anointing will also be available at these services for anyone who wants to take part. Any musicians that are interested in helping to provide the music for these services, as well as anyone with questions about the service, are encouraged to reach out to Wade McGlamery.
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Adult Sunday School
Adult Discussion Group: (Parish Hall) The Adult Spiritual Formation Sunday morning Bible Study meets at 9:15AM in the Parish Hall. We are currently discussing the Gospel of Mark led by Wayne Coppins. Please join us!
Lectionary Class: (Library) The lectionary class meets in the Library at 9:15AM. We study the assigned readings for each Sunday. Please contact Les House at 478-733-2939 or via email if you have any questions.
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Children’s Sunday School continues for children in grades K-5/6 beginning at 9:15 with a gathering time in the Children’s Chapel located on the ground floor of the education building. We go to the upstairs classrooms at 9:30 and hold our program until roughly 10:20. It would be great if parents could drop off children and pick them up again when the group time is over. That would help keep our youngsters safer!
Children’s Chapel/Church starts with families gathering in the Sanctuary at the 10:30 service for opening announcements, music, and prayers. The children then adjourn to the Children’s Chapel for their own worship time, including their lighting candles, having a short and usually interactive lesson, saying a doxology, singing, and saying the prayers of our young people. Children return to the Sanctuary during the peace, so that they can join their families for communion. Children of all ages are welcome to attend the children’s service time.
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Outpace Parkinsons: April 6
Jack Armistead has again chaired a committee to plan the annual 5K run/walk in support of Parkinson’s research through the Michael J. Fox Foundation. This year’s event will honor his late wife Jane (1946-2023) for her work toward finding a cure for Parkinson’s. Outpace Parkinson’s 9 will start at 8 am on April 6th in Sandy Creek Park, Pavilion 1. Runners can choose either on-site or virtual participation. To qualify for a T-shirt, they should register by midnight, March 22nd. Late registration will be available as well. There will be a full slate of awards and plenty of refreshments and opportunities to socialize. Donations to the Parkinson’s research effort are also encouraged. Details about the race and links to registration and donations can be found at
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Orthodox Tours
In Oct 2022 Anthony Barkdoll went to Israel and Jordan on a tour with a group called Orthodox tours, with his in-laws who are Greek orthodox (his sister-in-law painted the icon in the sanctuary). The person that runs the Orthodox tours, Father Ilya Gotlinsky, is trying to fill up spots for a trip to England called "In the Footsteps of the Early English Saints" and asked if any parishioners at St Gregory would be interested. Here's the link for the tour.
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Camp Mikell
The Episcopal Church offers Kid camp, Junior camp, Intermediate camp, and Youth camp experiences specifically tailored to each age group. There is also a Mini camp experience for young children to explore with a parent, as well as a performing arts camp. Registration for summer 2024 camps is now open. Check out the website for more information!
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The Athens Area Emergency Food Bank needs pork & beans, boxed mac & cheese, and cold breakfast cereals! Please help us fill the Little Red Wagon! | | |
vernal equinox
a balance of
both dark and light
daytime lengthens
to equal night
the day we mark
once every year
in hope that spring
will soon appear
from underground
or planted seed
in flower fruit
or crop to feed
in blossom bright
with smell so sweet
for birds and bees
and bugs to eat
alice mohor
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Instructions for Live Streaming
Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:
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If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it.
When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it.
Welcome to worship!
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Meeting Opportunities
Parish community offerings via Zoom or in person:
* Holy Eucharist and Healing Service Please join us on Wednesday evenings at 6PM in the sanctuary for eucharist and prayers for healing.
* Community Yoga Monday evenings January 8 - May 27 @ 5:30pm. ALL are welcome! Donations are accepted, a portion of which will go to Saint Gregory for use of the space. We do have a small supply of props but please bring a yoga mat.
* Blindspot Group Our 20s and 30s group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 6:30PM and the 2nd Sunday of each month at 6PM for dinner and a small group study (usually off-site of the church). We also meet at least once a month for game nights, dinner and drinks, movie nights, and more. Newcomers are always welcome! Contact Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837 for more information.
Hebrew Reading meets via Zoom on Wednesdays from 1-3PM. If you're interested, email Joel Hunt for more info!
Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!
* St. Gregory's Book Club meets the first Friday of the month in the library @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future. Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.
*Threads of Prayer meets on the 1st Tuesdays of the month @1PM! We'll meet outside if the weather is good and inside the Christian Ed building if the weather is bad. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!
*Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays. 1st & 3rd Saturdays at St. Gregory's library and 2nd & 4th & 5th Saturdays at the Somerville's house ! Email Peter Rice
* group(s) meeting in person
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