Call for Nominations
For Open Seat
OML Board District 3
TO: District 3 OML Member Municipalities
(Mayor, City Manager, Town Administrator, Council-Members & Clerk) 
FROM:  The Honorable Kim Peterson, OML President
SUBJECT: Call for Nominations in District 3

The Board seat representing District 3 on the Oklahoma Municipal League Board of Directors is up for election this year and will be voted on at the 2022 OML Annual Business Meeting held during the OML Annual Conference in Tulsa on Thursday morning, September 15, 2022. The current District 3 Board Member is Stephen Brinlee, Mayor of Wilburton, and he has chosen not to run again. This will be an open seat.

Any municipal official of any of the OML member municipalities on this list that is interested in this position should submit a letter of interest, resume and a resolution from your municipality supporting your nomination to the OML offices, 201 NE 23rd Street, Attention: Caitlin Lee or email Deadline is Tuesday, August 2, 2022. A sample resolution is included for your convenience.

Thank you for your interest.